scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 216 The Female Ghost Takes Her Life

Chapter 216 The Female Ghost Takes Her Life ([-])

Xiao Zhu put his head close to the deceased, stared at him carefully, and then said after a while: "I seem to know him?"

Lin Yangchuan was a little unbelievable: "You really know him?"

"It's not an honor to know a dead person. Do you think I'm rushing to recognize someone? I'm not kidding you. I seem to know him, but I'm not sure, just looking at his face. He looks a lot like me. It’s a former classmate, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, so I’m not too sure about it, but I remember that my classmate has a mole under the navel, I can take a look later.”

Not long after, Lao Li came in from the outside. He saw everyone crowded in the bathroom, so he stood outside and did not come in.The bathroom gradually quieted down, and he consciously gave way to Qiao Beitang.

Qiao Beitang took a few steps to the edge of the bathtub. After taking the photo, she touched the corpse a few times with her gloved hands. She could clearly feel that the corpse was already stiff: "Lift him out of it."

Yang Qingfeng and Xiao Zhu stood at the head and tail of the bathtub, one person lifted the dead man's arms, the other lifted the dead man's legs, and together they worked hard to lift the dead man out of the bathtub.The water in the bathtub spilled out because of the actions of the two, and some red rose petals mixed with the spilled water dripped on the bathroom floor.

Because of the rigor, the corpse maintained a posture in the bathtub, as if it was sitting. There were many scars on the surface of the corpse, and these scars were mainly distributed on the face and front body of the deceased. These injuries looked scary, but Just some punches and kicks.

Qiao Beitang carefully observed the corpse, and found that the spots were located on the back and buttocks. There were not many spots on the corpse, and they were faint red spots.She pressed it with her fingers, and the color faded, which is the plaque of the diffusion stage.Because the corpse is in the water, it is a little different from the usual corpse spots.

Judging from the spots and rigor on the corpse, the deceased should have died between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] last night, and after his death, his position had not been moved. He was sitting like this when he died. in the bathtub.

Xiao Zhu carefully looked at the belly of the deceased, and finally saw a black mole under the belly button: "He is my classmate, we went to the river to take a bath together when we were in school, and I said his mole The location is quite unique.

My classmate said that he is a mole of wealth. When he was born, the fortune teller said that he will earn money in the future, and he will earn a lot.Later, he stopped going to school. When he graduated, he seemed to be in business, and he really made a lot of money. "

Yang Qingfeng was a little disbelieving: "Qiao Forensic Doctor, how did this man die? Was he really killed? But there are no obvious wounds on the body?"

"I don't know the cause of his death. I'm afraid the only way to find the cause of death is to dissect the corpse. Let's take it back first. I've seen everything that needs to be seen." The girl said calmly.

After the corpse was carried back, several people walked around the house a few more times. During the investigation, they found that the house was very tidy, with no signs of being turned over, and no one had been inside.Neither the bathroom nor the villa's door locks showed signs of being tampered with.

At this time, unlike when Qiao Beitang was studying, there were a lot of high-tech assistance, and a lot of valuable information could be found through instruments. What she can do now is to dissect the corpse.The master said that the development of high technology has indeed helped a lot in solving cases, but the ability of forensic medicine is still the basis for solving cases. In the process of solving cases, we must constantly ponder and accumulate experience.

After returning to the patrol room, Xiao Zhu and Lao Li went to inform the family members of the deceased, and the rest went to the autopsy room together.Now the people in the small team are used to entering the dissection room, unlike before when they were always scared to vomit.

The corpse lay quietly on the dissection table. Qiao Beitang changed her clothes, put on a mask and hat, and stood beside the dissection.She first carefully checked the body surface. The injuries on the deceased were injuries during his lifetime. He should have fought with others the day before his death.

This time, Qiao Beitang chose the most common dissection procedures, from the abdominal cavity to the pelvic cavity, to the neck, to the chest cavity, and finally to the cranial cavity.After removing the abdominal and pelvic tissues and organs, the neck and thoracic visceral tissues were removed together, and finally the cranial cavity was dissected.

The autopsy went smoothly. After the autopsy, it was found that the deceased had no other injuries except for the scars from the fight and some abrasions on the soles of the feet.It's just that the internal organs of the deceased were bleeding slightly, and the heart of the deceased was not very good.

He looked only in his twenties, but his heart was much older than him. Qiao Beitang extracted some internal organs for examination.At this moment, I really can't see how this person died.

Lin Yangchuan waited anxiously, seeing her stitching up, he asked, "How did this man die? I don't think he was killed by someone?"

Yang Qingfeng was a little curious: "Why wasn't it killed by someone?"

"The scene we went to was very clean, the door lock had not been picked, he was alone in the bathroom, how could he be killed. You can see that he has a lot of injuries, but none of them are fatal. These just look a little scary , so I don’t think he was killed.”

The voices of the two of them could be heard in Qiao Beitang's ears. After sewing up the corpse, she took off her mask and gloves to wash her hands.When she was applying the soap, she couldn't figure out how the dead man died.

After several people came out of the dissection room, they returned to Meng Kai's office. The girl saw several people looking at her eagerly: "There is really no obvious cause of death on him, so I don't know some things for the time being. His internal organs are somewhat Bleeding, quite like suffocation, but his stomach is clean, the hyoid bone is not broken, it is not like drowning, nor is it strangled or violently suffocated."

The deceased she met today made her a little embarrassed, because she couldn't find a specific cause of death.Immediately, the atmosphere in the office was a little different. Meng Kai sent his girlfriend a glass of water.

"Let's rest our brains and wait until we meet the family members of the deceased."

Not long after, Lao Li and Xiao Zhu brought the deceased's mother to the police station. The deceased's name was Zhao Zhangang, who was 24 years old this year.The deceased and Xiao Zhu used to be classmates, so Xiao Zhu quickly found his home and brought his family.

Knowing the news of her son's death, Zhao Zhangang's mother broke down and burst into tears. From her cries, the team members also knew one more thing, that is, Zhao Zhangang's father was still in the hospital.

Xiao Zhu was busy patting Mother Zhao on the back and comforting her. The woman said a lot of things, such as her husband's heart and God's blindness. Finally, Qiao Beitang's eyes lit up.

There are no scars on the surface of the corpse, so it is possible that he died of a sudden heart attack. Since there is no mechanical damage on the outside of the corpse, but the person is dead, if there is no problem on the surface, look from the inside out.

If the deceased had a heart problem and the water temperature was too high when he took a bath, the blood vessels would dilate, and once the blood vessels dilated, the blood circulation would speed up.Once the blood circulation changes, the burden on the heart will increase, which will put a lot of pressure on the heart and easily cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The reason why Zhao Zhangang has a heart problem is not because of how powerful her naked eyes are, but because she has actually seen such a heart in school and when she was investigating cases with her master.Is it really not a murder case this time, but an accident?
(End of this chapter)

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