Chapter 36 Burgers
Ye Ningyan's eyes were fixed on Shen Chenyi's face, but she was thinking about the original owner's family in her mind.

It's them?
Ye Ningyan pondered for a moment, wrapped Shen Chenyi's legs in gauze, and then left.

No matter who it is, as long as she dares to touch her son, she will not let it go.

I looked at my watch, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

She was really busy tonight.

Ye Ningyan went back and fell asleep with Shen Le'an in her arms.

The next day, Ye Ningyan woke up late again.

He slept until the afternoon, which was the first time he slept so late during this period of time.

Last night, her spiritual power was exhausted, and she was busy until midnight, so it's no wonder she wasn't sleepy.

Bai Xiuyan and Shen Le'an are used to Ye Ningyan occasionally waking up late.

Bai Xiuyan finished the meal, but he didn't call Shen Chenyi, and Shen Le'an didn't dare to call either.

After eating, the two ran to Bai Xiuyan's house to play.

Because it is still raining outside, it has been raining since yesterday afternoon until today, and it has been falling so moderately.

After Bai Xiuyan brought Shen Le'an into the house, he kept telling Shen Le'an about the outside world and the wonders of the world of cultivating immortals. Shen Le'an listened with great enjoyment, and didn't go out to play all morning.

When talking about cultivation, Bai Xiuyan's heart moved slightly. For some reason, he always felt that the toxins in his body seemed to be a little less, showing signs of weakening.

Because I woke up this morning feeling a lot lighter.

Although these days here have always been very relaxed, the toxins in the body have been suppressed by unknown things, and I have never committed any crimes again, but the body will still be a little heavy due to the absorption of those toxins.

But this morning, it was a relief I felt for the first time since being poisoned.

He didn't know what was going on, but his intuition told him that the toxins in his body had been consumed by unknown things unconsciously.

When he woke up in the morning, he thought about it carefully. After coming here, he ate normally every day. The only exception was the food made by Ye Ningyan.

No impurities.

Could it be related to this?

Before Bai Xiuyan could continue to think deeply, Shen Le'an had already started urging him to continue talking.

In another room, Shen Chenyi didn't know when he woke up. After waking up, he sat on the bed all the time, and the gauze on his legs was also exposed in sight.

He was very aware of the feeling in his leg, and someone treated him last night.

And there is only one suspicious person.

Before he slept last night, he heard a commotion in the courtyard, and he came to the door vigilantly.

The man was very sensitive, and he sensed something was wrong as soon as he entered the room, and quickly took his palm.

Although he has no spiritual power, the opponent's speed is indeed beyond his imagination.

He always thought that the person last night was sent by that person to assassinate him.

Not only did he not die, but the wound on his leg was also healed well.

He thought about all the people there, but he couldn't figure out who would save him.

Moreover, he had never heard of that person's attire last night.

When Ye Ningyan woke up, it was still raining outside.

He took a breath, stretched his waist, turned over, really wanted to continue to sleep.

But her stomach won't allow her to do so.

When Ye Ningyan came to the door, she heard laughter from the east room and knew that Shen Le'an was there, so she went into the kitchen.

Looking at the dry firewood that was almost burned out in the kitchen, he sighed, and had to find a sunny day to go out to collect firewood.

You can't always use the dry firewood in the space, which is easy to attract suspicion.

However, these dry firewood can still burn for a few days.

After thinking about it, Ye Ningyan suddenly wanted to eat hamburgers.

Just do it!

Ye Ningyan is barbecuing meat, competing for bread, and adjusting seasonings.

Soon a few decent burgers came out.

At this time, Shen Le'an and Bai Xiuyan, who heard the movement in the kitchen, also walked in.

"Mother, you're awake." Shen Le'an ran towards Ye Ningyan.

"You guys will really come, I just made a hamburger, come and taste it." Ye Ningyan knelt down and hugged Shen Le'an, then took out a hamburger from the basin and handed it to Shen Le'an.

(End of this chapter)

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