Chapter 19 The fried brain is buzzing

Of course Ye Ningyan didn't know what a spiritual chef was or what a spiritual food was.

She was able to keep the ingredients free of impurities, all because these dishes were taken out of her space.

Of course, she can also make spiritual food without any impurities.

Because the control of spiritual power is very important in kung fu, in order to better control spiritual power, she used vegetables to practice at first.

Let the spiritual power flow in the meridians of the vegetables, and the meridians of the vegetables are all around.

This was of great help to her in contacting and controlling her spiritual power. Later, she found that it could also expel the impurities in the vegetables, so she fell in love with cooking like this.

After eating a beautiful meal, Ye Ningyan gave Bai Xiuyan the task of washing pots and dishes as a matter of course, and went to the room by herself to continue the unfinished clothes from yesterday.

In my mind, I kept thinking about the reason why the alchemy furnace was repeatedly fried the day before yesterday.

What exactly went wrong?There is nothing wrong with every step, and she does everything according to what the book says.

Ye Ningyan frowned tightly.

After dinner, Ye Ningyan did not pour out Bai Xiuyan's medicine again, because she had no way to detoxify him at present, and suppressed the poison for him yesterday.

She only waited for Shen Le'an to fall asleep, then quietly entered the space, put the poisonous blood obtained yesterday into the detector, and walked into the alchemy room by herself.

Go through the steps of alchemy again in my mind, and then start alchemy.

In another room, the lights were turned off, and Bai Xiuyan was lying on the bed and staring at the moonlight outside the window with his eyes open.

For some reason, he felt that the toxicity in his body had calmed down a lot in these two days, and it didn't torture him every day like it used to.

And every time he was poisoned, he would be weak for a period of time, but after this poisoning, not only was he able to stand up, he was actually much better than before.

Bai Xiuyan frowned slightly, and slowly closed his eyes.

I secretly lucked out a bit.

The toxicity is still there, but it seems to be suppressed by something.

As soon as the news came out, Bai Xiuyan sat up suddenly.

He used to use the green grass to suppress the poison all the time, but it was only a short-term suppression, but this time it seemed to be different, it was really suppressed.

Bai Xiuyan couldn't help but get excited, he began to draw Qi into his body, and began to mobilize the spiritual power in his body.

A mouthful of blood spit out.

The blue veins on his forehead also jumped violently, and Bai Xiuyan immediately stopped using his spiritual power.

Sitting on the edge of the bed for a while, he closed his eyes, and then opened his eyes to be clear again.

Although he still couldn't use his spiritual power, there was something in his body that could suppress the toxin, which gave him hope. As long as he figured out what that thing was, he would be one step closer to detoxification.

Because he had just used his spiritual power, a look of exhaustion had already appeared on Bai Xiuyan's face, and he didn't try to be brave any more, he changed into obscene clothes before going to sleep.

In the space, Ye Ningyan did not know how many more furnaces were blown up, and her face was a little dark at this time.

Staring at the waste pot of herbs in front of him, he looked like he wanted to eat people.

Damn it!She has clearly read all the steps of alchemy, why can't it work?

What went wrong?

Ye Ningyan stared at the alchemy furnace, as if feeling the strong ridicule from the alchemy furnace, her teeth were itching with hatred, she really wanted to go up and give it a kick, but she held back.

In the end, Ye Ningyan had no choice but to give up, took a shower and changed clothes before leaving the space.

I looked at my watch, it was another night of staying up late.

Lie on the bed and hug Shen Le'an and fell asleep.

But before going to sleep, she always felt as if she had forgotten something.

But the thought is just a flash, let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm too sleepy.

Without spiritual power to protect her body, her brain was buzzing from the fryer.

(End of this chapter)

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