Chapter 447 The Trouble Is Getting Bigger
At this moment, a child next to him smiled and said: "I know what you are talking about, you are talking about the Wu family, right?"

Zhou Hui was surprised, did he really know this?
I saw the child proudly said: "Sister Yin is a powerful person, she is going to marry and go to the capital to be the future princess!"

"Child, who told you this?"

The child said: "A grandpa said it." After speaking, he pouted and pointed at Mr. Chen, "It's even older than this grandpa!"

Seeing Zhou Hui stunned in place, Mr. Chen ignored him and walked quickly towards Yin Ziying who was in the arena.

Yin Ziying naturally noticed Mr. Chen, she nodded with a smile: "Mr. Chen."

"Talk over there."

When the two walked away from the crowd, Mr. Chen looked at Yin Ziying seriously. This was the first time he had looked at Yin Ziying so seriously since he knew her.

This little girl was beyond his expectations, she was smarter and more capable than he had imagined.

After a long while, he said, "When will these grains flow out of Qinan Mansion?"

"Mr. Chen was joking, not to mention leaving Qinan Mansion, even leaving this county in a short period of time will not work."

Old Chen's complexion changed a little, and he finally said: "I know what you and that kid surnamed Wei are planning, I don't care about it, let me ask you, is your food really as you said, and it will be sold in Dayan in the future Flowering all over the place?"

Yin Ziying nodded solemnly: "It's natural, Mr. Chen. When I first planted rice in the Northland, I just wanted to feed the common people."

"Okay! That's good! That's good! Little girl, remember what you said, one day, let all the people have enough to eat."

Yin Ziying nodded, of course she would say so, the reason why the Ministry of Agriculture is not allowed to transport the grain seeds away is just because she doesn't want to make that person cheaper, and when the matter is finished, she will naturally let everyone grow these seeds New crops.

Suddenly, Old Chen said: "You have achieved such great success in planting rice, have you never thought about planting wheat?"

Of course, Yin Ziying has done wheat planting before. Even now, she still has some wheat in her space. Later, she shelved her wheat plan because she was testing rice.

Seeing that she was silent, Old Chen said: "Little girl, do you know how much wheat is produced per mu? As far as I know, the yield of wheat per mu here is more than 300 catties, right? Let me tell you, the yield per mu of wheat in Dayan Dynasty The highest yield is only [-] catties per mu, but the poorest places are less than [-] catties, little girl, there are too many people in this world who can’t get enough to eat.”

Yin Ziying frowned, she finally knew why Mr. Chen came to talk to her, but she didn't refuse, because she had space and wanted to improve farming.

However, in addition to the issue of seeds, in addition to the issue of whether there is no yield per mu, in her opinion, the climate and the soil and water environment are also definitely related.

How can this be improved by seeds?Even if she takes the seeds produced in the space to plant in those places, it may not be much better.

She thought so, and she said it truthfully.

Mr. Chen nodded after listening, "What you said is indeed reasonable. It is true that some places have water and soil problems, but the conditions are so, what else can we do? If we don't grow food, where will we get food?"

"If there is such a place, why not move?"

"You think too much, there are not many places like this in the world, how can every common people want to relocate?"

Yin Ziying lowered her head and thought, indeed, as long as it is not a natural disaster, these ancient people are not willing to move. In their view, the ancestors have been in the same place for generations, and that is also the root.

She looked up at Old Chen, "What does Old Chen want me to do?"

She thought, she probably guessed what Chen Lao meant.

Old Chen laughed, and stopped to look at her after a while, "Little girl, I believe that all the land in the world, except for the very special ones, can grow things. Otherwise, how can we explain that those grains can't grow well and plants can't grow?" There are many places!"

Yin Ziying was blessed to the heart: "Mr. Chen wants me to teach according to the locality. What is the real suitable thing for planting in such a place?"

After finishing speaking, Old Chen smiled even more happily. After laughing, he looked at Yin Ziying and said, "Yes, yes, little girl, you are very smart, that's what I mean."

Yin Ziying thought for a while, then said: "I can do my best to study more seeds, but I can't go to those barren places, at least not now."

Old Chen was overjoyed when he heard this, what he was looking for was this little girl's heart softening for a moment, if she really softened her heart, it would not be difficult for her to take care of some seeds carefully, I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected joy of her going there in person .

Although she said that it would not work in the short term, she didn't deny it, did she?There will be opportunities in the future, you must know that this little girl is only seventeen or eighteen years old this year.

At such an age, her life still has a long way to go. If she devotes half of her life to farming, Chen Lao feels that maybe the people of the Great Yan Dynasty will no longer be hungry. .

At this moment, Chen Lao felt extremely happy in his heart.

And Yin Ziying was also thinking in her heart, if something really happened in the future, she would go far away, wondering if Wei Lingyi would be willing to be with her.

If he doesn't want to, then she can also take Gu Yunxuan, Yin Ruilin and others there. While doing these things, she can take them on a study tour, and at the same time, she can also take the opportunity to expand the location of the space.

While everyone in Baijia Village was overjoyed, the Qi Nan Mansion and the Wu family were not peaceful.

Wu Ziming watched his father pacing anxiously. The old man sitting directly above him didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He just quietly looked at the small bowl of full grains of millet in front of him.

It was sent from that village. I heard that it was planted by Ling'er's fiancée. I didn't expect that they also planted rice in the Northland. He just said, how could the grandson's eyesight be so bad?

Wu Ziming paced back and forth, seeing that his father still looked like an old god, he couldn't help but said, "Father, what time are you still looking at this thing? Do you know what's going on outside now?"

He really couldn't figure it out, it was obvious that his nephew's background had been revealed, why his family's troubles were getting bigger and bigger, it would be better if he didn't have that status!
Mr. Wu looked at his eldest son, and said in a calm voice: "No matter what happens outside, our Wu family must remain calm, and don't get into trouble for Ling'er recklessly."

Before Wu Ziming could speak, a person rushed in from outside, "Grandpa, why did our Wu family cause trouble for him? Right now, he is clearly the one who caused us trouble. Our Wu family raised him, and his marriage should have been done in the first place." To sell us a face, see how he does it? That's fine, those people came to the door two days ago, and I heard that he was an angel!"

It might as well be that someone broke in suddenly. Both Mr. Wu and Wu Ziming were frightened for a day. Wu Ziming angrily scolded his son, "What are you doing! What are you doing? Why are you talking to your grandfather? You are lawless, aren't you?"

Wu Yang said in dissatisfaction: "Why can't I say it? Dad, our family obviously treated him with kindness, how do you see how he treats our Wu family? It's fine if he hasn't returned home after proving his identity, but now he is causing trouble." This kind of disaster really makes us witch..."

The boy made a crackling sound like beans being poured out of a bamboo tube, Wu Ziming was angry and annoyed, especially when he saw his father's face as dark as water, he panicked even more, and simply slapped his son on the face.

(End of this chapter)

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