Chapter 454
Looking at one of the streams pointing to the sum of money, Sun Qingming, the Minister of the Household Department, said angrily: "This Luo Qiusheng is really a moth of the country, every account book is filled with countless people's fat and people's anointing! Are you worthy of such a moth?"

He was in charge of the country's finances, and he was even more anxious when he thought of the fact that the household department had no money to allocate funds during the border wars in the past few years, and that the household department was in distress during the famines in various cities and cities in recent years.

Luo Qiusheng, the little fifth-rank magistrate, has collected all his property, and actually owns one-third of the national treasury. What kind of concept is this?
How much is the annual salary of the fifth rank magistrate?How much is [-]% of the treasury?
Seeing what Sun Qingming said, Mao Buping said, "When we were in Qi Nan Mansion, we went to Luo Qiusheng's mansion, which was inlaid with gold and jade, even the flower beds in the garden were also made of jade..."

As long as the words are here, everyone already understands.

Use jade to build flower beds?

What is this concept?
Even the flower beds in the Royal Garden of the Imperial Palace are just marble. Even those rich families dare not use jade to build flower beds. Now a small fifth-rank magistrate has already done so.

Qin Zhaodao: "No wonder Luo Qiusheng refused to move his position for so many years, that's why."

Hearing this, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials felt his heart skip a beat, fearing that someone would put the responsibility on him, he hurried forward and said indignantly, "Luo Qiusheng's assessments are middle, lower, middle, and lower every year, who knew he had so many thoughts secretly? "

It stands to reason that as long as you have been in office for three years, if you get an excellent one year, you can change to another position for promotion or a mediocre transfer.

But if he was relegated for two years, he would be demoted, but Luo Qiusheng just played tricks with them. After a year, he must be resigned every year. There is no one year that is excellent, and there is no two years in a row. Isn't this intentional?

Qin Zhao said coldly: "Isn't this the fault of your officials? The assessments have always been like this, why don't you investigate deeply?"

Mao Buping hurriedly said: "Duke Qin, Mr. Zhao, now is not the time to say this, the case of Geng Shan is more important now."

Qin Zhao said angrily: "Gengshan's crime is unforgivable, and Luo Qiusheng is also a moth of the country. We want to take this opportunity to clean up the atmosphere in the court and promote our country's prestige in the Great Yan Dynasty."

Wei Lingyi in the corner silently sized up the emperor above him, and when he saw his fleeting relief, he frowned fiercely.

The grand court meeting didn't stop until it was dark at night. After the ministers dispersed, the princes in the court could not leave, so they followed the emperor to the imperial study to discuss matters.

At this time, Wei Lingyi, who came out of the palace, took a deep look at the majestic palace behind him, and then quickly mounted his horse.

In the middle of the night, Ping An ran wildly on the streets of the capital with a box in his arms, heading straight for the Princess's mansion.

Today's Princess Changyue's mansion was lit, and it was as bright as daylight everywhere, but in the living room, Princess Changyue didn't welcome any guests.

Seeing that the night was getting darker, Nanny Zhang couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "Your Highness, let's rest first, it's so late, the adults must have already stayed in the palace."

Princess Changyue glanced at the dark night outside the window, and sighed in her heart. If no one came at such a late hour, there is only one possibility, and the matter of Gengshan is true.

Thinking that the moth of the country had been jumping in front of her for so long, Princess Changyue felt panicked in her heart.

Geng Shan secretly develops iron mines and collects people's fat and people's anointing.Ning Le even directly intervened in her child...

By the way, child, the reason why the child disappeared back then was because something happened to him. If it was really Ning Le, how would she know that something happened to him?
Also, is the iron mine incident related to the child's disappearance and his assassination?Otherwise, why would he be rescued by the people of that village by mistake?
In the blink of an eye, Princess Changyue wanted to understand something. She looked at Nanny Zhang with a pale face, "Nurse Zhang, tomorrow you will go to Dongjiao Zhuangzi to meet that Chunyan."

Madam Zhang's expression froze, and she hurriedly lowered her head.

The more the eldest princess thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly took the colorful chain to go to the waterside garden, and Madam Zhang understood what she was going to do at a glance.

Because the weather has become hotter and hotter recently, there is a water pavilion in the waterside garden that is particularly cool, so the two ladies settled in the waterside garden.

"Your Highness, no, today is too late."

Princess Changyue glanced at the sky, thought of those two poor children, paused, and finally stopped.

At this moment, someone came quickly from outside the door, and after a while, a shadow guard appeared in front of Princess Changyue, "I have seen the princess."

Princess Changyue frowned: "What's the matter?"

"A guard is visiting outside."


"Back to the princess, he said that he is the guard next to the son of Zhennan Wangfu, named Ping An." At the end the guard added: "The number of this guard does not seem to be from the army, but there is a faint air of quackery. , but it seems that the military's strategy has been adjusted in the later period."

The eldest princess: "...Did he say what he came for?"

"He wants to see the princess, and he is still holding a box in his hand, saying that he wants to show the princess."

The eldest princess looked at the sky: "This sky, you want to see me?"

The guard nodded: "Exactly."

"Let him in."


When Ping An came in, he saw Princess Changyue in ordinary clothes. He had never seen Princess Changyue before, but he could tell at a glance that the person in front of him was Princess Changyue.

Only the eldest princess has the demeanor of this whole body, Ping An secretly said in his heart.

"Tell me, why did your master ask you to come here?"

Ping'an hurriedly told Princess Changyuechang all the things that happened in the court today in a low voice, and finally said: "Master said, there is no such thing in the account books that Lord Mao and Lord Bian checked The direction of the iron ore, but our lord caught a barbarian not long ago, and obtained two account books from there."

Princess Changyue stood up abruptly, "What did you say? Wei Lingyi caught a barbarian?"

At this moment, the aura on her body was fully opened.

Pingan nodded, and handed the box to Princess Changyue, and then said: "The news that Princess Chang needs to know is contained in this box. As for that barbarian, he is already dead."

"Dead?" The eldest princess' pupils shrank, "What did you die of?"



Princess Changyue frowned and took the box, but still couldn't help but said: "Your son is too hasty, how can such a person let him commit suicide."

Pingan: "This barbarian's suicide was caused by poisoning. The poison seems to have been lurking in the body. We asked the doctor to see it. The doctor said it was a specific poison. If you don't take the medicine on time, you will die."

Hearing this, Princess Changyue sighed, and just about to let Ping An go back, she heard him say again: "Our master has said that the Holy Majesty obviously intends to protect Gengshan today."

The eldest princess slapped the table and said sharply, "She dares!"

Pingan shrank his head, sure enough, the master is sincerely not deceiving me, the princess's aura is very powerful.

After Ping An left, Princess Changyue first took out the information about the barbarian for investigation, and then turned over the account book. After a while, she got up angrily.

Nurse Zhang at the side was taken aback, "Your Highness, this is..."

Princess Changyue's face was livid, but she waved her hand, "It's nothing."

How can it be nothing, this is a big deal!
Princess Changyue felt that the account book in her hand was heavy. This account book was more important than all the previous account books and all the evidence.

Geng Shan dared to treason!

(End of this chapter)

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