Chapter 20 New Clothes

Not surprisingly, Ye Ningyan slept until the next afternoon.

Ye Ningyan walked out of the house, stood under the eaves and looked at the sun in the sky, squinting slightly.

When is this day?

This feeling of not being able to see the day with her eyes open made her feel a little bad.

The courtyard was extremely quiet today, Ye Ningyan searched around but couldn't find Shen Le'an and Bai Xiuyan.

But there was still hot rice in the pot, Ye Ningyan thought they must have gone out.

After eating a couple of casual bites, he planned to go out to find them, just in time to meet them coming back.

From a distance, I saw a little guy like a zongzi running towards the house quickly.

"Mother~" Shen Le'an saw Ye Ningyan shouting happily from a distance.

The clothes on his body were a bit loose, so they were tied to his body by ropes.

If she guessed correctly, this should be Bai Xiuyan's clothes.

"Mother, my clothes were washed by Daddy, these are Daddy's clothes" Because Ye Ningyan was afraid that Shen Le'an would trip over her clothes, so when Shen Le'an came over, she knelt down and reached out to catch Shen Le'an. Putting her arms around Ye Ningyan's neck, she said shyly.

"My mother is wrong, I should have prepared some clothes for An Anduo," Ye Ningyan said apologetically.

"No, it's okay for An An to wear only one suit of clothes." Shen Le'an waved his hands quickly and said.

He didn't want his mother to be sad.

"Thank you." When Ye Ningyan picked up Shen Le'an, she saw Bai Xiuyan walking over. His slightly pale face made Ye Ningyan's eyes froze, thinking that she forgot to get the poison analysis report last night, and then saw Holding An An's little clothes in his hand, he sincerely thanked her.

"You're welcome, An An is also my son." Bai Xiuyan touched Shen Le'an's head with one hand.

After speaking, he stretched out his fist and coughed lightly.

I punished the toxicity in my body last night, and my body is still a little weak at this time.

"Daddy" Shen Le'an called out happily.

It's such a good feeling to have a dad.

"Have you eaten yet?" Bai Xiuyan asked as they walked home, as if thinking of something.

"Eat," Ye Ningyan replied.

After that, the few people were relatively silent.

Ye Ningyan was thinking, he had already suppressed the toxicity in his body, how could it be triggered again?
Are those people coming again?Probably not, with his current ability, even if he used his spiritual power, he would not be able to use it at all, and would only become the soul of those people, so there was only one possibility left, which was to use his own power.

Ye Ningyan said to Bai Xiuyan until he reached the courtyard, "You should rest for a while, the clothes I made for An An will be ready soon, I will take An An to measure the size inside the house."

"Okay." Bai Xiuyan responded and put Shen Le'an's little clothes on the drying rack in the yard.

"Mother, have you made clothes for me?" Shen Le'an asked in surprise while hugging Ye Ningyan.

"Of course, An An will see if she likes it later." Ye Ningyan kissed Shen Le'an and said.

"I like it, I like everything my mother makes." Shen Le'an's small mouth is very sweet.

In the afternoon, Shen Le'an stayed on the kang, watching his mother make clothes for him, or was he called to measure the size.

Before the sun set, Ye Ningyan finally made Shen Le'an's little clothes. Shen Le'an wore them like a good-looking boy who came from heaven and earth that day. It was very beautiful.

Especially the pattern is the big red and big blue that Ye Ningyan doesn't like.

Mixing two colors on one piece of clothing is really eye-catching.

Shen Le'an was reluctant to take off her clothes after she put them on, and stayed by Ye Ningyan's side for a long time before getting off the kang and running to Bai Xiuyan's room to smug beauty.

Ye Ningyan got up and went to the kitchen. She hadn't noticed it before, but now she found that the big water tank in the kitchen was full of water.

(End of this chapter)

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