Chapter 457 From Extravagance to Frugality

As for the iron ore case, everyone in the court was worried again. The uncle's mansion, which had not been confiscated before, was directly blocked by the emperor's order.

Everyone in Guojiu's Mansion, regardless of master or servant, will be imprisoned, so all eyes fell on Princess Changyue.

Who doesn't know that when the accident happened in Gengshan, Princess Yuechang of Shichang invited Princess Ningle into her mansion, and she was Princess Ningle, the married couple of Gengshan.

Princess Changyue smiled slightly: "I will send you to the Heavenly Prison later, you don't have to worry, the emperor commits the same crime as the common people when he breaks the law."

While speaking, her eyes were cold.

That night, when Princess Changyue returned to the mansion, she saw Xu Fang waiting outside the mansion from a distance. She didn't stop, and let people avoid him and entered the mansion through another corner door.

Nanny Zhang had been waiting in the mansion for a long time, and when she saw her come back, she hurried forward, "Your Highness, you are back."

Nanny Zhang is a nanny in the palace. She used to be close to the Empress Dowager. Later, after Princess Changyue was born, she was assigned to Princess Changyue.

Logically speaking, an old slave like this shouldn't show his emotions, but at this moment, the emotions in Madam Zhang's eyes can't be seen by others, so how could Changyue, the eldest princess, not see it?

She stood and let the servant girl change her court clothes, then she sat on the couch and asked Madam Zhang, "But what happened?"

Nanny Zhang glanced around, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, this slave girl met Chunyan in Dongjiao Zhuangzi today. Guess what she said?"

Before Princess Changyue could answer, she continued: "Chunyan said that she was sent to Zhuangziqian's mansion in the eastern suburbs to change a lot of people. At that time, there were a lot of things going on in Gengshan, and Princess Ningle went in and out with her for a long time. As the person who personally served Princess Ning Le, she heard a few words from them..."

It was already very late when Nanny Zhang said all the things she asked today. Princess Changyue's face was gloomy, and she said after a while: "Since Chunyan is not dead, there are still people alive if they want to come. Go check it out."

Nanny Zhang opened her mouth: "Master, although Chunyan is not dead, she is incomparable to what she was back then. If she is like this, those who really knew the inside story back then may end badly."

Thinking of the Chunyan she saw at the Zhuangzi in the eastern suburbs today, she couldn't help but feel terrified in her heart. Who would have thought that this weak-looking girl would be so ruthless?With such a method, even she, an old slave who is used to seeing the secrets in the back house, would be terrified.

Princess Changyue waved her hand: "As long as there is one alive, there will be a second one. Besides, go ask Chunyan, maybe she knows something."

Thinking of a word she learned from Chunyan, Princess Changyue's expression turned colder. If Ning Le really participated in that matter, then she, Changyue, is really the biggest fool.

At the same time, the Waterside Garden.

A Xing and A Tao are in the study room, one is writing and drawing with a pen and paper in his hand, and the other is sewing with a cloth, looking quite peaceful.

Suddenly, Ah Xing put down the pen in his hand and looked at the elder sister who was sewing dolls, "Sister, do you think Ziying and the others have already returned?"

A Xing put down the things in his hands and nodded: "It's been so many days, I think it's already here."

"I heard that many people in their village will be able to plant two acres of rice this year. I don't know how the harvest will be. If it is good..." When A Tao said this, there was some longing in his eyes.

As an older sister, how could Ah Xing not know what her younger sister was thinking?She put down the things in her hands and went to the table to rub her sister's head, only to find that the things her sister drew turned out to be something like ears of wheat.

Seeing her sister was stunned, Ah Tao proudly said: "Sister, you didn't recognize it! This is an ear of rice, doesn't it look a bit like an ear of wheat? I thought, if Ziying's rice is really grown well, this Things can naturally be rolled out.”

"You girl..." A Xing shook her head, thinking of Yin Ziying's ability and what she heard about Yin Ziying's deeds in Baijia Village before, there was a gleam of light in her eyes, "If the rice harvest is really good, everyone will be able to live well in the future It's time."

Speaking of this, A Tao couldn't help nodding, her eyes were shining brightly, "If it's Ziying, she will definitely push these seeds out, and then everyone will have enough to eat."

I have only known Yin Ziying for a year, but because I have been to Baijia Village to get along with her and have contact with the villagers around her, A Tao also has great confidence in her.

The two sisters talked about the topic of food, and when the outside waiters walked away, A Tao looked at her sister: "Sister, will we really be the children of the eldest princess?"

A Xing was taken aback, looked at her younger sister, and saw that there was a bit of curiosity and eagerness in her innocent eyes, she couldn't help but shook her head, "A Tao, no matter whether we are the children of the eldest princess, we are all sisters. This is enough."

In fact, they had roughly guessed whether they were the eldest princess's children when Wei Lingyi sent them over, but now they also knew that the eldest princess was investigating the matter, so they didn't express any dissatisfaction.

They never dared to ask for things that their sisters should not have. On weekdays, even if the servants in the mansion gave them an extremely rich banquet, they would let most of the dishes be withdrawn.

For example, the mother Zhang next to the eldest princess would bring silk and satin from time to time, and they would never touch them.It's not that they don't dare, it's just that they don't want to accept some things before they are determined.

The so-called transition from frugality to extravagance is easy, and from luxury to frugality is difficult, it should be that they will be able to do it sooner or later, it shouldn't be theirs, and they don't want to accept it.

So even if they have lived in the Princess's Mansion for so long, they are still wearing the clothes prepared by the Zhennan Prince's Mansion before, and they are also working as fashion shops on weekdays. The only difference is the dolls and clothes in their hands. The drawings cannot be sent out immediately.

Hearing what her elder sister said, Ah Tao nodded, and stretched out her hand to hold her sister's hand: "Sister, I know, you will always be my elder sister. I don't think there is any good in being the daughter of the eldest princess. It's just that I am worried about this matter." If the story is false, we don’t know what punishment Ziying and that eldest son will receive, as well as us and grandpa.”

"The elder son should have made up his mind before sending us to see the eldest princess. Ziying is also protected by the elder son, so you don't have to worry about it. Grandpa and the others..."

Thinking of this, A Tao sighed: "If we can help grandpa and father with the help of the eldest princess this time, that would be a great thing. The eldest princess should not be stingy, even if we are not her daughter , I think she will take care of those bad guys!"

While speaking, Ah Xing glanced lightly above the roof.

A Tao didn't realize it, but was still worried, "Grandpa and the others..."

Before finishing speaking, A Tao covered her mouth: "Forget it, we can't discuss this kind of thing anymore, otherwise the eldest princess will think that we deliberately lied to her, it's not good for people to hear."

A Tao was startled, she nodded quickly and looked around, and she was relieved when she found that there was no one around.

(End of this chapter)

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