Chapter 471
Yin Ziying's eyes were bright, but she was still a little worried, "It would be far-fetched to say that Concubine Geng didn't know about such a big matter."

Wei Lingyi twitched the corners of his mouth, "It is already a rare concession for His Majesty to demote Concubine Geng to the position of concubine, and the ministers accepted it as soon as they saw it."

"By the way, apart from these, what happened to Princess Ningle?"

Wei Lingyi's eyes turned cold: "Princess Ning Le murdered the royal son-in-law. This incident alarmed the Wang family in Taiyuan. Even Uncle Yongning, who had been silent for many years, was dispatched. Naturally, he must be executed."

"Beheaded in autumn like Geng Shan?"


Yin Ziying sighed, "From this point of view, it's their children who are embarrassing."

She met Gengxi once in Gaole Township. Although he was lofty and domineering, he was also a child who grew up in an ivory tower. He fell from heaven to hell overnight, which is pitiful and hateful.

Wei Lingyi said lightly: "You don't have to worry about this, Concubine Geng has saved her."

Yin Ziying was surprised.

"How to keep it?" Thinking of a possibility, she raised her eyebrows: "Could it be that..."

Wei Lingyi nodded: "Concubine Geng said that Gengxi was the daughter-in-law she appointed for the fourth prince. Although this may be false, both Gengshan and Princess Ningle have been sentenced to beheaded in autumn. For Gengxi No one cares anymore.”

"In order to settle Concubine Geng's heart, His Majesty will definitely agree."

Wei Lingyi snorted softly: "Who says it's not."

Yin Ziying stretched out her hand and held Wei Lingyi's hand. They started this matter alone, and it is about to end now.

After the matter about Gengshan came to an end, is it easier or more difficult to deal with the emperor, the Zhennan Palace, and the clans?

Seeing her hidden worry, Wei Lingyi chuckled, then reached out and rubbed her head: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"The matter has come to an end. With the eldest princess and several ministers here, there will be no more problems."

Yin Ziying also smiled: "Everything is getting better and better, I hope the matter can be resolved soon, so that the grain can be promoted in time."

Looking at her innocent smile, Wei Lingyi felt warm in his heart, "I have already written to the fief, and when they come to Beijing, shall we get married?"

The evening wind is like water, making people gentle physically and mentally.

On the second day, the whole capital city knew what Gengshan had done, privately occupying the iron mines, connecting with foreign countries, any of which was a serious crime of beheading and ransacking his home.

In addition to Gengshan's previous actions, such as robbing women and land, everyone in Beijing clapped their hands and applauded, and many people went to watch how the uncle's house was raided.

It was also this time that everyone knew exactly how extravagant the Uncle Guo's Mansion was. Boxes of gold, silver and jewelry were carried out, and there were countless precious antiques of calligraphy, calligraphy and painting.

Except for Gengxi, the former village owner of Gaole, the masters of Guojiu's Mansion were all imprisoned. According to the laws of the Great Yan Dynasty, all of these people would be beheaded. It is a serious crime to be able to communicate with foreign countries.

In addition, there was also an accident in the Changpingbo Mansion, the natal family of Princess Ningle.

Uncle Changping himself is a descendant of the cousins ​​of the previous royal family. As soon as this incident happened, his name was immediately erased from the jade plate by the clan mansion.Although they will not be killed because they are relatives of the emperor, they will also be exiled to the extreme north.

For these aristocratic families, the fate of being exiled is more uncomfortable than letting them die, but the state has state laws, even if they are royal family and nobles, so what?

Apart from clapping their hands and applauding, the people in the capital secretly discussed the injustice of this matter.

Without him, everyone knows that the daughters of Geng Shan and Princess Ning Le will still become concubines in the future, which makes many people very resentful.Especially for those families whose daughters were forcibly taken away by Geng Shan, the reaction was even more intense.

Why should Geng Xi, the daughter of a traitor and murderer, be married to the royal family when her daughter, who is clearly a victim, should be executed?

