Chapter 464 Behind the scenes

In the harem, it was already the second day when Concubine Geng learned about the incident. Recently, she had been thinking about how to attack the emperor, but she never thought that the two sons had caused the trouble.

Aunt Yun stepped forward cautiously, "Your Majesty, don't get angry, His Majesty will definitely investigate this matter."

Concubine Geng stared at the tea in the cup and said coldly: "Here, I, okay, okay, check, check, to, end, yes, how, what, back, thing."

Hearing this, Aunt Yun shrank her shoulders, she knew that the empress was really angry this time, and those who angered the empress usually would not get any good fruit afterwards.

"Yes, empress, this servant will give orders now."

"There is more." Concubine Geng stopped Aunt Yun, and then said: "I want to know who told the emperor, this person must be in the palace, besides, the eldest princess will also check."


Aunt Yun was extremely surprised. Usually, no matter how bold they were, they would not dare to find out about Princess Changyue. This time, if Princess Changyue found out, I don't know what trouble Princess Changyue would make!

Changyuechang Princess is different from others, other concubines dare not do anything even if they know they are investigating, but that is Changyuechang Princess, even His Majesty can't be confident when facing her.

"Hmph, why can't you check her?"

Concubine Geng snorted coldly, then squinted her long and narrow red phoenix eyes and said: "My two emperors are usually innocent and sensible, but they shouldn't know such news. I have reason to suspect that someone wanted to Murder the emperor's heir."

Aunt Yun's body trembled, and the charges of murdering the emperor's heir came out, and the next thing must be getting bigger and bigger.

She couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, if this is not what Changyue Chang Princess did, then we have offended Princess Chang."

No, Geng Guifei smiled contemptuously, "So what if I offended Changyue? And..." She said with a smile on her face, "I just want her to be convicted of this crime."

At this moment, Concubine Geng's smile was different from the one that made Liu Gong lose color before. Her smile was so seductive that it made Aunt Yun think that her mother was possessed by a demon girl, right?

The next moment, Aunt Yun heard a cold voice: "What are you still doing? Get out!"

"Yes, yes!" Aunt Yun agreed, and left the main hall in a hurry.

Concubine Geng looked in the direction of Qianqing Palace and smiled coldly. These people not only hurt her elder brother, but now they even targeted her two princes. How could she forgive them?
Princess Changyue is just a stumbling block. In the past, she just didn't want to cause trouble, but this time she knew that if it wasn't for Princess Changyue, her brother's case might have been gently put down.

Therefore, if you want to save your elder brother and the two emperors, you can only beat Princess Changyue to the ground first. There is no way, who let her block her way!

Zhennan Prince's Mansion, Wei Lingyi sat in the study thinking about what happened today, thinking about the next plan in his mind.

Now the fourth prince and the fifth prince are under house arrest. Geng Shan, Princess Ning Le and Geng Xi are all in prison. If he were Concubine Geng Gui, what would he do?
Suddenly, Wei Lingyi stood up.

Ping An beside him was startled, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Lingyi: "Get ready, I'm going to visit the Princess' Mansion tonight."


Ping An took a look at the sky outside, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, it was fine for him to go there, why did the master also go there?

He heard that the master gave the two girls captured in the village to Princess Changyue last time. Could it be that the master fell in love with those two girls now?If that's the case, what can Miss Yin do...

Wei Lingyi cast a cold glance at his subordinates who had been with him since he was a child, and suddenly said, "What are you thinking?"

"I think what would Ms. Yin do if the master chooses the two girls, A Xing and A Tao..." As soon as the words fell, Ping An stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, with a hint of panic in his eyes. Oh no, how did he say it?

Wei Lingyi's expression became even colder, "What nonsense are you thinking about all day long?" If it wasn't for the brother who grew up with him, he would definitely send him to the army to practice hard.

"No, no, master, the subordinates dare not."

"Hurry up and get ready!"


It was night, and two uninvited guests appeared on the corner gate of the Princess's mansion. This time, many people got entangled with each other, and for a long time it was impossible to tell the winner.

Ping An, who was following Wei Lingyi, became impatient, and hurriedly tore off the black cloth covering his face, "Hey, brother, I was here last time!"

All the dark guards: ...

Wei Lingyi: "..."

He was sure that if it wasn't inconvenient to hit his own man at this time, he would have kicked him off the roof.

Seeing Wei Lingyi's visit, Princess Changyue was not surprised. She leaned lazily on the big welcoming pillow, looked at Wei Lingyi and raised her eyebrows slightly: "I don't know why Prince Wei came to the door late at night."

Wei Lingyi clasped his hands: "Eldest princess, the kid is taking the liberty of visiting today, but it's actually for one thing."


Princess Changyue's voice was not disturbed. In fact, she didn't like Wei Lingyi a little, because his calculations were too accurate, which made her feel that he was actually a pawn.

In addition, the emperor already had some opinions on Wei Lingyi, and she wanted to avoid suspicion, so her attitude towards Wei Lingyi had always been lukewarm.

The eldest princess's attitude did not embarrass Wei Lingyi, he decided to cut the long story short, "Eldest princess, who do you think is behind the fourth and fifth princes today?"

"Who has nothing to do with me, Wei Lingyi, let me tell you, you can intervene in the case of Gengshan, but if you dare to intervene in the matter of the emperor's heir, I will never forgive you."

Wei Lingyi smiled, but did not answer his eyes, "The eldest princess thinks too much, how could I meddle in the affairs of the emperor's heir? I just think that if I were Concubine Geng, I might not let it go when I encountered this situation."

"So what if she's not good enough to let go? There's no surname Geng in this world."

Wei Lingyi suddenly nodded and said: "What the eldest princess said is that there is no surname Geng in this world. In fact, it is not difficult to get the surname Geng. The eldest princess thinks who is the biggest obstacle to getting the surname Geng in this world."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay any longer, but got up and said: "The words have come to this point, I won't stay any longer, the eldest princess cherishes it."

Princess Changyue was shocked when he said those words, and she was even more surprised to see him leave so decisively now, but in the end, she did not stop Wei Lingyi.

Because the possibility that Wei Lingyi mentioned had already produced an answer in her heart.Moreover, she had a premonition that this seemingly ridiculous statement might become a reality.

The night wind was floating, and Princess Changyue's face was darkened, adding a bit of coldness to her previous domineering attitude.

On this day, Waterside Garden welcomed her real master for the first time, and the servants inside and outside the garden knelt together.

It was under such circumstances that Ah Xing and A Tao met Princess Changyue for the second time, who was said to be the most honorable woman in the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

Such a posture, such a demeanor, and such a scene seemed to have appeared in her memory.

(End of this chapter)

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