Chapter 465
The summer wind blew a little bit of coolness, A Xing came back to his senses, and hurriedly pulled his sister beside him to salute together: "The daughter of the people has seen the eldest princess."

"get up"

There was a touch of fatigue in her majestic voice, but Ah Tao couldn't help but look up,
A Xing pulled her younger sister's hand, and then looked at the aloof Princess Changyue: "I don't know what the princess is here for."

Hearing this, the Eldest Princess glanced at this young girl, she held her head up, her eyes were firm and neither humble nor overbearing, and the face that looked like her ex-husband had the familiar resolute look on her face.

For a while, she didn't speak, and the two girls were also silent, and the atmosphere was frighteningly stagnant.

After a long time, Princess Changyue looked at A Xing: "Aside from what you said last time, do you have other memories of your childhood?"

The astonishment in A Xing's brows was fleeting, and then she thought about it carefully, but still shook her head.

Princess Changyue was a little disappointed: "Is it really gone? Not at all?"

While speaking, she was a little anxious, her body floated slightly, and a faint fragrance spread to the tip of A Xing's nose.

A Xing's eyes lit up: "If we have to give clues, does smell count?"


A Xing nodded: "Yes, the smell, I vaguely remember, a faint scent, that scent... seems very strong but very light."

Having said that, Ah Xing stretched out his hand and touched his head, and the look of reminiscence on his face changed into a slight frown.

Princess Changyue's eyes lit up as if she suddenly thought of something, and she said eagerly: "Scent? Do you still remember that scent now? Did you smell this scent again later?"

A Xing shook her head, a little uncertain: "I have never smelled that kind of smell again, princess, you also know that in our class, no one can afford spices."

Spices are something that ordinary people can't afford, let alone people like them who are not even ordinary people?

For some reason, Princess Changyue felt very blocked at this moment.

She paused, and then said in a low voice: "If you are really..." Before she finished speaking, she closed her mouth again.

Then, she hastily said a word to have a good rest, and then she led the people away.

Looking at her back, A Tao said in a daze: "Sister, if we are the eldest princess' children..."

"A Tao, don't talk nonsense."

A Tao pursed her lips aggrievedly, and then muttered after a while: "If you don't say it, don't say it, anyway, she doesn't look like a good mother."

"A Tao!" A Xing yelled, looked at the servants scattered around, then lovingly touched the top of her sister's hair, she sighed: "A Tao, there is no mother who does not love her child. "

In the main courtyard of Princess Changyue's Mansion, Princess Changyue looked at Nanny Zhang and said, "I remember that Ning Le liked to smell incense back then, didn't he?"

Grandma Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered, "Your Highness, the princess loved Su Hexiang back then, and you gave half of the incense in the warehouse to Princess Ningle, for which reason the son-in-law also told you this dislike. it is good."

The son-in-law she was talking about was of course not the current son-in-law Xu Fang, but the former son-in-law Wei Shihao.

Wei Shihaogui is the third son of Uncle Yongning, and his family is the Wang family of Taiyuan. Although he is not powerful, but with the shadow of his ancestors there, his life is very good.

Moreover, the son-in-law's favorite is Su Hexiang.

Back then, it was also because the son-in-law loved this incense that there were so many Su Hexiangs in the mansion. At that time, the eldest princess did not expect this, and gave half of it to Princess Ningle, which also aroused the dissatisfaction of the son-in-law.

"Su Hexiang?"

Princess Changyue frowned, and suddenly there was the smell of Su Hexiang, which was a very precious fragrance.

Speaking of which, she could often smell it more than ten years ago, but why didn't it disappear later?

Even if he left, would Ning Le's preferences still change?
Nanny Zhang nodded, "Why did Your Highness ask about this incense? Speaking of which, I remember that, not long after the son-in-law left, the princess said that he was afraid that you would think of others after smelling the fragrance, so he didn't use the incense himself."

Princess Changyue changed color suddenly: "When will you stop using it?"

"It's the son-in-law... during that time."

Speaking of this, Zhang Nanny realized something, covered her mouth in surprise and looked at her master.

Princess Changyue's expression was cold and cold: "Prepare the best incense in the past two days, all kinds of incense, and send them to the Waterside Garden."

All of a sudden, Madam Zhang realized something.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Ah Xing recognized a kind of fragrance among the fragrances provided by Madam Zhang, and this fragrance was Su Hexiang.

At the same time, after being reminded by Chunyan from Zhuangzi in the eastern suburbs, they found a few old people who were close to Ningle County Lord from all over the country one after another.

But from the mouths of these people, Princess Changyue deduced two things.

One, Princess Ningle happened to have something to do and didn’t come to the mansion to look for her for several days when the consort was assassinated, but through the mouths of these servants, I learned that Princess Ningle was not in the Geng family at the time, not only Princess Ningle was not there, but Gengshan was also not there.

Second, everyone around Princess Ningle knows one thing. Although Princess Ningle has made a marriage contract with Zhennan Wang Weiting, she herself does not like such a martial artist very much.On the contrary, there is a little girl who once heard Qiaoyue, the eldest maid beside Ningle County Lord, that Ningle County Lord has a favorite man, and that man is suspected to be the son-in-law Wei Shihao.

When Princess Changyue heard one after another, her complexion didn't change much, but her heart began to tremble every inch of her.

Of course, in order to confirm this little girl's conjecture, she asked someone to check it again.

Everyone who knew them knew that Qiaoyue, the eldest maid, had a younger sister who died young, and the little maid who spoke was very similar to Qiaoyue's younger sister, and Qiaoyue even helped Qiaoyue when she was promoted to the third-class maid.

Qiaoyue's family members and the little maid's family members are well aware of this matter, but Qiaoyue herself died of illness 14 years ago.

It was also 14 years ago, the same time point was before and after the assassination of the son-in-law, and it was also the year when the iron mine was first discovered in Gengshan.

At this time, Princess Changyue had already begun to recall what happened back then. At the beginning, she always thought that Wei Shihao's death was due to family disputes, because Wei Shihao's outer family was the Taiyuan Wang family, and he had close contacts with the Taiyuan Wang family on a daily basis.

At that time, there was fierce fighting between the several big families and the imperial power, and because the post of governor of Jiangnan Dongdao fell to the Chen Liuxie family, the members of the Wang family in Taiyuan were extremely dissatisfied.

She thought it was all because of this.

Thinking of this, Princess Changyue's fingers trembled, and she couldn't stop stroking the jade pendant on her body. At this moment, how could she have a bit of usual majesty and arrogance?
There is only unreasonable loneliness and loneliness.

Grandma Zhang couldn't bear to see all this, even she couldn't imagine that there were so many deep meanings behind these things.

At this moment, Nanny Zhang and Princess Changyue both had doubts in their hearts. Why did the son-in-law Wei Shihao go to a place near Qi Nan Mansion?
(End of this chapter)

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