For a while, the people in Beijing were outraged, and because of this, the censors who usually stayed in various places in Beijing complained about this matter one after another.

With such a big commotion, the fourth and fifth princes in the prince's mansion also got the news.

In the fourth prince's mansion, the fourth prince's expression was a little gloomy when he heard the servant's report. He really didn't know what his uncle Geng Shan had done. If he knew, he would definitely persuade his mother and concubine not to do so.

No matter how much the father loves the heavy mother and concubine, it is impossible to risk the disgrace of the world to do such a thing.

According to his understanding, even if the important ministers in the court did not say anything, the matter has already aroused the public's enthusiasm. In order to obey the public opinion, it may not be as smooth as the father and mother concubine thought in the end.

If it's not going well, why do it?
Although he had a very friendly relationship with his cousin Gengxi since childhood, it didn't mean that he was willing to keep her under this premise.

He clearly knew that if he was born in an emperor's family and married such a wife, he would forget about that position.

After thinking for a while, he said to the servant: "Find someone to spread the word..."

The servant was surprised, and then worried: "Your Highness, what should happen to the Lord Gao Le?"

The fourth prince sneered, "Didn't Lao Wu always like Xi'er? This time, let Lao Wu recognize it."

The servant lowered his head, slandering in his heart, the fifth prince likes the Lord Gao Le, but everyone knows that the Lord Gao Le falls in love with you, Your Highness!
In the fifth prince's mansion, the fifth prince also got the news. He panicked when he heard that his favorite cousin was actually deprived of the position of village lord, and might even be exiled to the extreme north.

"Mother and Concubine is right. It would be too pitiful if Sister Xi'er was exiled. I want to marry Sister Xi'er."

The servant beside him couldn't help but reminded: "Your Highness, the village lord seems to be more interested in the Fourth Highness."

The fifth prince frowned: "I am a sibling with the emperor's brother and mother, if the emperor knows, he will definitely let me."

Seeing the innocent look of the Fifth Prince, the servant couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. He couldn't help reminding in a low voice: "Your Highness, have you thought about one thing?"


The servant looked around, and then walked up to the fifth prince's ear and whispered: "Your Highness, among the princes of the Great Yan Dynasty, only you and the fourth prince are destined for high positions. If you marry the village owner, you say, Will the courtiers agree to a woman of such origin as the mother of the country?"

The fifth prince was taken aback. In fact, he had never considered this question, so he was naturally surprised to hear it at this time.

He thought about the servant's words in his heart, pondered to himself, and found that it was extremely true. If he really married Sister Xi'er, it seemed that he was really not destined for that great position.

Although he likes little sister Xi'er, as a heir of the royal family, he naturally has thoughts about that great person.

For a moment, he hesitated.

The servant said in a low voice: "Your Highness, logically speaking, His Royal Highness Si Dian is the chief, so naturally he should take care of the village lord, don't you think so? Besides, the person the village lord himself prefers is also the fourth prince."

The fifth prince was stunned for a while, and finally said: "Between the imperial power and sister Xi'er, the imperial brother naturally chooses the imperial power. There is no need to question this point. If the younger sister Xi'er really married the imperial brother..."

Thinking that Sister Xi'er might have a bad life in the future, his heart throbbed. He liked Sister Xi'er very much. He liked her very much the first time he saw her when he was a child. How could he bear Sister Xi'er to suffer like this? sin?
The servant said in a low voice: "Your Highness, I haven't thought about it. Another way?"

Seeing that the Fifth Prince was in a daze, he hurriedly raised his thoughts, and finally said: "Your Highness, the people outside are raging with anger. If you really married the village owner, it would be bad. How about this, what do you think?"

According to the public opinion outside, calm down the matter first, and then go secretly to bring Sister Xi'er back?It won't affect his future prospects, but can also appease the people's hearts along the way?The fifth prince's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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