Chapter 453
In the main hall of the Tai Chi Hall, the emperor rubbed his eyes after reading the booklet in his hand, Wan Zhuo stepped forward and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is tired, why don't you go to the imperial dining room to have dinner..."

The emperor waved his hand, "Forget it, I'm not in the mood to eat."

Wan Zhuo wanted to persuade him again, but the emperor said again: "Tomorrow Mao Buping and Bian Xiuzhu will be back, I don't know how much trouble it is!"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about these things. If someone makes a mistake, he should be judged according to the law of the country. You are the Son of Heaven, so you should take care of your health."

Seeing that Wan Zhuo wanted to say more, the emperor waved his hand, "Wan Zhuo, I'm suddenly a little hungry, go to the imperial dining room and bring me a bowl of sweet soup!"

Why didn't Wan Zhuo know that this was gagging him?But this is what the emperor said, so he had no choice but to retreat.

After he left, the emperor pinched the center of his brows, and was about to look at the booklet again, when he heard the sound of chaotic footsteps outside, he frowned, he really didn't have any rules, he was so reckless when Wan Zhuo wasn't here.

After thinking about it and reading the scriptures for a long time, he stood up and walked to the front of the hall, and glanced outside, there was a little eunuch wiping his sweat outside, when he saw him, he hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

The emperor was amused, "Why, what happened outside?"

Seeing that he didn't mean to blame, the little eunuch breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a low voice: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there is a lady dancing in the imperial garden. She fell down several times and refused to invite a doctor. She kept dancing there."

After finishing speaking, he glanced left and right, and then whispered: "I don't know whose family's young lady is, why is she in the palace at this time, but she looks extremely beautiful..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the bright yellow figure striding out in front of him, bringing with him a large night wind.

Hearing the little eunuch's words, the emperor sneered for a moment, where did the noble lady come from at this time?Not to mention this period of time, even this month, the harem has been sealed off, who can enter the palace again?

Therefore, as soon as the little eunuch said which noble lady it was, and said that the lady had been dancing, she immediately thought of a graceful figure in her mind.

Reason told him, of course he shouldn't see him at this time.

It's just telling him emotionally that he hasn't seen his sweetheart for a long time, and now that he has a glimpse from a distance, it can relieve the pain of lovesickness in his heart.

That's right, he will never go over to meet her, he just takes a look at her from a distance.With such thoughts in mind, the emperor left the Tai Chi Hall and headed for the imperial garden.

As soon as he entered the area of ​​the imperial garden, he saw the woman in white clothes spinning in the distance, her swaying dancing posture, her small waist that was tightly grasped, had a different style under the moonlight.

With just one glance, the emperor's heart was boiling hot.

This scene was like a certain night many years ago, even the woman's frown, smile, every move, and even the clothes and accessories were the same.

With just one glance, the emperor was brought back to that night many years ago. The girl looked up at her timidly, with panic and tears in her eyes. , should be self-willed and proud, just like my sister.

Suddenly, there was a cry of pain in front of her eyes, and the dancing girl fell heavily to the ground. Under the moonlight, her eyelashes welled with tears, and she looked at him timidly.

The emperor suddenly woke up and strode forward.

In the Tai Chi Hall, there was a lot of noise that night.

The handprint eunuch Wan Zhuo stood guard outside the hall all night with a straight face, until it was about to go to court, then he went to wake up the two people who were overlapping.

Concubine Geng looked at the man beside her, tears streaming down her eyes, "Your Majesty, it's not good to be a concubine, a concubine..."

This is the person I think about day and night and love her so much, and with the lingering last night, how could the emperor have the heart to reprimand her?

He only sighed, stretched out his hand to caress her soft and delicate cheeks, "Aifei, let's sleep for a while, and go back after dawn."

Concubine Geng choked with sobs and said: "Your Majesty, I know that your Majesty is busy with state affairs, but your Majesty should also pay attention to your health. I will wait for you..."

The teardrops in her eyes fell down, coupled with that lovely and pitiful face, the emperor couldn't help but rub her into his arms to love and sympathize.

"Okay, don't think too much, I'm going to court."

Concubine Geng accepted it as soon as she saw it, and she didn't say anything after hearing the words, she just looked at him with a dependent face.

Before the emperor left the gate of the Taiji Hall, Concubine Geng couldn't help shouting: "Your Majesty..."

When the emperor turned his head, Concubine Geng said: "The concubine heard that my brother committed a crime. Your majesty, the state owns the laws of the country, and the family has its own rules. Don't worry about me and the children. You can deal with it as you please. I will always trust your majesty."

Hearing this, the emperor felt sour in his heart, and nodded slowly.

Wan Zhuo behind him sighed in his heart, this person is really willing to lower his figure, has means and strategies, no wonder he can climb so high.

Look at the eye drops, it doesn't say a word about her true thoughts, but it can make people take it to heart, which is more than a step higher than those concubines in the harem.


Today's court is extraordinarily dignified.

Everyone hastily reported their duties, and then subconsciously aimed at Shangshu Mao Buping, who had not been seen for more than a month, and Bian Xiuzhu, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment. These two had gone to Qi Nan Mansion to investigate the case before, and they hadn't seen each other for a month. I don't know what was found.

Thinking of what happened next, everyone's hearts were boiling. Whether Geng Shan will continue to be a high-ranking and powerful man with impunity or be pulled down like an ant depends on the news brought back by these two angels today.

Under everyone's attention, Mao Buping took a step forward and said to the emperor, "I would like to report to the emperor that this time the minister and Mr. Bian went to the Qinan Mansion to investigate, and what was found was exactly as the imperial petitioner Sun Dahu said. "

All the ministers gasped, is this true?It seemed that Geng Shan was really going to fall into the dust this time, even with Concubine Geng Gui behind him, it would be irreversible.

The emperor's complexion also changed, looking at Mao Buping, he said solemnly: "Aiqing is telling the truth? What's going on in the Qi Nan Mansion?"

Mao Buping nodded, with a tense face, "Naturally, the veteran will not talk nonsense. If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can look at the things in the hands of Lord Bian, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment. These things were all checked by us in the Qi Nan Mansion. We even visited many merchants and even people's homes. In addition, we have brought all the people in that stockade to Beijing, and we have temporarily detained Luo Qiusheng, the prefect of Qinan Prefecture."

After he finished speaking, Bian Xiuzhu took a step forward and took out the materials in his wide sleeves. The thick stack made everyone dizzy.

When the emperor saw it, he wanted to say something, but he saw that Mao Buping directly picked up the top copy and handed it to the eunuch Wan Zhuo who handed it down, "Eunuch Wan, we have sorted out all these materials. It's all the same, you show this to His Majesty."

After finishing speaking, he and Bian Xiuzhu quickly circulated the thick stack of materials to the princes in the court, which made the emperor stare.

However, the materials in front of him had already been delivered, and if he wanted to say anything, he didn't dare, so he could only silently look at the materials in his hand.

Bian Xiuzhu and Mao Buping looked at each other, and there was a gleam of relief in their eyes. Sure enough, as they expected, the time interval was too long, and His Majesty wanted to gently reveal the matter.

But as important ministers in the court, how could they let this happen?
Several important ministers looked at the things in their hands, and they all breathed up and down with anger. The things recorded during this period were beyond their cognition.

There are not only the account books of the iron mine, but also the account books given by the person in charge of the iron mine to Luo Qiusheng, the governor of Qinan Prefecture, and the account books given by Luo Qiusheng to Gengshan. In addition, there are blood books written by everyone in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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