Chapter 480

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Yin Ziying's mother Gao, Gu's aunt Yu and Gu Yunxuan were taken to the capital. Yin Ziying's marriage is about to be decided, and the elders are brought here to agree on the wedding date.

In the end, after several adjustments, the wedding date of Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi was set on the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month of the next year. Although Wei Lingyi was disappointed that it was a bit late, he had already won this day from several elders. Earliest time.

Even during this period, because of this matter, Gao Shi pointed his nose and disliked him, saying that although he is the son of the world, he should respect Yunyun for her youngest daughter.

Even Yin Ziying couldn't imagine that the Gao family, who was open to money at the beginning, would become so fast in less than three years. She was a shrew who could play around for a few tens of pennies at the beginning, but now she knows how to love when she arrives in the capital. She loves her daughter, and no matter how expensive the things in the guest house are, she has never shown a trace of timidity.

What Yin Ziying didn't know was that since Yin Jingjing and Yin Sisi opened the shop in the county, the family life has become better and better. Although Yin Ziying told them not to give too much money to Gao and Yin Yueshan, Several people are filial, so why not give it?
Occasionally, Mrs. Gao would go to the county to live for a while, and from time to time, she would help sew dolls to earn some pocket money. Naturally, her mentality became more peaceful when she had money.

What's more, before she came to Beijing this time, Gu Yuelan, her partner in the county, specially took her to live in Gu's house for a period of time, in order to let Gao feel the wealth of this big family.

During the period, Gu Yuelan also asked Mrs. Gu to teach Gao some knowledge about loving daughters, such as going to the capital to be confident in front of the people in the Zhennan Palace, and not to be timid when others say anything, don't think they are the Zhennan Palace, the son of the world Wasn't it just a businessman?

Although Ziying is older than the other girls, she is smart and capable, and she looks like a flower in a village from ten miles away. She is also capable of growing rice with high yields, and now she leads the villagers to grow peppers. What is not worthy of the world son?

At the beginning, Gao Shi was shocked when she heard such words, but when she slowly accepted this setting, she found that Mrs. Gu was right. Even the former high-ranking official, Mr. Chen, praised her eldest daughter. Well, what's wrong with her daughter that she can't be worthy of the son of Wei Lingyi?
Besides, although Wei Lingyi is the son of the eldest son now, but he is so old, speaking of it, it is her daughter who suffers!

However, Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi didn't know about Gao's experience and mental journey. Yin Ziying only felt that her mother had really become a lot more peaceful. Presumably, the original owner would be relieved when she saw it. ?

As for Wei Lingyi, it was not the first time he had met Gao Shi, but he didn't care about her at all before, but now he can only address her aunt respectfully, and he can't say anything bad to Gao Shi's words.

After the wedding date was set, Yin Ziying, Gao Shi and others could no longer live in the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, and they moved to another courtyard in the capital.

This house is not the property of Zhennan Prince's Mansion, but Yin Ziying bought it by herself some time ago. The reason is very simple, so that she can have a place to stay in the capital without relying on Zhennan Prince's Mansion.

As for the money, although she left Baijia Village before, the income from the workshop there has been continuously sent to her, as well as the share of the trendy play shop in the capital, and the person who went to visit Mr. Wu at Wu's house back then. All in all, she had saved more than 8000 taels of silver in her hand.

In the end, she bought this house for 7000 taels. Although it is far away from the noble districts like Zhennan Wangfu, it is not very remote.It's in the inner city, not far from the Imperial College, and in Yin Ziying's opinion, it's a place worth investing in.

On the day she moved here, Mrs. Dingyuan Hou, Princess Kangcheng, and Axing and Atao all came to warm her room.

It is said that Jiang Chuan originally wanted to come, but considering that there are only female guests here, he asked Mrs. Dingyuan Hou to bring a gift.

In addition, both the Yiguo government and the Jingguo government sent gifts. Although no one arrived, they fell into the eyes of many caring people.

Although the capital is large, each household has many eyes and ears.

So it didn't take long for everyone to know that Yin Ziying, the future princess of the Zhennan Prince, had moved outside. This represented a message that Yin Ziying and the prince of Zhennan were already in the process of getting engaged.

Many people despise Zhennan Wangfu's move in their hearts. A martial artist is a martial artist. There is a better choice. They really want to choose a peasant girl as the concubine for the future Zhennan Wang. They are not afraid of laughing their big teeth. .

Of course, these people who are secretly laughing at King Zhennan in their hearts now, how happy they are laughing now, will be slapped in the face in the future.

The news that Wei Yiling, the eldest son of Zhennan Prince, was going to be engaged spread like wildfire in the capital, and Geng Xi, who lived in the fifth prince's mansion, naturally heard it too.

Thinking of falling from the clouds, now she can only be reduced to a concubine of her cousin, and she will never see her light in this life.Yin Ziying's peasant girl jumped from a peasant girl to a branch to become a phoenix, and she will become the princess of the world, the princess of Zhennan in the future, how can she be reconciled to this?

It's like watching a person who is inferior to her in everything suddenly become an extremely powerful character, and this is not due to her own credit, but to rely on the man.

Thinking of what her mother said before leaving the cell, Geng Xi gritted her teeth with hatred. Originally, even if her parents were gone, she could still rely on her aunt and aunt. If it's not your own, you won't get any benefits.

At that time, the fifth prince had just come in from the outside, seeing his favorite cousin squatting pitifully by the door, he couldn't help but feel soft, and walked forward, "Xi'er, why are you here?"

Geng Xi raised her head and looked eagerly at the fifth prince, seeing the soft-hearted look on his face, she couldn't help thinking, she couldn't control the eldest princess's aunt, so why couldn't she handle Yin Ziying's?
Yin Ziying is just a peasant girl, why can she get such a good marriage?Thinking of the grievances she received in the Princess's mansion last time, she immediately had an idea.

"Cousin, do you hurt me?"

She made a look of grievance, and she saw that her cousin who always loved her showed distress, "What's wrong with Xi'er? What wronged you? Tell me, let me help you find a way, okay?"

Geng Xi said: "Cousin, I heard that the two daughters of the eldest princess' aunt's family have been found?"

The fifth prince was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "I found them back, but Xi'er, the two of them are beyond our control. If my aunt finds out..." He couldn't help but think of what would happen if Princess Changyue found out. I shuddered.

(End of this chapter)

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