scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 215 The Female Ghost Takes Her Life

Chapter 215 The Female Ghost Takes Her Life ([-])

When Qiao Beitang woke up the next morning, she only felt a little groggy in her head. She sat on the bed for several minutes before she gradually woke up.I saw myself lying in the room, but I still couldn't remember how I got home.

She was going to work at the newspaper office today, so she went to the cloakroom to change before she had time to think about it, and walked downstairs after washing up.Breakfast is on the dining table, and Shu Rou is listening to the radio.

Hearing a voice coming from the stairs, the little girl looked over: "Miss Beitang is alright, I gave you hangover tea last night, I wonder if it worked?"

Qiao Beitang smiled at her, picked up the milk on the table and took a big sip: "Thank you for taking care of me last night, who sent me back, by the way, why didn't you and Shen Nianyuan come for dinner last night? Bian Yue and I waited for you for a long time, then we were hungry, and then we started eating and drinking."

Shurou carefully moved from the radio to her side: "Young Master Meng sent you back last night, and he took care of you. I dictated the hangover tea, and then Shen Nianyuan cooked it. We went to the hospital, and the doctor told me that my injury Can't drink, so I went straight home.

Not long after I got home, I saw Young Master Meng coming back with you in his arms, and you even vomited on his clothes.After the hangover tea is ready, Young Master Meng will carry you upstairs.I don't even know what time he left, but in the middle of the night, I vaguely heard the sound of the car starting. "

The breakfast eater showed embarrassment and was a little flustered. When he heard that it was Meng Kai who sent her home, he was still moved. When he heard later, he said that he had vomited on his clothes, and he felt a little embarrassed.She was a little worried that after this incident, her image in his heart would be greatly reduced, and would he feel that she was a drunk who liked to drink.

I can only blame my uncle's wine for being too delicious. Even though the wine is very sweet, I didn't drink much, so why did I get drunk?Forensic Qiao finally blamed the drunkenness on the wine being too delicious.

It should be because she drank hangover tea, she just felt a little uncomfortable when she woke up, but after breakfast, she was full of energy.She waved goodbye to Shu Rou and walked towards the newspaper office.

Qiao Beitang likes to walk to work, and likes to watch the whole city wake up in the morning, it will heal her.When she arrived at Fanxing Daily, it was still very early, so she went to help the master turn on the water first, and after the water was ready, the colleagues entered the room one by one.

Duan Ling was very happy to see her: "Obviously you are my little apprentice and we are colleagues, but it is always difficult to meet you once. There will be an interview next morning, let's go together."

"Sure, I don't have anything to do anyway." Qiao Beitang replied sweetly.

Liang Fu drank water with a cup in his hand: "You must never say that you have nothing to do. Experience tells me that the more you say nothing is wrong, the next second things will come to you, believe it or not." , raised an eyebrow, a little funny.

Facts proved that Liang Fu was right, and his words were quickly verified.When the two girls were carrying their cameras, packed their things, and were about to go out for an interview, the phone in the office rang.

The phone was quickly in Qiao Beitang's hands: "Hello!"

Lin Yangchuan on the other end of the phone bluffed: "Someone came to the police station to report the crime in the morning, saying that the body was found. We are rushing to the scene of the crime. You are waiting at the newspaper office. Lao Meng drove over to pick you up." With a sound, the phone was hung up.

The girl who put down the phone smiled wryly at the master: "I can't accompany you today, you go with Liang Fu!"

Several people left the gate of the newspaper office together. A few minutes after Duan Ling and the others left, Meng Kai drove over and the car stopped smoothly at the gate of the newspaper office.

As soon as Qiao Beitang sat on it, she asked, "Who is the dead person? What's the situation? I just rested for a day and adjusted my condition. I have to go back to work again."

The small building of the Fanxing Daily quickly disappeared from the sight of the two of them. Meng Kai held the steering wheel with one hand and pulled her with the other: "I don't know the situation now, and I rushed over as soon as I got the news. You have really It’s been a lot of hard work, or I wouldn’t follow this case.”

If Qiao Beitang in the past was bluffed by his words, now she knows the person in front of her very well. If he really wanted her to rest, he would never let her know about it.Now that he is here, he just feels that there is no problem with his body and wants to squeeze the labor force.

"Okay, then take me back!"

For this answer, Meng Kai was quite surprised, but he also thickened his skin a lot: "Since we have all set off, don't you want to go and have a look? Didn't you say that once you don't know about the dead, it will be fine. Just itching, do you want to find out the murderer?"

"Suddenly I don't think about it anymore. I always help for nothing. Didn't you say you would give me a reward? You also said you would give me a box of money. I haven't seen any money yet." When doing things, paying the rewards is procrastinating.

While talking, the two arrived at the scene of the crime, which was in a small villa.By the time they got there, the people from the patrol room had already arrived.

Lao Li held his notebook and was asking the reporter how the body was discovered. Others entered the scene, but they only checked roughly in the living room. The specific arrangements were made after Meng Kai arrived.

This detached villa has three floors, the first floor is the living room, kitchen, and a guest room.The second floor is the master bedroom, study and two empty rooms, and the third floor is the attic. The deceased died in the bathroom of the master bedroom on the second floor.

The room on the second floor is large, well lit, and luxuriously decorated.When I arrived at the master bedroom, I felt a bit cold for no reason.Meng Kai and Qiao Beitang walked in front, Lin Yangchuan, Yang Qingfeng and Xiao Zhu followed behind.

The door of the bathroom was facing a large bathtub. As soon as the door was opened, a person was lying in the bathtub with his head leaning against the bathtub and his hands resting on both sides of the bathtub. The rest of the place was soaked in the bathtub.

Lin Yangchuan took a breath: "This man was killed in the bathtub, the murderer is too perverted!"

The bathroom here is slightly larger than other people's homes, and there is a window directly opposite the bathtub. The room is a little dark at the moment, and it is not clear what the deceased looks like, only that there is someone lying in it.

Xiao Zhu went to the window and opened the curtain. It was not until the outside light came in that everyone could see the specific situation of the bathroom clearly.

The deceased had many wounds on his face and marks of being beaten on his arms. He looked to be in his twenties, with short hair and a slightly fat body.There are many petals in the bathtub where he takes a bath, and there are some bathing things on the cabinet next to the bathtub, and those things are very delicate.

Next to the exquisite toiletries, there is an opened bottle of red wine and a red wine glass.The wine bottle is half empty and there is no wine in the glass.Judging from the situation at the scene, it should be that the deceased drank the wine in the glass while taking a bath.

Yang Qingfeng was a little puzzled: "I can understand a man taking a bath, I can understand drinking, but I can't understand drinking while taking a bath. The key is the flower petal bath he took, which always feels weird."

Lin Yangchuan snorted: "Apart from the petals in this bathroom, there are even more evil things. Look at this bath towel, does it look like a woman's thing? Is he a man?"

Qiao Beitang also took the opportunity to inspect the bathroom. The whole bathroom was very clean, nothing was damaged, but there were some water stains on the floor.Most of the things in the bathroom are more feminine, and the deceased is indeed a young male.

(End of this chapter)

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