Chapter 478
Yin Ziying had never heard of this news, and she was stunned. Princess Changyue wanted to make peace with Master Jijiu Xu Fang?How is this going?

She remembered that when Wei Lingyi mentioned Princess Changyue, he also said that Lord Jijiu and Princess Changyue were a perfect match, and that the husband and wife respected each other like guests.

It is also for this reason that the literati of the Great Yan Dynasty admired Princess Changyuechang's marriage with the divorced queen so much. Of course, this must have something to do with Xu Fang. After all, he is the Imperial Academy offering wine and has countless disciples.

"The eldest princess wants to make peace with Master Xu? It shouldn't be!"

Seeing the sisters in front of her, one worried and the other silent, Yin Ziying blissfully blurted out, "Is it because of you two?"

A Xing was silent, but A Tao said with a worried face: "Isn't it! My sister and I didn't have any feelings for Mr. Xu, we thought he was not in the mansion because he didn't live with my mother. did not expect……"

Thinking of what Nanny Zhang said, A Tao said again: "My mother originally planned to get pregnant and have a child with Master Xu, but now because the two of us have come back, my mother is going to reconcile with Master Xu immediately."

Yin Ziying didn't know what it was like to hear, she didn't expect A Xing and A Tao to find her for such a thing, it was amazing to say it.

She watched the faces of the two, and thought about what the two sisters had said, and asked tentatively: "What do you think?"

A Xing smiled wryly: "Ziying, why do you think I am looking for you?"

Before Yin Ziying came back to her senses, she said again: "My sister and I feel that there is no need for mother to give up Mr. Xu for the two of us. Besides, Mr. Xu is not to blame for this matter. I believe that if our father knows about it, then Nor would he have watched his mother make such a choice."

A Tao nodded and said: "Yes, yes! My mother is not very old now. Speaking of which, if she wants to have a child, there is still time. If my mother really wants to reconcile with Mr. Xuzhou for me and my sister, it will be uncomfortable in the future It's her."

Seeing the way the two sisters talked to each other, Yin Ziying suddenly smiled: "Since you already have an idea in your heart, why are you asking me?"

When she said this, she had a slight smile on her face, but she was a little touched in her heart. The initial acquaintance between her and A Xing A Tao might not have been smooth, but the relationship between her and A Xing A Tao has always been smooth.If not, it would not have been until now, even if she and Wei Lingyi knew that she and Wei Lingyi were using them, the relationship between them was so good.

A Xing also shook her head suddenly and smiled, "Yes, Ziying, you are right, I am timid, I always feel that it is not good for me as a daughter to interfere with my mother's affairs."

Yin Ziying: "It's nothing bad. If you know that you are caring, the eldest princess will be happy before it's too late, so how can she be unhappy?"

A Tao's eyes sparkled and said: "I said earlier that I would go directly to my mother and tell my mother, but Auntie refused. It seems that what you said, Sister Ziying, works."

"You! If your elder sister doesn't value you, how can you keep thinking about this matter? Think about your elder sister's attitude from the beginning to the present."

A Tao blinked her eyes, and suddenly smiled.

The two sisters looked relieved, which made Yin Ziying feel very funny. She didn't stay in the princess's mansion for long, mainly because of this matter. As daughters, A Xing and A Tao were not easy to speak. Naturally, it was even more difficult for an outsider to speak.

After Yin Ziying left, A Tao smiled and took her sister's hand: "Sister, let's go find mother!"

Ah Xing smiled and nodded her head, looked at the sun outside again, and then said: "Go to the kitchen and make something, mother has a bad appetite recently."

Princess Changyue has always been worried that the two sisters are suffering outside, so she is very tolerant towards them on weekdays. What they usually show is to abide by etiquette, but since it is for such a Things, of course, have to show that they take their mother to heart.

On the side of the main courtyard, Princess Changyue had a rare look down at Nanny Zhang, and Nanny Zhang knelt on the ground without saying a word, the atmosphere was embarrassing.

After a long time, the eldest princess sighed: "Nurse Zhang, you know what I mean, why are you still looking for Lan Shu and Ruoci? They are good children."

Nanny Zhang knew that her master was afraid that the two ladies would think too much, which would affect the relationship between mother and daughter, so she got so angry.

In fact, she now has some regrets about this matter, but if she is allowed to watch Princess Changyue reconcile with her son-in-law like this, how can she bear it?

For so many years, no one has understood His Highness's hard work without her. Originally, His Highness was willing to accept the son-in-law, and it was her unexpected joy to have a child. Who would have thought that the last two ladies would suddenly find them?

It is true that it is a good thing that the two ladies have found it, but in her opinion, it also directly affects His Highness and Prince Consort.

Thinking of this, Madam Zhang said: "Your Majesty plead guilty, please punish me."

Princess Changyue was angry and funny again, but when she thought about her daughter, she lowered her face again, "Nurse, you know what I think, I thought you, you are the one who understands me best."

"Your Highness, of course this servant understands your thoughts, but how can this servant watch you make such a choice alone? You and the son-in-law..."

Before the words finished, Princess Changyue interrupted Mama Zhang coldly: "Mom, don't say these words, I have made up my mind."

Reconciling with Xu Fang, this decision may seem absurd to others, but only she knows that it is definitely not hasty, she has thought clearly enough.

The daughters have suffered so much, and she has given them nothing all these years. Now that she finally has the chance, she must of course make up for it.

While thinking this way, a surprised voice came from the maid outside: "Eldest Miss, Second Miss, are you two here?"

On the ground, Nanny Zhang looked up at Princess Changyue. Seeing that her face was gloomy, she lowered her head and dared not say anything. At this moment, A Tao's voice came from the door: "Mother, I I made some pumpkin pancakes with my sister, they are delicious, do you want to try them?"

The daughter took the initiative to bring things to the door, even if the eldest princess was a strict mother, she couldn't help being happy, she nodded with a smile on her face, "Lan Shu and Ruoci have a heart."

"Mother, it's not difficult, but it's because my sister does too much, and I'm not very good at it." A Tao said, and went to support Princess Changyue, and then pretended to casually look at Zhang Momo who was kneeling on the ground .

"Ah, why is Nanny Zhang here?"

Nanny Zhang was about to speak, when A Tao stepped forward to support her, "Nurse Zhang, get up quickly, you are an old man who is by your mother's side, even if you really did something wrong, how can mother be willing to punish you?" ?”

Princess Changyue was about to speak, when A Xing over there put down the plate in her hand and said, "That's right, Madam Zhang has hard work without merit. Mother, what did Nanny Zhang do to make you angry?"

(End of this chapter)

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