Chapter 458 The Great Harvest

After a while, A Tao said quietly: "Sister, will we die then?"

"Is Ah Tao afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. I just want to see grandpa and the others alive and healthy. Daddy can be released. Uncles and aunts can have enough to eat. If this is possible, then I can die now."

A Xing reached out and touched her head: "Silly boy, don't think so much."

"Sister, when I have a chance, I must go back to Baijia Village, and I must see the rice planted by Ziying."

"Okay, I'll be with you."

The voice in the room returned to calm, and after a long time, the girl's voice sounded again: "Sister, isn't grandpa our real grandpa?"

"Although grandpa is not our own grandfather, he treats us even closer than his own grandfather."

"Well, Sister, I will remember. If I have the opportunity to go out, I will definitely honor my grandfather and father."

"it is good"

The conversation in the Waterside Garden soon spread to Princess Changyue. At that time, Princess Changyue had just arranged for someone to send out the account book that Wei Lingyi had sent the day before.

Hearing this, she was stunned, but Madam Zhang beside her was already blushing, "The two ladies said that in private? Are you sure no one else was there?"

The shadow guard shook his head, signaling that the two sisters had to go out before they could say those words.As a shadow guard, he is very confident that the traces of his actions will not be discovered by these two ladies.

Princess Changyue waved her hand, signaling the shadow guard to go down.

It wasn't until the shadow guards retreated that Madam Zhang looked at her princess in confusion, "Your Highness, where are the two ladies..."

She really loves those two young ladies, especially now that many things point to these two young ladies as His Highness's children, two children who were so young back then!

"Didn't you say that they are very well-behaved on weekdays, let alone use the clothes and jewelry you sent over?"

"But Your Highness, it's because the two ladies don't know..."

Nanny Zhang hesitated to speak, the two young ladies were poor, but they were also sensible, since they came to the eldest princess's mansion, they did not accept the clothes and jewelry she had prepared, and they were very frugal even in food.

Looking at all these things one by one, in the eyes of Zhang Nanny, she didn't feel that they were not up to the stage, but she felt more and more pity for their intelligence and sensibility.

The eldest princess said softly: "We don't know yet."

From the bottom of her heart, she admired these two girls very much, especially the girl A Xing. Let alone her appearance, she said that she was quite similar to her in her work.

If it is finally found out that the two of them are really her children, of course she will make up for the lack of their favor, but if the two of them are not, then it is good to let them remain like this.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Everyone has heard this sentence, but the people who can do it are not right.

"Your Highness, what are you..." Madam Zhang panicked, feeling that His Highness's mind was becoming more and more difficult to guess.

The eldest princess said indifferently: "What do you think of those two little girls? Are they smart?"

Speaking of this, Madam Zhang immediately started talking, "That's natural, especially Miss A Xing, Your Highness, you don't know, this Miss A Xing actually has your original strength of character in her body, it's really a sign of wisdom. pole."

"Yes, Madam Zhang also said she was smart, so why did these words reach my ears?"

Nanny Zhang was stunned, and then she realized, "Your Highness, the conversation between the two young ladies today was intentional? But why, our shadow guards were secretly trained by the royal family. Powerful little girl."

The eldest princess please laugh, and glanced at the direction of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion from afar, "What do you think Wei Lingyi is?"

All of a sudden, Mammy Zhang was drenched in cold sweat.

That's right, she was careless. Over the years, they have been looking for the two young ladies, but every time they failed to find them, how could it be as smooth as it is now?

And every step, there is the shadow of the son of Zhennan Wangfu. Zhennan Wang is a border general who holds a heavy army. If he doesn't have shadow guards, is that possible?
The eldest princess chuckled, "You don't have to be nervous, Mammy. I don't think there is anything wrong with Wei Lingyi's behavior, and I don't think that the two children are fake just because he provided the clues."

In fact, she believed that those two children were her children, but how could a person like her rashly let them know her attitude?

Perhaps like those two children, it is more convincing to keep a distance first and wait for the facts to be found out.

Aunt Zhang just didn't turn the corner for a while, but now she heard the eldest princess say this, and she understood what her own princess meant after careful thinking, and she couldn't help but hope that things would be found out soon.

How long the eldest princess has been waiting for this day, as a personal person, she naturally knows it all too well.


In Zhennan Prince's Mansion, Wei Lingyi sat in the study and looked at the letter in front of him, his heart was full of rippling.

He knew that she would have a good life in Qinan Mansion, and also knew that the rice would be harvested as she wished, but he did not expect it to be so good.

Rice with a yield of more than 600 catties per mu is still grown in the southern land. If this kind of rice reaches the southern land and is planted twice a year, it will be more than [-] catties?

Thinking of this, he picked up a pen and wrote a letter.

It is true that too many people should not know about rice, but there are always a few people who must know, such as Princess Changyue, and his biological parents Wei Ting and Xiao Yi.

When the letter was finished, he wrote another letter. She said that she was going to visit the witch's house soon, and I think my grandfather would be happy to know.

But the Wu family doesn't know what's going on now. Due to the gap in life over the years, the Wu family is different from the openness in the past. Some of the juniors are already crooked. I still need to ask my third uncle to go back and take care of them. To show the etiquette of the witch family.

When the letter was finished, it happened that there was a knock on the door from outside.


"Master, Princess Ning Le has already been sent out from the Princess Palace, should we send someone to watch?"

"No need."

If the eldest princess makes a move, she will definitely not leave any flaws for everyone.

Ping An responded, and then said in a low voice: "Today, the nurse next to the eldest princess went to the Zhuangzi in the eastern suburbs. As the young master expected, she has already seen Chunyan."

Wei Lingyi nodded lightly, did not speak, just handed over the letter in his hand to signal him to take it away.

Pingan: "Will Chunyan continue to contact? Or follow the original plan?"

"Just follow the original plan."

Hearing this, Ping An felt a little hesitant, and proceeded as planned. If the eldest princess finds out, then...

Wei Lingyi glanced at the subordinate who had been with him for the longest time, and said lightly: "Just do it."

The master has said so, what else can Ping An do?Of course, I can only agree.

(End of this chapter)

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