Chapter 455 Big Vulnerability

In the imperial palace at this moment, several important ministers just came out of the imperial study, and were about to rest in a side hall not far away. They had been officials for many years, and they could not remember how many times they had rested in the imperial palace when they were in this position.

Qin Zhao frowned until the people around retreated, "Do you think His Majesty's attitude is a bit strange today?"

Mao Buping snorted coldly: "It's not just strange? It stands to reason that His Majesty should be furious about such a big event, but look at him today..."

"Could it be that Concubine Geng gave His Majesty another pillow blow?"

Zhao Ding said decisively: "Impossible, since the day the two of you went to Qi Nan Mansion, Your Majesty has never announced Concubine Geng, and no one can enter or leave the harem."

"Ningle Princess..."

Zhao Dingdao: "Princess Ning Le was invited by the Eldest Princess to stay for a while."

As soon as this remark came out, Bian Xiuzhu and Mao Buping breathed a sigh of relief, but Qin Zhao still frowned, "Your Majesty's attitude is too ambiguous, no, I have to tell the Eldest Princess about this."

In the entire Great Yan Dynasty, the only one who could persuade the emperor was Princess Changyue. As for the important ministers of the dynasty, which one of their words could the emperor listen to?
Everyone nodded yes, thinking about going to see the eldest princess tomorrow.

At this time, Sun Qingming, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, said quietly: "Didn't you find a problem?"

"With the details of these iron ores and the record of accepting bribes, where did this batch of iron ores go?"

All of a sudden, everyone froze and felt cold all over.

Yes!Where did the iron ore go?The huge iron mine has been emptied!

Qin Zhao said: "No, this matter must be reported to the eldest princess."

Bian Xiuzhu looked annoyed: "We all thought we had everything under control, but we didn't think about it. Sure enough, no problem is the biggest problem."

Sun Qingming said: "Let's see tomorrow! At least today's matter has been settled. As for the whereabouts of those iron mines, we will investigate later."

At this time, everyone no longer felt the sense of relief they had just pulled Geng Shan down. It was an iron mine. There were only two possibilities for the disappearance of such a large iron mine.

One, Geng Shan used it to train soldiers privately.Second, Gengshan was sold to someone else. This "other", whether it is anyone in the DPRK or people from other countries, is equally terrifying.

Everyone felt that their necks were tense. They thought it was just Gengshan's crime of corruption, but they didn't expect to be involved in so many crimes. Any one of these crimes alone would be enough to punish the whole family.

At the same time, in the Tai Chi Hall.

The emperor hugged the quilt and smelled the fragrance that belonged to Concubine Geng, feeling a little upset.

He couldn't bear his beloved concubine's suffering, but what this brother-in-law Geng Shan did was too much, even if he could accept it, neither the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty could accept it.

Although he is the emperor, he can't control everyone's thoughts, unless he wants to be a tyrant who wants to do his own thing, but if that's the case, what if the people in the world are angry in the future?
The emperor just felt upset, he couldn't help hugging the quilt tightly and smelling it again, if Concubine Geng was beside him at this moment, she would definitely be able to be a flower of interpretation to relieve his urgent needs.

Thinking of this, the emperor hurriedly sat up, and Wan Zhuo in the small room outside said, "Your Majesty, can't you sleep?"

The emperor responded, and walked out in his robes. Wan Zhuo looked at it and hurriedly followed suit, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do? It's so cold at night, if you catch a cold..."

"It's nothing, Wan Zhuo, I'm a little annoyed, you can go with me." The emperor stretched out his hand and asked Wan Zhuo to help him put on his coat.

Wan Zhuo probed while wearing it: "It's midnight, where are you going, Your Majesty? But going to the Imperial Study?"

The emperor shook his head, "I'm really upset in my heart, go for a walk in the back."

Wan Zhuo was startled, went to the back, who could it be?Your Majesty hasn't had any luck with other concubines for a long time, so isn't that just going to Concubine Geng?

Thinking of this, he hastily persuaded: "Your Majesty, such a big event happened today, and several important officials in the court are resting in the palace tonight, if the adults know..."

The emperor felt cold all over, and felt that his mind was a little clearer, yes, if those old men who relied on their old men knew that he was going to Concubine Geng's place tonight, I'm afraid they would not know what charges they would charge Concubine Geng!

Even if Geng Shan cannot be saved in this incident, Concubine Geng will be able to save Concubine Geng, but if Concubine Geng is impeached by those people in the court...

"Forget it, it's a bit late tonight, let's talk about it another day!"

Wan Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, if the emperor really went later, he might be charged with a serious crime, but fortunately he persuaded him.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy drug that imperial concubine has. After all these years, His Majesty is still so fascinated that she can't find her way.


During the court meeting the next day, hundreds of civil and military officials were welcomed into the imperial city one after another. According to the usual practice, the grand court meeting will be held for one day, and then the small court meeting will be held for three days. Only a few important officials in the court can participate in the small court meeting.

But because yesterday's matter was too big, in the short term, before the dust of this case was settled, they would all have to go to the court meeting.

During this period, the adults were surprised to find that Princess Changyuechang's carriage was also in it, and today's Princess Changyuechang even put her hair up with a jade crown and came in wearing court clothes like them.

That's right, the eldest princess also has a court dress. In the years when she supported the present to ascend the throne many years ago, the eldest princess Changyue went to court like this every day.

I just don't know what Princess Changyue means today.

Some people already understood that the case of Gengshan was so big that Princess Changyue couldn't help paying attention.

When all the ministers arrived in the hall, several important ministers couldn't help their eyes light up when they saw Princess Changyuechang. This is all right, there is no need to look for someone, the person has already arrived.

When going to court, the emperor glanced down as usual, and saw Princess Changyue in official uniform. He was startled and hurriedly stood up.

Below, Princess Changyue glanced at the emperor, followed by everyone bowing down: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The emperor was in a daze right now, why did Sister come here?Who sent her here?Why did sister come here?
If other people's emperors are not afraid, but this person is sister, the emperor is a little weak in his heart, especially if sister knows his plan for Gengshan, she must be even more angry.

He intends to ask Princess Changyue to go back, but when he sees her wearing a crimson official robe, he can't help but think of the time when his elder sister wore this official robe to replace him in front of everyone when he was still young.

Others may be qualified to invite sister back, but he, the emperor supported by sister alone, cannot do so.

Helpless, he had no choice but to follow suit and move to the court.

Discussions in the court quickly became heated, and when all the adults began to demand severe punishment of Geng Shan, the emperor reached out to pick up the teacup on the table and drank the tea, then cleared his throat and said: "My dear friends, don't worry!" , the matter of Gengshan is too important to be decided immediately, but the crime of Luo Qiusheng, the prefect of Qi Nan Prefecture, is a certainty, let's deal with him first!"

Qin Zhao immediately took a step forward, "Your Majesty, I think there are still some doubts in it, so we can delay the trial."

The rest of the important ministers nodded their heads. Last night they found a big loophole. Luo Qiusheng must have participated in it. How could they be convicted now?That was too hasty.

(End of this chapter)

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