Chapter 460 Two Families

For this cute little sister, Yin Ziying was also happy in her heart, Dang even smiled and nodded, "Then these days, I will have to trouble Miss Xuan to help me."

For a while, everyone in the hall was full of smiles, and after talking for a while, Mr. Wu waved Wu Xuan to lead Yin Ziying and others to the arranged guest house.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Pang looked at Li with a half-smile, and said calmly, "The third sibling is really scheming!"

Li's face instantly became ugly, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean?"

"Don't you know what I mean? Normally, it's okay to let the third child take care of the family business through Ling'er's relationship, but now Lian Xuan's sister is also arranged here. The third sibling is really developing in an all-round way!"

Speaking of this, Pang glanced at Li Shi with a half-smile, and immediately turned his back and went out, leaving only Li Shi standing in the hall with a pale face.

The little girl serving Li's side hastily stepped forward and persuaded: "Madam, don't take it to heart, it's not like you don't know about Da Furen's mouth."

Mrs. Li let out a breath, then looked at Wu Xuan's direction with an unfriendly expression, and said, "No matter how bad my sister-in-law said, what happened today is because sister Xuan did too badly, she doesn't look like a big lady like this. ? It’s not a small family, what do you learn from those?”

The little girl's head was lowered, but she also knew that she couldn't persuade the master, so she just said: "Madam said this, if the old man hears it, he will suffer."

Thinking of Mrs. Wu, Li shrank her neck, and then let out a rather unwilling snort.

However, thinking of her daughter not being able to be with her these days, and instead going to learn how to cook with Yin Ziying, a woman from the countryside, Li Shi was still furious.

As she walked, she ordered: "Call the lady back in a while, just say I'm sick, do you know when to call?"

The little girl was dumbfounded, of course she knew what Madam meant, she wanted her to take advantage of the noon time when the Yin girl was cooking, but if she really went, what would the old man say?What happens when the master comes back?
"Did you hear that?" Mrs. Li turned her head and glared at the dumb girl in dissatisfaction, her anger grew even stronger.

"I see, ma'am."

At this time, in the guest house, Yin Ziying was chatting with Wu Xuan. Wu Xuan was only 14 years old this year. Also like her very much.

In the end, the situation in the guest house seemed to be that Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin were chatting chatteringly, Yin Ziying and Wu Xuan listened together, and from time to time, Wu Xuan would talk with the two younger ones.

Gu Yunxuan said: "Sister Wu Xuan, do you eat spicy food? Many of the delicious dishes made by Sister Ziying are spicy, but they are delicious."

"Spicy? I didn't expect you to have this." Wu Xuan was slightly surprised, but she smiled when she thought of her omnipotent third brother: "I can eat a little bit of spicy food, and the pickled fish made by Cuixianlou is also delicious. I like pots in winter very much.”

Yin Ruilin raised his eyebrows and said triumphantly: "Of course, we have a lot of peppers there. We will grow peppers in our village in a few days."

Gu Yunxuan also said: "I know the pickled fish and the pot. The pickled fish is made by sister Ziying. We often eat it at home. The pot is something from the capital. I remember that sister Ziying suggested that brother Wuling make it." of it."

"Ah! Is it true?"

Wu Xuan was really surprised at this time, she turned her head to look at Yin Ziying, seeing that she was smiling and didn't intend to stop her, she immediately understood that this matter might be true.

"Sister Ziying, I didn't expect you to make those things. You are so amazing! Did you make the stewed pork vermicelli with pickled cabbage fish before?"

Before Yin Ziying answered, Gu Yunxuan nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, these are all made by Ziying. Sister Ziying knows a lot. The drunken fish I made a while ago is also delicious."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Xuan looked over with starry eyes, "Sister Ziying, you are so amazing!"

Yin Ziying smiled slightly, "It's just picking people's teeth." Thinking of something, she said again: "The drunken fish can't be eaten now, it will take a while, I remember that I brought two jars this time."

Yin Ruilin nodded, and the little man counted his fingers and said: "A total of eight jars were made, two jars were sent from Mr., two jars were sent from the capital, two jars were left here by Grandpa Chen, and the elder sister brought the remaining two jars here. gone."

Gu Yunxuan: "Not only drunk fish, but also small dried meat, small dried meat, oily dried plum vegetable pancakes, shortbread..."

Now Wu Xuan couldn't sit still anymore, she immediately stood up and said to Yin Ziying, "Sister Ziying, those things must be in grandfather's yard, I'll go and have a look, I'll be back later."

Grandfather has always been a glutton, if he knew that Sister Ziying had sent so many good things, he might have kept them all in his own yard, where would it be her turn?

Yin Ziying looked amused, and waved her hand to signal her to do whatever she wanted. After they left, she nodded the heads of the two little ones: "You two..."

Gu Yunxuan said seriously: "Sister Ziying didn't sleep well last night, and she has to make lunch later, so you can take a rest during this time."

"That's right, why does my sister want to cook when you come here? We are guests." Yin Ruilin was a little puzzled. In his understanding, as a guest, you don't need to cook. You can just wait for food every day, just like Chen Grandpa is the same as that Mr. Zhou came to the house.

Zhishu smiled and stepped forward and said, "Young Master, this guest is not the same as a guest. The relationship between the old lady of the Wu family and the young lady should be closer. The young lady is here this time to fulfill her filial piety. Of course it is okay to do this." .”

In fact, it was her first visit to the Wu family, but she had known for a long time that the Wu family had a kindness for raising the eldest son, and the elder son had a good relationship with the old man and the third master of the Wu family.

Yin Ruilin nodded: "I know, our husband said this time when he came here, the Wu family can be regarded as the elders after my sister, so we need to establish a good relationship." After he finished speaking, he looked at Yin Ziying puzzled, "Sister, it's because you want to marry To Brother Wu Ling, so Grandpa Wu has become your elder?"

When the child said this, he was blunt, Zhishu and Yinghua covered their mouths and smiled, Yin Ziying's face was also slightly red, but she still nodded, "It's because of your brother Wuling."

Speaking of which, Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin used to call Wei Lingyi the Wudong family, but this time they came back probably because of something taught by Uncle Gu and Yu Shi, so when they mentioned Wei Lingyi, they both called Brother Wuling.

Yin Ruilin nodded, and the little man looked solemn, "I knew it was so, sister, don't worry, although brother Wuling has two families, you will also have two families in the future, one for parents."

Gu Yunxuan on the side answered, "Our Gu family is one too."

The two cubs nodded in unison, "In this case, my sister/Sister Ziying also has two families, and Brother Wu Ling will not dare to bully my sister/Sister Ziying."

Yin Ziying: ...these two children...

Zhishu sighed: "The young master and Miss Xuan are really smart."

(End of this chapter)

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