Chapter 459
At this time, in Baijia Village, Qi Nan Prefecture, Yin Ziying was watching the astonishing changes in front of her in the space.

Originally, she just came in to pour out some fresh vegetables and fruits, and planned to take them to the Wu's house tomorrow to give the old man a taste, but she didn't expect to be taken aback as soon as she entered the space.

It only took a few days to make progress, but the space has changed a lot now. The originally small space has expanded several times, and it looks like dozens of square meters.

You must know that the last space upgrade was on the day she came back from the capital. At that time, Wei Lingyi sent someone to buy her a lot of crop seeds and bring them back.

At that time, she took the opportunity to put a few plants in the space when she was tidying up. She looked at it the day she just returned to the village, and the space was only about [-] square meters.

Now the space looks like it is nearly [-] square meters. If it wasn't for the chickens and ducks running past, she hasn't found out about it. What's going on?

Yin Ziying looked around inside and out, and then said to herself: "Could it be because there are more people growing rice?"

It's a pity that no one can answer Yin Ziying's question when faced with a space without spiritual intelligence.

However, Yin Ziying thought about it carefully in her heart. She did not let any plants or animals in recently. If I really want to say that the difference is the change of the rice outside.

She couldn't find the answer, so she wasn't discouraged. Instead, she continued to stir up fruits and vegetables, thinking of taking them to the Wu's house for Wei Lingyi's grandfather to taste tomorrow.In addition, she also prepared two bags of rice produced in the space, and decided to send them there tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Yin Ziying packed herself up and led Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin into the carriage.

Yin Ruilin was specially asked for leave by her to let him stay. As for Gu Yunxuan, she is still young anyway, so it would be good to take her there to see the world.

Originally, Yin Ziying wanted to take Gu Yunrui with her. The child was not very old this year, and the Wu family would not say anything if she brought it there, but the child felt that Gu Yunxian would not go, so she didn't want to go either.

Of course, in addition to these people, Yin Ziying also brought Guanyun, Tingyu and Zhishu Yinghua.

Baijia Village is still some distance away from the Fucheng of Qinan Prefecture. They set off in the morning, but it was already the evening of the second day when they arrived at Fucheng. It took a lot of time.

The journey was full of travel and dust, Yin Ziying did not immediately visit the Wu family, and the group first found an inn to rest.

Everyone rested for one night, and went to the Wu Mansion early the next morning. Since Yin Ziying had sprinkled some spirit spring water in the carriage carrying gifts yesterday, the fruits and vegetables did not look sluggish at all, but were very green and juicy.

In Wu's mansion, everyone was neat and orderly today, and they didn't leave the mansion. The reason is of course that they found out last night that Yin Ziying had arrived in the mansion city and was resting at the inn.

So when Yin Ziying came to the Wufu, she saw all the people in the Wufu, except for Wei Lingyi's third uncle, Wu Xuezhu, who was not there, the rest were there.

Everyone in Yin Ziying sat down after seeing the ceremony one by one. Mr. Wu looked at Yin Ziying and smiled very happily, "Ziying, the boy in our family seems to be a little less talkative, but he is a good person. Our Wu family was also a good person at the beginning. It is because of him that this family is supported..."

Seeing the old man talking more and more, Wu Ziming nodded with a smile on the side, but the faces of the first lady Pang and the third wife Li were a little stiff, and the few people who were of the same generation as Wei Lingyi showed dissatisfaction. He and Yingying are silently remembered in my heart.

Although Yin Ziying was talking to Mr. Wu, she was also paying attention to the changes around her, so she didn't lose sight of the changes in everyone's expressions.

It seems that this witch family is really just like what Wei Lingyi said, they are not in the same mind.

On the other side, Mr. Wu finally finished what he wanted to say, and then he looked at Yin Ziying with a smile and said, "Isn't Ziying coming to Fucheng for the first time? This time, I must stay for a few more days. If I am bored on weekdays, I can ask Sister Xuan to lead her." You go out for a walk."

The little girl standing behind the third Mrs. Li nodded with a smile: "Grandfather, don't worry, I will take good care of Miss Ziying."

Yin Ziying took a look at this little girl. She had heard that this little girl, Wu Xuan, was the eldest daughter of the third bedroom of the Wu family. Wei Lingyi said that Wu Xuan had the best relationship with him in this generation.

Therefore, she smiled generously at Wu Xuan, and this smile immediately got the little girl Wu Xuan to exclaim, "Sister Ziying smiles so pretty, no wonder third brother likes it."

"Sister Xuan is also very good-looking, especially Zhou Zheng's signature."

Seeing the two pretty young girls talking below, Mr. Wu laughed happily, and then coughed a little after laughing, which attracted a lot of people to come forward to ask.

"Father, are you okay?"

"Grandpa, drink more water."

"Father's health has been getting worse recently, it's better to ask a doctor to check his pulse."

Yin Ziying thought in her heart that in the past two days, she could cook for this old man to try the things produced in the space, and then take the opportunity to mix some space water for him.

This old man is Wei Lingyi's grandfather, and among the surviving members of the Wu family, he is also the one who treats Wei Lingyi the best. Yin Ziying really can't bear the old man's poor life in his later years, so drinking some spiritual spring water will cure some diseases.

Mr. Wu coughed, and then he glared at everyone, "What are you doing? I've had this problem for many years, but don't, don't scare Ziying like this."

Yin Ziying also looked at Mr. Wu with worried eyes: "What did Grandpa Wu say? If Wu Ling were here, he would definitely disapprove of your not taking your body seriously."

When mentioning this most outstanding grandson, Mrs. Wu wanted to say something, but waved his hands and muttered: "You children are just worrying about nothing. I'm fine. I don't know my body yet!"

Yin Ziying smiled and said: "I don't ask Grandpa Wu for anything, so how about it, Wu Ling likes my cooking very much, if Grandpa Wu doesn't mind, how about I cook some food for Grandpa Wu these few days?"

Hearing this, Old Master Wu's eyes lit up, eat food, he has heard that this girl Yin cooks food very well, and even her grandson with a very bad taste likes her dishes, it can be seen from this.

At that moment, he nodded happily, "Okay, okay, I heard Ling'er said that you are good at cooking, this time you are lucky."

Hearing this, Pang Zi curled his lips secretly, isn't he just cooking?Unexpectedly, Yin Ziying won Wu Ling's favor by relying on such a humble job.

But she didn't dare to show it in front of the old man, she could only think so secretly.

It was Wu Xuan, who immediately looked at Yin Ziying with bright eyes upon hearing this, "Sister Ziying, I also heard that third brother talked about your craftsmanship, I wonder if I will have a chance this time..."

Before Yin Ziying could speak, the old Mrs. Wu smiled and nodded her head, "You are really not ashamed, child. If you are like this, what do you think of Ziying? Don't make your third brother hate you."

Wu Xuan stuck out her tongue, took Yin Ziying's hand and said with a smile: "I was wrong just now, I mean I am also interested in cooking, now I have to trouble Ziying to teach me."

(End of this chapter)

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