Chapter 477

Yin Ziying reacted for a long time before she came back to her senses: "So, the reason why he sent his wife's letter to Lu Xiuyu may have something to do with this matter?"

"So far it looks like that."

Yin Ziying said: "I really didn't expect that, Lu Xiuyu..." She thought for a while and shook her head, "Forget it, it's someone else's business and has nothing to do with us. By the way, why did Gu Yunyan write to your father? "

Speaking of this, Wei Yiling's eyes were deep: "The person Gu Yunyan caught may have something to do with my mother's mother's family."

"Xiao Family?"

Yin Ziying was surprised. If she remembered correctly, the Xiao family came from Fengzhou Prefecture. The Xiao family used to be a very famous family in Fengzhou Prefecture. Then something happened to the Xiao family, and everyone died, leaving only Wei Yiling's mother Xiao Yi.

Wei Yiling looked a little cold, nodded his head and said: "That's right, my father always suspected that there was an inside story. This time, Gu Yunyan happened to find that person, so we have to investigate carefully."

Yin Ziying stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't think too much, just let the prince check it out."

"Well, I also want to be involved in this matter, and I want to write a letter to my husband." Seeing Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows in surprise, he explained: "My adoptive parents had an accident in Fengzhou Mansion back then."

Yin Ziying's expression froze, and she suddenly understood what Wei Yiling meant, maybe it was because this person was also related to Wei Yiling's adoptive parents.

"Go do your thing! No matter what, I'm with you."

Wei Yiling stretched out his hand and rubbed her head: "Are you going to the Princess's Mansion? Then go!"

Yin Ziying does not doubt that there is him. Recently, because of Gengshan's incident, the capital is in a state of turmoil. Wei Yiling seems to have done nothing, but in fact he has done a lot of things behind the scenes.

Princess Palace.

Because the identities of Axing and Atao were confirmed, Princess Changyue had already ordered people to tidy up the most beautiful courtyard in the mansion, and wanted to let Axing and Atao move in, but unfortunately they didn't know it was sisterhood Deep or something, just keep guarding the waterside garden.

When Yin Ziying asked about this, A Xing smiled lightly and said: "It's nothing, living in the Waterside Garden is much better for us than before, not to mention, since those two courtyards are so meaningful, it's better to live in the Waterside Garden." has been preserved."

Only then did Yin Ziying know that the two courtyards that Princess Changyue had tidied up had been vacated by Princess Changyue since she was a child, so that Princess Changyue would visit her every now and then when she missed her daughter.

She smiled and said: "This is also the princess's heart for you, it's okay for you to move in." She thought that Ah Xing did this because of the estrangement from the princess.

Unexpectedly, Ah Xing said directly: "Those two courtyards are also very memorable for us."

A Tao also smiled and said: "Sister Ziying, we think that those two courtyards are also very good, at least every time we go in, we can feel that our mother misses us."

Yin Ziying was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood what the two sisters meant, she smiled and shook her head: "I was thinking about it."

"Sister Ziying is also concerned about our relationship with our mother, we all understand that."

Yin Ziying reached out and tapped A Tao's nose, then asked the two of them with a smile, "Mr. Sun and the others, have you seen each other? How are you doing now?"

"Well, grandpa's health is much better, and people are in good spirits on happy occasions. I think he is getting younger and younger. Brother Dahu is in good health, and he is almost recuperating now. It's Uncle Sun, who has been treated harshly by the government these years. It's empty." A Xing frowned, thought for a while and said: "Mother invited Uncle Sun to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, and he still needs to take good care of him."

Yin Ziying comforted: "It's fine as long as it's fine. The eldest princess will do it herself. If you want to come to the imperial doctor, you don't dare to neglect it. She will definitely take a good look at it."

A Tao nodded aside: "That's what I said too, but to be honest, I did one more thing this time!"

Seeing her younger sister's sloppy look, A Xing shook her head: "You!"

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Why, what happened?"

A Tao smiled and said: "I begged my mother directly to let the imperial physician go back to Qinan Mansion, and let him check up on everyone in the village."

Yin Ziying smiled and said: "A Tao did a good job, this is very good. They have worked all year round, and we don't know the root causes of some diseases on their bodies. It is of course good to check."

She knew that the imperial physician invited by the eldest princess this time was quite prestigious in Beijing. According to Wei Yiling, the emperor would not be willing to let him go if it wasn't for the repeated opening of the eldest princess Changyue.

Moreover, after this incident happened, Concubine Geng's actions became more frequent. Geng Xi, the daughter of Geng Shan, was not sent to exile in the extreme north, but instead entered the fifth prince's residence silently. Many people in the court knew about it.

However, because the emperor personally did this matter, he was the one who announced in front of his ministers that Gengxi's disposition would be exiled in order to appease the anger of the people, so the ministers just turned a blind eye. .

However, Wei Yiling always suspected that Concubine Geng would make another move, so he never gave up staring at her during this time.

A Xing shook her head and laughed: "Speaking of which, Ziying, I do have something to tell you."

"All ears."

Here, A Xing hadn't spoken yet, A Tao chirped again, "I know, I know, Sister Ziying, my sister must want to ask you about my mother."

"A Tao!" A Xing gave her younger sister a warning look.

A Tao curled her lips: "Sister, I am not called A Tao anymore, I have a big name, my name is Ruoci."

"You girl, Ziying can call you by your name, but I, a sister, can't?" A Xing pointed at her angrily and amused.

Yin Ziying looked at all this and shook her head, feeling a little emotional in her heart. After the identities of A Tao and A Xing were proved, of course they also had their original names.

Axing's name is Wei Lanshu, and Atao's name is Wei Ruoci. They are both very pleasant names. It is said that they were chosen by their father, the talented former consort.

The two sisters laughed and quarreled for a while, then A Xing turned her head to talk to Yin Ziying: "Ziying, you should know about my father, right?"

Yin Ziying thought for a while, then nodded: "The story of Concubine Wei is now spread all over the capital."

Recently, Princess Ning Le was revealed to have designed Prince Wei, which really set the Yongningbo mansion, which had been silent for many years, on fire. Even the Taiyuan Wang family began to move around with Yongningbo mansion and the eldest princess. stand up.

A Xing said: "Yes, the matter of my father was buried, but now everyone knows about it, but it has been so many years, it should be let go."

Yin Ziying was thoughtful, she sounded like she was concerned about something, and sure enough, the next moment she heard A Xing say: "My mother is going to make peace with Lord Jijiu recently, Ziying, do you think my sister and I should intervene?" ?”

Speaking of this, even A Tao, who was lively and active, was silent for a while. Obviously, the two sisters were very concerned about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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