Chapter 42 The Interaction of Father and Son
"Well, you are too young to only eat tomatoes, those spicy ones are too spicy," Ye Ningyan replied.

"But mother, I really want to try the spicy one too." Seeing how delicious Shen Chenyi's food was, Shen Le'an couldn't help swallowing, he wanted to try it.

"Yes, but it will have to wait until you get older." Ye Ningyan replied after a moment of silence.

She had a vague feeling that An An should also like spicy food, after all, his father likes spicy food so much.

Of course she likes it too, but the original owner doesn't like it.

"Okay." Shen Le'an withdrew his eyes and said with some disappointment.

But then he became happy again, because the tomato he had now was also delicious.

Bai Xiuyan can't eat spicy food, so he ate tomato.

He believed in Ye Ningyan's cooking.

Today's meal is really delicious.

Because Shen Chenyi ate two and a half bowls, Bai Xiuyan also ate two bowls, only Shen Le'an wanted to eat the second bowl, but was stopped by Ye Ningyan.

Ye Ningyan was afraid of supporting him.

Seeing the aggrieved Shen Le'an, Ye Ningyan chose to ignore it, and she picked up the bowl and put it in the sink beside her.

Seeing Ye Ningyan turn around, Shen Chenyi looked at the noodles in his hand and hesitated for a moment, then picked up a chopstick of noodles and brought them to Shen Le'an.

Shen Le'an was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

Silently said to Shen Chenyi, "Thank you, Daddy"

As he said that, he leaned forward and wanted to take a bite.

But just as they were about to eat it, the two instinctively looked at each other.

Ye Ningyan "..."

But looking at Shen Le'an with her mouth slightly open, why do she feel so cute.

"Daddy, eat it, I won't eat it." Shen Le'an reacted and pushed back the noodles in Shen Chenyi's hand.

Shen Chenyi "..." Why does he feel betrayed by this kid?

Ye Ningyan couldn't help laughing, walked over and nodded Shen Le'an's head, "You can eat a little, but you can't eat too much, and you can't eat too much."

"It's mother!" Shen Le'an knew that she was allowed to eat as soon as she heard his mother's words.

"Daddy?" Shen Le'an looked at Shen Chenyi with some guilt and expectation.

The corners of Shen Chenyi's mouth twitched slightly, but he continued to feed the noodles to Shen Le'an.

Shen Le'an took a sip and ate it into his mouth.

The first feeling is that it is really delicious, even more delicious than tomato.

second sense
so spicy~
Seeing Shen Le'an's hot little face flushed, Shen Chenyi quickly brought a bowl of water to Shen Le'an.

Gudu Gudu, Shen Le'an finished drinking, her mouth was not so spicy anymore, her eyes were still looking at the hot pot in Shen Chenyi's bowl.

Seeing that Ye Ningyan didn't say anything, Shen Chenyi fed Shen Le'an some more vegetables.

Seeing the interaction between the father and son, Bai Xiuyan's eyes flickered, and then he got up, took the bowl in his hand, went to the washing place, and washed it together with Ye Ningyan.

As for Bai Xiuyan washing the dishes, Ye Ningyan did not stop her at all. After all, she was not responsible for washing the dishes when she was cooking.

"Just clean up the house in a while." Seeing that Shen Le'an's food was okay and not that spicy, Ye Ningyan felt relieved and walked outside. It seemed that he really followed his father.

When Ye Ningyan returned to the room, she immediately took the cakes confiscated from Shen Le'an today and looked at them carefully.

If you guessed right, the poison in it is the same as that in her body.

Aunt Lin belongs to those people?
Thinking of this, Ye Ningyan pulled out a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Ningyan got up and took the pastry, talked to the kitchen staff and went out.

Ye Ningyan came to Aunt Lin's residence based on her memory.

"Give it to me! It's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

Two children in the courtyard seemed to be grabbing something.

Ye Ningyan walked in, and Aunt Lin happened to be sitting in the yard.

"Both of you, slow down." Aunt Lin looked at the two children in the yard worriedly, and then she looked up and saw Ye Ningyan.

"Ye girl, why are you here?" Aunt Lin was stunned for a moment when she saw Ye Ningyan, then got up and walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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