Chapter 448

A crisp sound of "pop" sounded in the house, Wu Yang covered his face and looked at his father in disbelief, "Father, you hit me?"

"You were the one who beat you. How did you talk to your grandfather? What did you say about your third brother?"

Wu Yang looked at his father with red eyes, and the hatred for Wei Lingyi deepened in his heart, and he couldn't help but said: "Where is he my third brother? Didn't he go back to his Zhennan Palace a long time ago?"

Old Man Wu snorted coldly from above, and Wu Yang froze all of a sudden. Old Man Wu gave his eldest grandson a cold look, and then snorted, "People in their 20s still can't tell right from wrong. No matter how big or small, go directly to the sea!"

Wu Yang froze, going to sea?How about that?
The third uncle only came back once half a year when he went to sea in the south. When he came back last time, he said that the boat almost capsized halfway, and that so many people died every year because of going to sea, he didn't want to.

Wu Ziming gave his son a push, and then apologized to his old father, "Father, Yang'er is too anxious, please leave him alone, he is just a child."

If he really wants to let his son go to sea, not to mention that his wife will blame him to death, even he himself, as a father, is not at ease.

Mr. Wu immediately put on a cold face, "It's no small thing to have a bad temper! What kind of face do you want to be in charge of Ling'er's marriage? Did you raise him or teach him? Let me tell you, don't use these crooked thoughts, or you will Don't want the identity of the young master of the Wu family."

As soon as these words came out, not only Wu Yang, but even Wu Ziming's face turned bitter.

Before Wu Ziming opened his mouth to intercede, Mr. Wu said again: "Don't say whether we are qualified to be the master of Ling'er's marriage, just say that Ling'er's current marriage is even approved by his parents, what qualifications do you have to talk about right and wrong?"

Most of the glory and property of the Wu family were laid down by Ling'er, why are they so big-faced?Still want to control Ling'er's marriage?

Wu Ziming's face turned green and pale at the old father's words. It is true that he had thought about letting Ling'er marry the niece of the Yue family, but didn't the marriage be settled without saying anything?

How could you scold him again?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help blaming his wife a little bit, and since he had thought about it in his heart, since it didn't work out, he shouldn't bring it up again.Look at this, let the son listen to it, and talk about it in front of the old father, this is really...

Wu Ziming complained incessantly, but Wu Yang on the other side was frightened by the words of Mr. Wu just now. Grandpa even said that if he continued to make trouble, he would be deprived of his status as the eldest son of the Wu family. How can that be done?
Seeing that Wu Ling left the Wu family, although the third uncle was good at business, he went out to do business every day. Sooner or later, the Wu family would be handed over to him. If he lost his status as the young master of the Wu family, how could he? Can inherit the family business?
Wu Ziming said with a bitter face: "Father, Yang'er was really confused just now, don't be as knowledgeable as him, but Ling'er, did you really cause trouble in the capital?"

Thinking of the angel's visit to the door two days ago, and then contacting the state of Fucheng recently, he felt a chill in his heart. He always felt that the nephew must have done something extraordinary in the capital again.

If the nephew was really a troublemaker in the capital, others would not be able to figure him out based on his status, but they, a small merchant in the old witch's family, couldn't escape.

If not these things, then what else?Something more serious?What will happen to their witch family?

"What are you panicking about? Ling'er has a different status now, even in the capital there are not many people who can't afford to offend, so don't worry."

Even though he said that, Wu Ziming was not comforted, "But Dad, an angel came to the door two days ago, it's an angel!"

Mr. Wu glanced at his son indifferently, and sighed in his heart. Among the three sons, the second son was the most promising.Originally thought that the eldest son was at least stable, but now it seems that those stable times are just small scenes, and they can't stand the storm at all.

"Let me ask you, how long has it been since the angel came to Qinan Mansion?"

Wu Ziming was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It seems... It seems that it has been a long time."

"Since it's been a long time since you came to our Wu's house, why are you so afraid? What you should worry about is the family that has been visited by angels."

Wu Ziming was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up, "Father, what do you mean..."

Old Master Wu waved his hand: "I don't mean anything else, I just want you not to be afraid of this and that. If Ling'er is not here, then at least one of you and the third child will take up this burden."

Hearing this, Wu Ziming's eyes flashed with joy, even Wu Yang behind him was no exception. They already knew that with Wei Lingyi's ability, the Wu family would be handed over to him, but now the opportunity seems to be in their hands... …

The old man Wu ignored what the father and son thought, but said: "Be safe these two days, especially with your wife, don't think I don't know what she is going to promise others? I warn you, Ling'er may not With her being an aunt, King Zhennan is not sure."

Wu Ziming turned pale, and nodded in a panic, "Father, I understand, don't worry."

Seeing the hopeless appearance of the eldest son, Mr. Wu sighed. The eldest son was actually not half as smart as Ling'er, and he, Wu Qixian, was not stupid either. How did he give birth to such a son?
Originally, he thought that the Wu family would flourish if handed over to Ling'er, but he didn't realize that Ling'er had nothing to do with their Wu family, and he didn't know whether this was good or bad for their Wu family.

It is a good thing for the rich and powerful to take care of them, but what is the current situation of the Zhennan Palace?
Seeing their father/grandpa drooping in thought, both Wu Ziming and Wu Yang lowered their heads in silence, and they didn't dare to say anything about going out. When Mr. Wu came back to his senses, he saw this scene, and immediately waved his hands in disgust, " Let's go, why are you here? Don't stand in the way!"

Wu Ziming & Wu Yang: ...

"Yes, son/grandson is leaving."

Seeing that people were about to go out, Mr. Wu thought of something again, and said again: "By the way, don't cause trouble for these two days, Ling'er's fiancée is coming."

Ling's daughter-in-law?Isn't that the little peasant girl from Baijia Village?

Now even Wu Ziming didn't care about demeanor, and asked directly: "Father, is the little girl from Baijia Village coming?"

"Otherwise, who else is there? Let me tell you, let your wife and the third son's family prepare well. If you offend someone, I can't spare you."

Wu Ziming's expression was a bit weird, "Of course I know, Dad, don't worry! But, why is that girl coming to our house?" This hasn't been done yet...

Mr. Wu stared, "Why are you here? Of course you came to see me, an old man. Why, why don't you allow that girl to be filial?"

"Father, what are you talking about..." Wu Ziming wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Although Miss Yin is engaged, she hasn't passed the door yet. Isn't it ugly to come here and spread the word outside?"

I haven't heard of any unmarried lady who will visit her fiancé's house. Generally speaking, after a marriage is settled, they are not allowed to visit.

(End of this chapter)

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