Chapter 467 You are so cruel

Of course, Yin Ziying didn't know about the wind and rain in the capital, because she didn't come to Beijing not long after visiting Mr. Wu.

The reason is also very simple. Now there is no suspicion about Wei Lingyi, but before he left, he heard the news from the capital, and the people who were sent to Qinan Mansion again had already obtained evidence. The next step is the crux of Gengshan's case.

If people found out that Yin Ziying was not in the capital at this time, someone might push her out in order to confuse the public.

Geng Shan and Concubine Geng Gui have operated in the court for many years. Although they haven't won any important ministers, there are quite a lot of small pawns hidden in various departments.

On the day Yin Ziying entered Beijing, Princess Changyuechang had just returned from the other courtyard on the outskirts of the city. The Wang family from Taiyuan came to see her.

After returning to the city, she did not go back to the Princess Mansion, but went directly to the Criminal Department, she wanted to see Princess Ning Le.

People from the Ministry of Punishment naturally didn't dare to let him go, but this person was Princess Changyue, and no one had any objections, so they let Princess Changyue go straight away.

Princess Ning Le never expected that Princess Changyue would come in to see her at this time. She was surprised and felt a little humiliated. Since she was a child, every time she faced Princess Changyue, she was at a disadvantage. .

So what if she planned so much?Even though she was married for the second time, she also married Mr. Ruyi, all of which made her look like a joke.

It's just that there are thousands of resentments and dissatisfaction in her heart, but she is calm on the surface, only looking at Princess Changyue with pleading eyes, "Sister, you are here, help me quickly."

At this time, her hair was disheveled, and her clothes had been changed into prison uniforms. How could she have the same good looks as before?

Princess Changyue looked at her with a hint of coldness in her eyes. Princess Ning Le looked at her with unreasonable fear. She always felt that Princess Changyue knew something, because she never looked at her with such eyes in the past. she.

Even when she was sent to the prison of the Criminal Ministry that day, she was not like this.

Princess Changyue said to Princess Ning Le while stroking her stomach: "Ning Le, don't worry, although the matter of Gengshan has been settled, if it is found out that it has nothing to do with you, I will definitely help you .”

Princess Ning Le's face was filled with joy: "Sister, thank you sister, I know that sister is the best for me."

"You and I are like sisters. It's my job to help you. It's too far-fetched to say that."

After finishing speaking, Princess Changyue was caught off guard and said, "By the way, Ning Le, I have some good news for you."

"Good news? What good news?"

Princess Ning Le was stunned, and hurriedly reached out to grab Princess Changyue's hand: "Sister, is there a turning point? If possible, sister must help me and Xi'er, Geng Shan is already unable to turn over From now on, Xi'er and I can only rely on my sister."

Princess Changyue took a step back and stroked her stomach, and said softly, "I'm pregnant, Xu Fang is very happy."

"What?" Princess Ning Le was taken aback for a moment, then looked at her stomach, seeing her hands stroking her stomach, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes very quickly.

No wonder, no wonder she's here!No wonder she is so abnormal today!

She forced a smile on her face and said to the eldest princess, "Congratulations, sister."

But she didn't know that the resentment in her eyes just now had fallen into the eyes of Princess Changyue, and all the clues showed that Princess Ningle was abnormal.

Suddenly, Princess Changyue bowed slightly, smiled and looked directly into Princess Ningle's eyes: "I heard that my sister smells bad in this cell, and I just got some Su Hexiang a few days ago, I will send someone to give you some Come get some!"

Su Hexiang, Su Hexiang!
Princess Ning Le's pupils shrank, and she took a step back uncontrollably.

There was only one thought in her mind, she found out, she found out, she must have found out, otherwise it wouldn't be so strange!
Seeing her retreating, the smile on Princess Changyue's face faded away, she looked at her coldly, "Ning Le, you and I are sisters, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

She couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, Princess Ning Le felt that the dust had settled, she let out a breath of foul air slowly, and then looked at Princess Changyue and sneered.

"What kind of person am I? What's wrong with me? Sister Changyue, you are a long princess who has been aloof since she was a little gold, how can you understand my sadness?"

"Ning Le, have I ever been sorry to you? Did I treat you badly?" Princess Changyue looked at Princess Ning Le with deep disappointment in her heart.

She treats her like a younger sister and doesn't let anyone despise her, but she misses her man, even the man who killed her, even the disappearance of her two children is related to her.

"How are you treating me?" Princess Ningle looked at Princess Changyue mockingly, "Why did the late emperor marry you to the gentle and knowledgeable Wei Shihao? Why did Wei Ting marry me? That reckless man who only knows how to fight?
Whether it's you or the first emperor, you all said how good you are to me, how good is it?No matter how good it is, I still give it to you?He also said that he regarded me as his own daughter. If that is the case, why didn't you make me a princess? "

In fact, Princess Ning Le felt hesitant and uneasy during the past few days in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, because she knew that even if Concubine Geng was away, Concubine Geng's mind was not as good as that of Geng Shan.

So at this moment, Princess Ning Le was completely hysterical.

Princess Changyue looked at her coldly, "So you let Wei Shihao die, so you sent my two daughters away? Ning Le, you are so cruel. Why did you forget that you didn't even Not even the Fragrant Lord, if the Emperor Father didn't like you, how could he have named you the Princess Princess?"

The original Princess Ning Le was just a child of a collateral line of the royal family. If she hadn't taken care of her during a palace banquet, how could Ning Le have climbed to this position later?

As if she didn't like to bring up these past events, when Princess Changyue mentioned it, Princess Ningle immediately yelled: "So what? So what? I am a member of the royal family, why am I nothing? Why are you born as a princess?
I just want to make you feel bad, I just want to take away your man, you clearly know that I like Wei Shihao's poems, why can't you give him to me?He is mine, he should be mine! "

"Idiot talking about a dream!"

Princess Ning Le suddenly smiled, raised her head and glared at Princess Changyue fiercely: "You didn't expect that! Wei Shihao is dead, hahaha! I didn't want him to die, but he is too smart, he found out Our secret in Qinan Mansion.

You said, how can there be sand in the eyes of a person like him?There's no other way, I can only kill him, you see he's dead, hasn't there been nothing wrong with him for so many years? "

Hearing her admitting this, Princess Changyue's expression turned colder and colder. She had already guessed this point after she had met the patriarch of the Taiyuan Wang family and Yongning Bo.

It turned out that he already knew about it 14 years ago.Thinking of this, she became even more disgusted with Ning Le who had been sheltering under her wings.

"One day the truth will be revealed, Ning Le, you and Geng Shan have done all the evil things, and you will not end well."

Princess Ningle laughed loudly: "So what? Changyue, have you been in pain, haven't you? How painful have you been through all these years? And Uncle Yongning, and the Wang family of Taiyuan, hahaha, look, I just I'm glad that a small step made you all suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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