Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 468 1 Mother's Compatriot's First Sister

Chapter 468

Princess Changyue looked at her, and suddenly smiled and said, "It's a pity that you have lost your mind. It's just that I have been unhappy for so many years. Now that my two daughters have been found, I am very happy!"

"What?" Princess Ning Le frowned, looking at Princess Changyue with a hint of cruelty:
"Don't try to lie to me. Back then, I took those two little brats away with my own hands. Hahaha, Geng Shan said that they had already entered the deep subway mine. Changyue, didn't you go to the subway this time?" Have you checked the mine? Why, didn’t you find the two small bones?”

"Heh! Ning Le, you have all kinds of plans, but unfortunately you made a mistake. My daughter is still alive and well, and I even found evidence that Geng Shan collaborated with the enemy."

Princess Ning Le's complexion changed again and again, and finally her expression became more ferocious, and she hugged her head and jumped inside: "You lied to me! You lied to me! Impossible! Those two brats can't Still alive!"

Princess Ning Le's cell is a single room, and the commotion that happened in such a short while has already attracted other people, among them, Bian Xiuzhu, who went to Qi Nan Mansion to investigate the case last time, is also here.

Princess Ningle in the cell was still screaming, Bian Xiuzhu looked at Princess Changyue, "Princess Chang, what's wrong?"

Princess Changyue succinctly explained what happened just now, and then threw a handkerchief from her sleeve, and Bian Xiuzhu hurriedly wanted to pick it up.

"Be careful, there is medicine in this veil."


"Well, a drug that can make people go crazy, but it needs to be said to stimulate her."

There is still this medicine?Bian Xiuzhu's eyes lit up, and as soon as he was about to take it, Princess Changyue said: "If you want to interrogate Gengshan, you have to ask about his weaknesses. As far as I know, Gengxi is one of them, and the other..."

She looked at Princess Ning Le who was mad in the cell, "The person Princess Ning Le has always loved is the former son-in-law, and this is one of them."

After finishing speaking, she ignored the wide-eyed Bian Xiuzhu, clapped her hands and left.

Bian Xiuzhu was left in the same place to be surprised. This is not the first time he has seen this Princess Changyue, nor is it the first time he has heard of her ability.But when he entered the court as an official, Princess Changyue had no contact with the court affairs, and he did not expect to be so powerful.

Looking at the handkerchief in his hand, he couldn't stop laughing, and hurriedly asked someone to bring a pleading paper to write down what Princess Changyue said just now, and finally guided Princess Ningle to say a few words before pressing her to press her fingerprints.

Besides, in the palace at this time, the atmosphere is also dignified.

Zhu Hui presented all the information he had found to the emperor. The more the emperor looked at it, the more angry he became, and finally he threw the book on Zhu Hui.

"Bastard! Zhu Hui, do you know what you're doing?"

Zhu Hui lowered his head, neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty, I only acted according to your orders. These things were indeed found by me."

"Found it? Everything you found pointed to the eldest princess? Do you know what you are doing?"

Zhu Hui was still neither humble nor overbearing, "Your Majesty, the evidence is as solid as a mountain."

The iron evidence is like a mountain, and the iron evidence is like a mountain. The anger on the emperor's face can't be suppressed, but at the same time, it is also complicated.

As the emperor, of course he knew that Princess Changyue had a lot of power in her hands. This kind of power was hidden, not something on the surface.

But he absolutely did not expect that there were so many people from Princess Changyue in his palace, which made him feel a little displeased.

How should I put it, he certainly respects Princess Changyuechang, the elder sister of a compatriot with the same mother, plus the kindness of support back then.

It’s just that no matter how much he respects him, he is still an emperor. If several important ministers in the court respect Princess Changyue more than him as an emperor, he can still regard it as a matter of the time when he became the throne, but now even in the palace. It was full of the eyes and ears of Princess Changyue, so he was a little upset.

The imperial palace is different from other places, the imperial palace is his territory, the so-called side of the couch does not allow others to snore, it is for this reason, even if this person is Princess Changyue, the direct sister of his one-mother compatriot, it is not acceptable.

Zhu Hui at the bottom looked up at the emperor, thought of what the man said, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, I still have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

The emperor frowned slightly: "This is what I said, you are my minister, so why not say anything about what I sent you to do?"

"Your Majesty, after I found out the contacts of Princess Changyue, I made people pay attention to Princess Changyue's actions."

The emperor frowned even tighter. Obviously, he didn't like casually spying on the royal family. Zhu Hui hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, someone from below reported that Princess Changyuechang just went to the prison of the Ministry of Justice today."


The emperor's face changed slightly, all kinds of possibilities flashed in his mind, and finally turned into a sigh.

At this juncture, what else can Princess Changyue do when she goes to the prison of the Ministry of Justice?If the matter of the fourth and fifth princes was really provoked by her...

All of a sudden, the emperor felt a chill down his spine.

He has been on the throne for so many years, although all the officials admire him, but he knows that if sister is a daughter, then it is not his turn to sit on the throne.

Even if Ajie breaks the saying that women are not allowed to participate in politics as a woman, no one blames her. On the contrary, those ministers are often more obedient to Ajie's decision-making.

Kneeling Zhu Hui quickly looked up at the emperor's expression, then lowered his head and secretly rejoiced, it seems that his move was not wrong, and His Majesty really disliked Princess Changyue.

Just at this time, the voice of Wei Zhiqiang, the commander of the imperial army, begging to see him came from outside. The emperor frowned even more, but he nodded, motioning for someone to come in.

When Wei Zhiqiang came in, he saw Zhu Hui kneeling at a glance, and his heart was filled with surprise, and then he saluted immediately.

The emperor waved his hand, a little impatiently, "Okay, what's the matter, let's talk."

Because of Zhennan King's relationship, the newly appointed commander of the imperial army did not win his favor at all, so seeing him coming to the emperor felt a little displeased.

Wei Zhiqiang didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, just now Lord Bian Xiuzhu from the Ministry of Punishment said that Princess Ningle has recruited."

"What?" The emperor was surprised, and then he thought of something, and his face changed again, "I heard that Princess Changyue went to the prison of the Ministry of Justice just now?"

Although Wei Zhiqiang was surprised that the emperor knew about it, he still nodded, "It is true."

The emperor's face darkened in an instant, and he had already thought of many possibilities, especially the many years of friendship between Princess Ningle and Princess Changyuechang.

In his opinion, if Princess Changyue said something to make Princess Ningle admit it, Princess Ningle might also admit it. After all, Ning Le has always been kind, considerate and self-sacrificing since she was a child.

Thinking of this possibility, the emperor immediately couldn't sit still, "Wei Qing, go and invite Princess Changyue in."

Wei Zhiqiang's complexion changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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