Chapter 41: The Spicy Shen Chenyi

"Mother" saw that Ye Ningyan had washed up, Shen Le'an raised the pastry in her hand and handed it to Ye Ningyan.

Ye Ningyan opened her mouth and took the cake from Shen Le'an's hand.

But as soon as the pastry was eaten, Ye Ningyan frowned.

Take the pastry out of your mouth.

"Mother?" Shen Le'an thought his mother didn't like this cake.

"Can An An give all the cakes in her hand to mother?" Ye Ningyan looked at the bag of cakes in Shen Le'an's hand and said.

"Yeah..." Shen Le'an happily gave Ye Ningyan.

Ye Ningyan put a pack of pastries in her hand, took out a piece of pastry, squeezed a little bit, then crushed it with her hands, and then smelled it.

"Mother? What's the matter?" Shen Le'an looked at her mother's actions with her small head raised, and couldn't help feeling puzzled.

Bai Xiuyan watched Ye Ningyan's movements, his eyes paused slightly, something flashed in his mind, but he didn't grasp what it was.

"It's okay, this cake is too sweet, Xiao An'an is not suitable for eating, it is easy to damage teeth." Ye Ningyan shook her head and said to Shen Le'an.

Only Ye Ningyan knew that her hanging hand was slightly clenched, so she will soon find the person who poisoned An'an.

"Well, it's a bit sweeter, I won't eat it in the future." Shen Le'an thought about it seriously, as if she had a feeling, and agreed with his mother's words.

"Let's go, I'll make something delicious for you." Ye Ningyan put away the pastries, and then led Shen Le'an to the kitchen.

Naturally, Bai Xiuyan went to fight with him.

None of the three said anything to Shen Chenyi.

Shen Chenyi only glanced at the backs of the three of them when they went to the kitchen, and then continued to sharpen the bow and arrow with his head down.

No one saw the complicated emotions in Shen Chenyi's downcast eyes.

"Pick and wash these vegetables." Ye Ningyan found out a lot of vegetables for Bai Xiuyan, and prepared the hot pot base for herself.

Not long after, a strong fragrance came out from the kitchen, making Shen Chenyi's face tense.

"Wow~ It smells so good, mother" Shen Le'an said while standing in front of the cooking pot, swallowing her saliva.

"It would be nice if there was a stove, that would be more delicious. Now it can only be said that they are all cooked and eaten together." Ye Ningyan really wanted to take out the charcoal stove in the space.

"What kind of stove is it? I can try it." Bai Xiuyan couldn't help asking after hearing Ye Ningyan's sigh.

"Hmm~ I'll draw it for you when I have time," Ye Ningyan said after thinking about it.

I originally wanted to make hot pot, but due to the lack of tools, I ended up making it a bit like Malatang.

"Go! Tell your dad to eat." Ye Ningyan patted Shen Le'an's head and said.

"En." Shen Le'an nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then went out.

"Father, it's time to eat." Shen Le'an ran to Shen Chenyi and shouted before running back.

Maybe because of getting along with Shen Chenyi these days, he no longer had the initial fear.

This dad just doesn't like to talk.

"Hmm..." Seeing that his son was no longer so afraid of him, Shen Chenyi was a little happy.

"I don't know what flavor you like, so I didn't give you the ingredients. This one is spicy, and this one is tomato-flavored." Seeing Shen Chenyi coming in, Ye Ningyan introduced the things on the table.

"Mmm..." Shen Chenyi was rare to be gentle with Ye Ningyan, nodded his head, and put a lot of spicy food according to his preference.

Ye Ningyan frowned slightly as she watched Shen Chenyi release so many spicy food. Didn't he know that he still had injuries on his legs?

Eat something so spicy?

"What?" Shen Chenyi noticed Ye Ningyan's expression, and couldn't help but put down the spoon that still wanted to hold the peppers.

"It's nothing, this chili is very spicy, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it," Ye Ningyan quickly withdrew her emotions, and said lightly.

"It's okay." He was born to like spicy food, so he wouldn't be too spicy, so he sat down and began to taste this strange meal.

It looks like vegetables, but also like a bowl of noodles, but there are a lot of vegetables and meat in this bowl of noodles, maybe it can be said that the ingredients of this bowl of noodles are different.

After taking one bite, Shen Chenyi couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Without the extravagance of eating before, he continued to eat the second and third bites.

"Mother, is this tomato?" Shen Le'an was enjoying the meal, and couldn't help but look at Ye Ningyan with a smile.

The rice cooked by my mother is really delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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