Chapter 451

He suppressed the pain and discomfort in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice: "Princess, has something happened recently? Is it related to the affairs of the court?"

"No, you think too much."

"Then how could..."

Before she finished speaking, the eldest princess got up and said: "That's what I called you here today, nothing else, Xu Fang, think about it carefully!"

"What do you think, I don't want to, Changyue, I don't want to reconcile!" Xu Fang said firmly.

Princess Changyue let out a mournful sigh before saying, "Why are you doing this?"

"Why do I want to reconcile? Changyue, don't think that you can play like this just because you are a princess. My Xu family is full of Confucian scholars. Even if you want to divorce, you can't do it. I have never failed you in these years."

Princess Changyue frowned, and nodded after a while: "What you said is that I am sorry for you."

Xu Fang said loudly: "Don't talk anymore, today is not a good time to talk, we will talk when you are in good condition, I, Xu Fang, will not agree."

After finishing speaking, Xu Fang cupped his hands and said to the eldest princess, "Xu will leave."

Princess Changyue: ...

In the corner, Nanny Zhang sighed, His Royal Highness and the son-in-law are like this, why bother?
It's just that she is an old slave who has been with Princess Changyue for many years after all, and she knows in her heart that since the princess speaks, it is settled, so she dare not say anything.


In the palace, after a period of indifference from the emperor, Concubine Geng already knew from her eyes and ears that something had happened to her brother.

A case that could get her elder brother imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and there was no news outside the palace, even if she didn't know the reason, she knew that it must be a big and big case.

But, what kind of case would make the emperor who is so greedy for her not to come to her palace, and not to send news from outside the palace?
Concubine Geng, who was radiant and radiant, had deep eyes at the moment, and the maids and servants in the palace lowered their heads and did not dare to breathe, for fear of accidentally offending the imperial concubine whom the emperor loved so much.

After a long time, Concubine Geng stroked her hair and stood up, and told the court ladies and eunuchs beside her, "Bring me water, I want to get dressed."

The maids and eunuchs did not dare to refuse, and retreated one after another. The master wanted to take a bath and change clothes, so he needed to burn incense and cook tea, and there was no room for mistakes.

Aunt Yun came back from the outside, and seeing the busyness in the palace, she couldn't help but stepped forward and stood behind Concubine Geng to serve, "Your Majesty wants to take a bath? Let the servants serve you!"

"No need." Concubine Geng's voice was light, she turned her head to look at Aunt Yun, "Come back from Xuanyue? How about Xuanyue's side?"

Princess Xuanyue is the Seventh Princess of the current dynasty, and she is also the jewel in her palm, not to mention her, even today she is loved very much.

Although the emperor forbids her to travel these days, she still has the right to visit her daughter's palace.

Aunt Yun said: "Everything is fine with the princess, she just wants to go out of the palace to play, but His Majesty doesn't allow it."

"Yun is weird." Geng Guifei sneered, and said after a while: "You have been traveling every day for the past two days, but someone..."

Aunt Yun's expression froze, and she quickly shook her head, "Mother, the people in the harem now run as fast as a rabbit seeing a wolf when they see me." There is no one who greets and warms up the relationship like in the past.

Hearing this, Concubine Geng paused, seemingly not surprised.

Aunt Yun's face showed a bit of anxiety, "Your Majesty, look at this, what should we do? There is no news from outside."

Logically speaking, even if their uncle and lord committed a crime, there are still uncles and wives outside. They are the celebrities beside Princess Changyue, and they are also Princess Ningle personally appointed by the royal imperial pen. If others do not send news, she will You should be in a hurry.

Others said that the husband and wife of the uncle and his wife were at odds, but the caring people around her, the empress, knew that it was just for show to outsiders.

No matter how bad it is, they are still husband and wife, and husband and wife are one body, so they should run around for a while.

Concubine Geng snorted coldly, "What news can she send in? When something like this happens, do you think the court ministers and His Majesty are not on guard against her? It's not Princess Changyue..."

Speaking of this, her eyes drooped, and she sneered again, "What's the use of following the eldest princess like a servant for so many years? At the critical moment, I can't borrow any strength."

Aunt Yun lowered her head and didn't dare to speak, she could not judge whether it was her uncle, wife or mother, let alone the eldest princess involved.

At this time, a court lady came in from the outside, seeing Concubine Geng Gui, she immediately said: "Madam, the hot water is ready, do you think it's time to bring it in now?"

"Well, take it!"

In a short while, the room was filled with smog and a faint fragrance. The woman's beautiful face was reflected in the huge bathtub. If someone saw this scene, they would definitely have imaginations.

After a long time, the court lady Hong Ling asked beside the bathtub: "Your Majesty, do you want to change into the suit sent by the Fashion Bureau a few days ago? The servant girl looked at the set of Hulan lattice brocade pipa sleeves and Jing brocade handed over collar." The top matches you very well, and a camellia flower skirt underneath will definitely look good."

The whole palace knows that the clothes she wears are always very good-looking, otherwise Concubine Geng Guifei would not value her so much.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Geng suddenly said lightly, "No, let's wear that set of off-white silk with weft and weft, and match it with that off-white and orange hidden needle slanted brown skirt."

Hong Ling was taken aback, a little surprised, firstly because Concubine Geng had too many clothes, she did not expect Concubine Geng to remember what clothes she had.The second is that she doesn't seem to know about this set of clothes. She manages the clothes and jewelry in the palace on weekdays. If there are such clothes, how can she not know about them?

Hong Ling didn't understand, but there were people who knew how to do it. Hearing Concubine Geng Guifei's words, Aunt Yun's hands froze for a moment, then hurriedly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, let the servants go!"

That set of clothes made the empress dote on her in one fell swoop, how could she not know?

Geng Guifei narrowed her eyes slightly, and hummed softly.

Soon, Aunt Yun brought the suit, and Hong Ling looked at the suit with surprise in her eyes.

Without him, this dress is too ordinary compared to the other clothes of the empress, the material is not good, even this style, it looks very old.This dress doesn't look like what the empresses in the palace wear, nor does it look like those worn by noble ladies from big families, but rather like those worn by women from small families.

Aunt Yun tugged at Hong Ling's sleeve, and gave her a warning look, Hong Ling quickly lowered her eyelashes and carefully helped Concubine Geng get dressed.

When the clothes were on her body, Hong Ling's eyes lit up, she just looked a bit rustic in this clothes, she didn't want to wear it on her own mother, but it turned out to be so eye-catching.

How is this half rustic?On the contrary, it seems that the empress is like the fairy daughter who fell into the mortal world, looking helpless and pitiful.

While helping Concubine Geng fasten her girdle, Aunt Yun praised: "After so many years, your empress is still like this. She is really loved by the heavens."

Following her line of sight and looking into the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Concubine Geng smiled, "Let Aunt Yun do the dressing today."

Aunt Yun lowered her head, she first took a soft cloth to help her master wipe her hair, and then began to prepare for her makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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