Chapter 481 Punishment
Thinking of this, he was afraid that Geng Xi was really interested in them, so he hurriedly said: "Aunt almost broke up with Xu Jijiu because of those two younger sisters, Xi'er, do you understand what I mean?"

It can be said that as the prince who was favored by the emperor since childhood, the fifth prince dared to offend most people in the world, but Princess Changyuechang, his aunt was not among them.

One must know that not only he, the son, but even his father, the most honorable emperor of the entire Great Yan Dynasty, was three points weaker than Princess Shangchang Yuechang.

Geng Xi's eyes flashed, the eldest princess's aunt almost wanted to make up with Xu Jijiu because of the two wild girls who were found outside, she really didn't know about it.

But thinking that the eldest princess could do this for her daughter, Gengxi felt a little jealous. She had been in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and was almost exiled to the extreme north. Now that it's like this, the eldest princess's aunt has never seen her. It seems that the usual talk about treating her like a daughter is just a face-saving talk.

Thanks to the fact that no one knows what Gengxi is thinking now, if not, let’s talk about others, even if the fifth prince knows about this, he can’t help but cut open Gengxi’s brain to see what is growing inside, how dare he think about such a thing Woolen cloth?

You must know that your own mother is the one who harmed her husband and daughter. With the violent temper of the eldest princess, it's not bad if she doesn't deal with you.

Geng Xi said: "Cousin, don't worry, how can I have trouble with the eldest princess and aunt, but..."

The fifth prince immediately mentioned in a breath of relief: "Xi'er, what do you want?"

"Cousin, last time at the eldest princess's aunt's place, Yin Ziying offended me and shamed me in front of everyone. Cousin, you have to help me."

The fifth prince's first reaction was not that the eldest princess should have two cousins.

The second reaction, Yin Ziying?who is thisWhy is it so familiar?

The next moment, he heard the answer.

"Cousin, Yin Ziying is just a peasant girl, why do you think she is?"

The Fifth Prince was stunned: "Yin Ziying? Wei Yiling's fiancée?"

Geng Xi nodded: "Cousin, you know her too, right? She is just a peasant girl, she dared to take advantage of the influence of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion to make my face down, and now there must be many people in the capital who remember this matter, I don't care, Cousin, you have to help me."

The fifth prince only felt that one head and two were bigger, "Xi'er, we don't need to be angry with a peasant girl, what is your identity, and what is her identity?"

In fact, although he has never been in contact with Wei Yiling, he has heard of his deeds and met him. For some reason, every time he sees Wei Yiling, he feels uncomfortable all over. He always feels that Wei Yiling It doesn't appear on the surface that it is harmless to humans and animals.

What's more, if you really want to face Shangwei Yiling, you might bully the young one and make the old one come out. He knows very well that the mother, concubine and father are unable to touch the Zhennan Palace now, let alone him alone. What about the prince who has not yet been crowned king?

Geng Xi's eyes were quickly clouded with mist: "Cousin, you said that I want all the stars in the sky and you are willing to pick them off for me. What do you mean now? Sure enough, I guessed it a long time ago. I didn't So important."

While speaking, she turned her face away, but tears fell stubbornly, the fifth prince was so panicked that he wanted to reach out and break her shoulder, when he felt a burst of warmth on the back of his hand, he panicked all of a sudden, "Xi'er, don't think too much. Don't cry, you are the most important, you are very important in my heart."

"If my cousin doesn't even dare to attack a peasant girl, why are you talking about how important I am in your heart? I know that my family is in decline now, and my parents are going to die, so my face is not important anymore, don't you think?" ?”

"No, no, Xi'er, don't think too much, it's not like that, it's just that the peasant girl just got engaged to Wei Yiling, we can't act rashly, you know?"

Geng Xi turned his head: "Why not? Cousin, you are the prince, and Wei Yiling is just a courtier. Are you still afraid that they will fail?"

The fifth prince: "Xi'er, it's not a matter of being afraid or not. The Zhennan Prince's Mansion has military power in its hands, so even our royal family has to be afraid."

Geng Xi sneered: "Cousin, you are worrying too much. You might have been afraid before, but why are you afraid now? Why do you think Wei Yiling has to stay in the capital?"

The fifth prince's eyes lit up: "Xi'er, what do you mean..."

"Cousin, the lack of Royal Father is only an opportunity. Long ago, I heard from my father that King Zhennan is the one that Royal Father must take down."

The fifth prince still hesitated: "But, isn't that good? Xi'er, you don't know that the Zhennan Prince's Mansion has military amulets in their hands, if they accidentally offend them..."

Geng Xi said: "Cousin, why are you so naive? One, Yin Ziying is just a peasant girl, how could the Zhennan Palace do anything for her? Second, even if the Zhennan Palace really uses this matter to do something, that is our chance , isn't it?"

At this moment, the light in Gengxi's eyes made the Fifth Prince feel that this cousin was exactly like his aunt. He shuddered, thinking of what his cousin said, his eyes lit up a little.

If this is the case, then he will have no pressure to do things. My cousin said a lot, if the Zhennan Palace wants to do something because of Yin Ziying, a peasant girl, then they will have an absolutely fair and just reason to take down the town. Southern King.

At that time, the emperor doesn't know how to thank him, so what about punishment?
Seeing the fifth prince's bright eyes, Geng Xi pursed his lips and smiled, and reminded him in a low voice: "Cousin, if that's the case, then Xi'er will please my cousin."

It was only at this time that the fifth prince came to his senses, and he frowned: "Xi'er, if this is the case, if it is discovered by the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, our people may not be able to beat it."

Everyone knows that Zhennan Wang's Mansion is the General's Mansion, and Zhennan Wang is also appointed as a General. In theory, the people in Zhennan Wang's Mansion are many times stronger than those in the royal family's hands.

Geng Xi raised his eyebrows: "Cousin, since Yin Ziying is going to marry Wei Lingyi, will she still live in the Zhennan Palace?"

Just one sentence, the fifth prince immediately understood, and he patted Geng Xi's shoulder at random: "Xi'er, leave this matter to me, don't cry, my heart will break when I cry."

Geng Xi blinked, hummed with a thick nasal voice, and then approached the fifth prince's arms.

Yin Ziying didn't know that the danger was coming. Ever since Gao Shi, Yu Shi, and Gu Yunxuan came to the capital, she took a few people out for a walk in her daily life.

After all, the capital is a bustling city. After going out for a circle, everyone stared straight at the city, amazed at the prosperity of the capital. You must know that the bustle in their Qi Nanfu county is not as interesting as a street in the capital. .

A street in the capital city is very long, and there are some small alleys mixed in during the period. Occasionally, there is a sweet or fried smell in the alleys, that is, there are small vendors hiding in the alleys and selling their own food.

This day, as soon as a few people walked around a small alley, they smelled the smell of crispy fried fruit. Gu Yunxuan immediately sniffed it with her small nose, as if she wanted to know where the smell came from.

Seeing this, Yin Ziying scratched Gu Yunxuan's nose: "Miss Xuan wants to eat, doesn't she? Let's go, let's buy some if we want to eat."

The Gao family and the Yu family behind them are obviously used to this, but no one objected. They now know that Yin Ziying can not only spend money, but also make money. Otherwise, how did you buy the 7000 tael house?

That's 7000 taels. Who would dare to think about it before?
(End of this chapter)

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