Chapter 37
"Hamburger?" Shen Le'an looked at the stuff stuffed in his hand, his eyes lit up.

Smelling the scent on it, especially the smell of the barbecue in the middle, Shen Le'an couldn't help swallowing.

"Hurry up and eat." Ye Ningyan also took one and ate it herself, she was simply too hungry.

Well!It's delicious, I haven't eaten it for a long time.

Smelling the aroma, Bai Xiuyan took one and ate it without waiting for Ye Ningyan to let go.

In fact, he had already smelled the fragrance when he was in the house, so he brought Shen Le'an here.

First, I looked at the things in my hands. This way of eating is really fresh.

There was even lettuce in the middle.

Seeing Ye Ningyan's way of eating, Bai Xiuyan also took a bite.

Mmm... delicious.

He doesn't think he is a foodie, but these days here, he suddenly feels that he likes food so much.

Ye Ningyan felt that her appetite was still a bit small, and she was full after eating a hamburger.

"Mother, this is delicious." Shen Le'an couldn't help but excitedly said after eating happily.

"It's delicious, mother can also fry chicken drumsticks, next time mother will make it for you, and there are also chicken rice crackers, they are all delicious." Ye Ningyan counted the delicious ones she could cook for Shen Le'an with her fingers.

Shen Le'an's eyes were bright, he felt that his mother met a lot, and it was nice to have a mother.

"It's delicious" No matter how much ink and ink Bai Xiuyan has in his belly, he can't find the words to describe what Ye Ningyan made at this moment.

Because the next thing she cooks will be even more delicious.

"It's delicious, you two should eat more." Ye Ningyan was also very happy, because her efforts were recognized.

Inadvertently glimpsed the grocery store outside, Ye Ningyan struggled for a moment.

"Mother, that father didn't come out all day today." Shen Le'an also thought of something, and said to his mother.

Although he didn't dare to ask that father to eat, but his mother dared.

Ye Ningyan frowned, but still took two hamburgers out, not forgetting to tell the two to finish the remaining three hamburgers.

Dong dong dong

Ye Ningyan knocked on Shen Chenyi's door.

"Enter" Shen Chenyi pulled the quilt to cover his legs, then looked towards the door.

"An'an asked me to bring you something to eat." Ye Ningyan didn't even look at Shen Chenyi, she put down the hamburger and went out.

After Ye Ningyan went out, Shen Chenyi came back to his senses. He always felt that the woman in front of him was a little different from before.

Generally speaking, I have taken care of An'an and I can cook.

In other words, she knew how to cook from the beginning, but she just didn't show it in front of her.

Is it because of that man?
Shen Chenyi frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

He had already planned to ignore this woman's affairs.

Then the sound of his stomach rumbling pulled him back to his consciousness.

Seeing the fragrance on the table and eating it in a way that I have never seen before, I was a little curious, but I still picked it up and took a sip.

With the first mouthful, there will be the second mouthful, and the third mouthful.

Well, that woman is still good at cooking.

"Mother, this is for you. Daddy and I can't eat it anymore." Back in the kitchen, Shen Le'an came up and gave Ye Ningyan half a hamburger to eat.

Seeing that the two of them really couldn't eat anymore, Ye Ningyan took it without being polite.

In fact, she can still eat some.

"Let's have some porridge tonight." Looking at the light rain outside, Ye Ningyan thought for a while and said.

"Yeah." The two nodded in unison.

Because they are already full of food, they probably won't be able to eat at night.

And it's only an hour before dinner time.

They were afraid that Ye Ningyan would cook something delicious again, so they could only watch.

Because they really can't eat it anymore.

If she knew what the two of them were thinking, Ye Ningyan would really tell them that they were thinking too much.

The food is already very good now, how can it be delicious at night?
Cook a bowl of porridge for two people at most.

(End of this chapter)

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