Chapter 470 Remaining life after catastrophe
Wei Lingyi frowned: "Your Majesty sent Zhu Hui to lead an imperial army to investigate the case alone, but if the imperial army was involved, Wei Zhiqiang should remind him."

Although Wei Zhiqiang did not express clearly which side he was from, there is no need to question the Zhennan Palace's affection for Wei Zhiqiang.

"Maybe I got caught up in something!"

Wei Lingyi: "No, I'll make arrangements. If the eldest princess is really detained, the news that the eldest princess found out and the account books just recovered by Qi Nanfu will be suppressed soon."

If so, it would be a waste of time.

That night, a mysterious letter came from the homes of several important ministers in the court.

At the court meeting the next day, for the first time ever, many ministers began to bring up the Gengshan iron mine case.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the second batch of angels who went to Qinan Mansion have returned. This case should not stay for long!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the minister seconded the proposal!"

"Second minister! This case should not stay for long."

"Your Majesty, I heard that Princess Changyue visited the Prison of the Ministry of Justice yesterday. I wonder if there is any new whereabouts?"

"Today the eldest princess did not go to court, I wonder if someone has sent a letter to the eldest princess's mansion?"


The emperor's brain hurts from being quarreled by all the ministers, what about the case of Geng Shan?He doesn't want to investigate this case now, he wants to suppress it first.

And sister, if these courtiers know that he has invited sister into the palace now, I am afraid that these courtiers will touch the pillar and die on the spot.

He coughed lightly, and just about to say something, he heard an excited voice: "The minister finally waited until the day when His Majesty wanted to find out the matter, Your Majesty is wise!"

Those old ministers in front were stunned when they heard the voice, what's the matter?Didn't His Majesty just say that he would agree?They only heard His Majesty clearing his throat, it seems that he hasn't spoken yet, right?Who is so bold and dares to misrepresent the holy will in public?

Some sharp-eyed people glanced at Wei Lingyi, who was standing in the front, and then thought about it.

But in an instant, the few important ministers in the front glanced at each other, and then they all kowtowed in unison: "Show our country's prestige! Your Majesty's enlightenment!"

The main hall is very large, and there are many officials in the court.

Usually, the emperor needs to pass a sentence to the eunuch in charge of the eunuch, but today this layer is directly omitted. The important officials in the front knelt down and kowtowed, and the civil and military officials in the back are of course not to be outdone.

All of a sudden, the hall was filled with His Majesty's clear voice.

The eunuch in charge changed his face slightly and glanced at the emperor, and sure enough, he saw that the emperor's face was as gloomy as water.

The emperor turned pale with anger, what does the courtier mean by this, isn't this forcing him to deal with the case immediately?

It's just that, the emperor really couldn't refuse. After all, so many ministers thought that he had issued this decree. If he refused to investigate now, those ministers might think that he had some scruples.

As a king, you must never have such an impression in the hearts of your courtiers. This is a taboo for kings.

At this time, the ministers below looked at me and I looked at you, and finally Xie Changyun from Yushitai shouted: "Your Majesty, please interrogate Geng Shan immediately."

Someone spoke, and the ministers did not dare to lag behind, and shouted one after another: "Your Majesty, I implore Geng Shan to be interrogated immediately. How can such a person with a corpse who eats the inside out be treated lightly?"

The public opinion came in bursts, and the emperor's forehead twitched.

In the end, Geng Shan and all the witnesses brought back from Qi Nan Mansion will be interrogated, and His Majesty will interrogate them in person, and they will not be handed over to Jing Zhaoyin or the Ministry of Punishment.

Even if the emperor knew it was intentional by these ministers, he couldn't make any changes. As an emperor, there were too many restrictions.

When Yin Ziying saw Wei Lingyi again, it was already two days later, and all the courtiers who entered the court in these two days could not go home, and they were all dealing with this case.

Yin Ziying found that although Wei Lingyi's expression was tired and his eyes were dark, he was in good spirits. Her heart moved, and she couldn't help saying: "It's done?"

Wei Lingyi smiled and nodded: "All civil and military officials are here, the witnesses are complete, and there are evidences and account books that were found before, so this matter is over."

Yin Ziying wanted to ask about the specific situation, but seeing Wei Lingyi's expression, she felt a little distressed in her heart, "Go wash up and rest, by the way, haven't you eaten yet? If you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

Hearing that she was going to cook, Wei Lingyi, who had no appetite at first, lit up, and suddenly smiled: "As long as it is made by you, I want to eat it."

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, I'll get ready, you go wash up first!"

Seeing that she was about to leave, Wei Lingyi felt a flash of reluctance, and the next moment his body moved faster than his brain, and he directly pulled her into his arms.

The familiar fragrance from the girl's body made him breathe deeply, he lowered his head to find her lips, and kissed her heavily.

Yin Ziying was in a daze, and when she realized it, she had already fallen into the generous arms of the man, and the kiss came like a storm.

She felt his urgency, his joy, and his remaining life, which finally turned into a long sigh.

He likes her and misses her, so why isn't she?At this moment, the two of them were immersed in the mingling of lips and tongues.

After a while, Wei Lingyi let go of her reluctantly. He rubbed her lips with his fingers with deep eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "I will tell you in detail at night."

Yin Ziying raised her eyes to meet hers, and then looked away in a panic. She always felt that there was something hidden in the deepness in his eyes.

Seeing her running away, Wei Lingyi rubbed his chin and smiled lowly.

The water mist was steaming in the bathroom, Wei Lingyi soaked in the water thinking, the matter has been mostly resolved now, and now only the emperor is left.

Thinking about the wedding between him and the little girl, it was time to put it on the agenda. At this moment, he finally understood why such a ruthless person like King Zhennan liked to cling to Xiao Yi so much.

He thought, maybe everyone has a Qicun.She will become his weakness, change his habits and views, and become his exception.

And Yin Ziying was that person.

Thinking of this, the corners of his lips twitched into a smile.

After dinner, Wei Lingyi told Yin Ziying all the details that he had just neglected. Of course, the fact that he was the first one to speak out against the emperor in the hall was hidden.

Yin Ziying listened for a while, and then said: "Geng Shan was sentenced to be beheaded in autumn, and all his family property was confiscated, so what will happen to Concubine Geng?"

She couldn't help but not worry, after all, although they didn't show up in this matter, they went in and out of the Princess's mansion, and they had old grievances with Geng Shan, so they could always fall into the eyes of caring people.

Although Geng Shan deserved what he deserved for this matter, if people can't find the fault, they will always find something to vent, not to mention Concubine Geng has two sons under her knees.

Wei Lingyi looked cold: "If Concubine Geng can sit still this time, maybe it will be more difficult to deal with, but Concubine Geng has been dependent on Geng Shan since childhood, so she may not be able to sit still this time."

As long as Geng Guifei moves, the matter will be settled.

(End of this chapter)

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