Chapter 452 Becoming Someone's Dog
In the evening, Aunt Yun and Concubine Geng left the palace and headed all the way to the Tai Chi Hall where the emperor was.

As expected, the two of them were stopped on the way to the Tai Chi Hall. Aunt Yun looked at her master, "Niang Niang, look..."

Concubine Geng pointed to the imperial garden not far away, "I'll go there for a stroll, Aunt Yun, do you understand what I mean?"

Aunt Yun was taken aback, the master couldn't get in, how could she get into the Tai Chi Hall?

"Yunshang, I heard that the eunuch Wan Zhuo has three adopted sons, one of them is Wan Rong..."

Aunt Yun's face paled suddenly, Wan Rong, it was Wan Rong, the master actually took a fancy to her relationship...

Wan Zhuo, the great eunuch next to the emperor, was the eunuch in charge, and he adopted three sons, Wan Rong was one of them.And this Wan Rong happened to be her fiancé when she was in the country back then, and after coming to the palace, the two lovers finally got married and became opposites.

She said, the reason why the master is sure of winning is because he has already thought about which move to take, but it is just to sacrifice her Wanrong.

She closed her eyes, and heard Concubine Geng slowly say: "Yunshang, you know how capable brother is, you have survived this test, not to mention the family behind the two of you, it is you and Wan Rong The relationship between the two will be made public one day, don't you want to be like this one day?"

Concubine Geng's voice was already full of natural charm, but there was no trace of coquettishness in Aunt Yun's heart at this moment, only chills all over her body.

But she couldn't do anything, because she knew in her heart that what the empress said was right, if she wanted to protect her and Wanrong herself, and the family behind her, then she could only help the empress.

As early as the year when the empress favored the sixth palace with her dance, she had already boarded this ship.

She closed her eyes again, and blessed Concubine Geng Gui, "Don't worry, empress, slave girl, I will not disgrace my life."

Concubine Geng smiled with her lips curled up, her smile was so bright that it would dazzle people's eyes, "Go, Yunshang."

After all, she went to the Royal Garden without looking back. Here, Aunt Yun looked around, and finally went to Wanrong's usual residence to wait.

I don't know if it was Concubine Geng who took the time well or her time, but she just sat down in the room, and within a quarter of an hour, the door creaked and came in.

Seeing the person sitting on the bed, Wan Rong was overjoyed, and stepped forward to hold her hand: "Yunniang, why are you here?"

Yun Chang looked at the fair-skinned man in front of him, tried hard to suppress the panic in his heart, but still showed a trace of timidity and intolerance.

Seeing her like this, Wan Rong immediately panicked, "Yunniang, what's wrong with you? Did Concubine Geng make you angry? Don't worry, Concubine Geng..."

Before he finished speaking, Wan Rong stared blankly at the woman in front of him, and suddenly said: "I understand, it was Concubine Geng who asked you to come, didn't she?"

Aunt Yun's eyes were red, and she couldn't help but shed tears in the end, "Rong Lang..."

This crying made Wan Rong's heart feel sad, but it also made her feel extremely distressed. Could it be that those who were not protected back then are still unable to be protected now?

"Yunniang, tell me what Concubine Geng Guiwan wants me to do."

Aunt Yun glanced outside and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, she is in the Imperial Garden."

This is the meaning of attracting people, Wan Rong was shocked, although he is the adopted son of eunuch Wan Zhuo, he is not the only one, nor is he the most favored one.
On weekdays, he rarely had contact with the emperor.

But today, once he set off to go to the emperor by himself, not to mention others, at least those two sworn brothers would not let him go, I'm afraid there would be even bigger troubles.If he sent a letter to His Majesty through his foster father... No, his foster father would never do such a risky thing.

Then, there is only one possibility, to exchange the father-son relationship between him and his adoptive father for a chance for him to speak in person, but if this is the case, his way in this palace will come to an end.

Seeing his hesitation, Aunt Yun's face was also very disturbed. Of course, she knew what Wanrong would lose, but if he didn't follow suit and didn't tell her how to explain, what would happen to the family behind them?
"Rong Lang, the imperial concubine said that if it is done, we can be together in the open and aboveboard in the future. If not, our family..."

Wan Rong felt cold all over. In the hot weather, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.That's right, that's Concubine Geng. Others said that she favored the Sixth Palace because of her beauty, but he knew that this concubine was also a good-hearted concubine.

Otherwise, after so many years, why no one in the harem could pass her?

He held Aunt Yun's hand, "I see, Niang Yun, I'll talk about it."

Aunt Yun's eyes were filled with tears, how could she have come to this point, it was just a last resort.

The two hugged each other and cried for a while. After a while, Wan Rong pushed away Aunt Yun's body, opened the door and walked resolutely into the darkness.

Inside the house, Aunt Yun stood up and straightened her clothes and hair before heading towards the Royal Garden.


In the Tai Chi Hall, Wan Zhuo, the eunuch with palm prints, was standing behind the emperor, suddenly a young eunuch moved in front of the door, he raised his eyebrows, looked at the frowning emperor who was looking at the book, and then went out.

The little eunuch was very pleasantly surprised to see him, and quickly whispered something beside him, Wan Zhuo raised his eyebrows, his expression changed from surprise to comprehension, and finally turned cold.

He returned to the hall and took a look at the emperor who was still reading the scriptures, and then walked to the side hall. In the side hall, one of his adopted sons, Wan Rong, was sitting upright, apparently waiting for him.

As soon as Wan Zhuo came in, Wan Rong knelt down.


Wan Zhuo didn't dodge, just received his salute, then shook his whisk and said in a cold voice: "Speak, what's the matter."

Of course, he knows the people he trained by himself, if nothing happened, they would definitely not be like this.

Thinking about his godson and the aunt next to Concubine Geng, his eyes became even colder.Although he thought that because of this incident, the emperor would not change his attitude towards Concubine Geng, who was the most favored of the Sixth Palace, but he could not accept that the person he cultivated by himself became someone else's dog.

No matter what the reason, he couldn't accept it.

Wan Rong raised his head and caught a glimpse of his expression, and felt even more bitter in his heart, but he still had so many lives on his shoulders, so he didn't dare to be careless immediately, and explained Geng Guifei's meaning in detail.

After hearing this, Wan Zhuo's expression turned colder, "Have you finished?"

Wan Rong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a pale face.

"Wan Rong, do you know what path you are taking? Once we start, you and I will not be father and son."

Wan Rong suppressed the bitterness in his heart, and said in a difficult voice: "Yes, adoptive father, the son knows."

Raising the whisk in his hand, Wan Zhuo glanced at the kneeling man on the ground, pointed to the little eunuch outside, "After changing his clothes, you can go."

Wan Rong was stunned for a moment, with tears in his eyes, he kowtowed heavily to Wan Zhuo, "Son Wan Rong, thank you adoptive father."

(End of this chapter)

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