scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 295 The Curse of Xiaohe Village

Chapter 295 The Curse of Xiaohe Village ([-])
The mountain was pitch black, only a faint layer of moonlight poured down from the sky, and this layer of light shrouded the earth, making everything around it appear hazy and peaceful.The flame of the candle under the small hill is shaking with the mountain wind, and the faint light is very conspicuous between the sky and the earth.

A sudden mountain wind blew away the burnt paper money on the ground, and the ashes were blown out like this, flying into the grass, onto the big trees, and then farther and farther away.The young couple took a few steps back and waited until the ashes on the ground were blown away before walking over again.

Meng Kai looked at the incense and candles that were still burning: "It seems that the man hasn't been gone for long, who is going to come here to worship?"

Qiao Beitang turned her neck to look around, the distance her eyes could see was very limited, she was complaining in her heart at this moment.If only my special skill was clairvoyance, isn't this skill much better than identifying scumbags?
"I'm afraid the man left long ago. Did this man come to burn paper money for He Liangcheng? Could he be a murderer? He killed someone himself and felt very sorry, so he thought about burning paper money for him, so he would feel better?"

Meng Kai thought: "I don't think so. Although this place is not far from the place where He Chengliang found the body, there is still some distance. If you really want to burn it for him, why not get closer to that slope. Anyway, we are here, but A few meters, why don't you go there?"

After saying this, one of the burning candles was extinguished, and the half-burned candle was still smoking, and the surrounding area seemed to be a little darker than before, and there was a strange feeling that made people feel dizzy. numb.

Even Qiao Beitang, who had seen the big scene, was a little panicked. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell where it was.The skin on the arm was a little cold, and the little head leaned on Meng Kai's shoulder all of a sudden, holding his arm in his arms.

"According to what you said, it is possible that that person came to burn incense and paper money on the small hill. The more I say it, the more evil it gets. Hey, it's weird here, why don't we go back!"

Shouts came from the direction of the village, it was Lin Yangchuan and Yang Qingfeng who came to look for them.Because there were no street lights here, and it was very dark around, they didn't know where the two of them had gone, so they could only yell with their mouths.

Intermittent shouts floated into the valley, and there were some echoes.Meng Kai glanced at the small hill, and left here with his girlfriend. When they returned, Lao Li and Xiao Zhu were saying goodbye to Dr. Xia.

The old man held a toothpick in his mouth, with a satisfied expression on his face. He didn't look like a doctor at all at the moment, and he didn't have the slightest aura of saving lives and treating diseases. He touched his belly and felt a little bit reluctant to say, "You guys will come back tomorrow!" Are you still coming?"

Lao Li nodded: "We will come. As long as the murderer is not caught, then we will definitely come here often. It's just that we will trouble you again when the time comes."

The reluctance on Dr. Xia's face disappeared in an instant. It was worse than changing his face. He waved his hand smartly: "No trouble, no trouble. The doors of the house are almost never closed. Even if they are closed, you will know where the key is. Or In other words, except for my room, you can do whatever you want, there are many precious medicinal materials and many medical books in my room, so you can’t go in there.”

After everyone talked for a while, the team members boarded the car and left Xiaohe Village.After everyone went back, instead of going home individually, they went to the office of the police station first.A few people want to make a summary of today's work, and they also need to arrange tomorrow's tasks.

After returning, Lin Yangchuan first went to make a few cups of coffee for everyone to refresh themselves.He and Yang Qingfeng didn't sleep well last night, because Xiao Zhu's snoring was too loud, they hardly slept in the first half of the night, and they squinted for a while at dawn.

When Meng Kai saw the coffee was on the table, he didn't talk nonsense: "Then let's start the discussion, let's talk about our opinions first."

Lao Li: "Although we have worked hard these two days, running both in the city and the village, the harvest is still good. Although we don't know who the murderer is, at least Wang Lian can be ruled out. Then there is Liu Yinqi who can be investigated."

Yang Qingfeng nodded in agreement: "I agree with Lao Li's point of view. Apart from what he said, I still have something to add. Yesterday, Xiao Zhu and I went to the village to ask for information about the villagers who found the corpse. They didn't know everything. Don't you know?
Also, they sat on the rocks not far from the small hill and chatted early in the morning. I wondered why this was until I went to Liu’s house in the afternoon, and I finally figured it out.I guess they were looking for the missing person, and they spent the whole night looking for it.

It seems that the secret of Xiaohe Village is that someone disappeared in the village, but they don't know how this person disappeared, so they are hiding it.But there is still something I can't figure out, that is, their people are missing, why would they rather send people from the village to look for them than notify the patrol house? "

After Yang Qingfeng and Lao Li's words came out, everyone was silent for a while, and they were also thinking along their lines!
Xiao Zhu asked: "How can you be sure that Wang Lian is not the murderer? I went to the town during the day, so I don't care much about the situation in Dahe Village. She is pregnant. It's true that she colludes with others and wants to kill her." Where is He Liangcheng?
When I first came to the patrol room, I encountered a case. The murderer was the wife of the deceased. In order to win the family property, she got together with her girlfriend and conspired to kill her husband. "

Qiao Beitang was certain: "The murderer is not Wang Lian."

Lin Yangchuan also added: "We searched the He family inside and out, and found no carbon in the house, and the airtightness of the room is not good, even if the doors and windows are closed tightly, there are vents, so you will not be a criminal. found the scene.

What's more, the location of that house is too remote. We were careful all the way to He's house, not to mention that the murderer had to carry He Liangcheng on his back.Besides, the He family was too far away from the small hill, and the physical strength of ordinary people really couldn't support it. "

Qiao Beitang nodded: "And if Wang Lian really killed her husband together with others, why didn't he do it earlier. Isn't it good to do it when she is not pregnant? Throw the body under the cliff beside their house. okay?

That cliff is much higher than the small hill, and the bottom is a bit steep. Most people would never go there, and the corpse is not easy to find.No matter how bad it is, it's okay to burn the corpse with a fire.The most important thing is that she has her husband in her heart. Although she hates him, she will not kill him. "

Xiao Zhu held a pen in one hand and scratched his hair with the other: "Who is the person who killed him? When we went to the town in the morning, the carbon seller said that there were many people around to buy carbon, and he also I can’t remember those people. In addition to heating, some restaurants also use carbon to boil water and stew soup.”

In the morning, he and Yang Qingfeng had almost nothing to gain. They guarded the place where the carbon was sold for a while, and the traffic of that store was really good.

Seeing that everyone had expressed their views, Meng Kai made a conclusion: "We will investigate this case together with He Liangcheng and Liu Yinqi. First of all, we ruled out Wang Lian. She is indeed not the murderer. Since love murder is ruled out, we should combine his character , In terms of things you do, the ones with a higher probability are vendettas or entanglements such as money.

Remember what the casino owner said?Impressed with them because of how quickly they pay back?Doing something that can be done quickly in a short period of time must be shady.Don't you think some things are very coincidental?
The two people who paid back the money together also disappeared together. What I mean by disappearance is that one disappeared and the other died, but I guess the one who disappeared was probably also killed.Is it possible that the enemy of the two men killed them?So it's best to check with two people.

Tomorrow Yang Qingfeng and Xiao Zhu will go to the casino again, and ask the boss if he knows what the two of them are doing in private?I guess he must know that since there are quick money coming, he must be very interested.

Lao Li and Lin Yangchuan went to investigate Liu Yinqi, trying to figure out what happened before he disappeared.Also, go around the village more. I think the scene of the first crime should be in Xiaohe Village.

Tonight I went to Houshan with Forensic Doctor Qiao and encountered a very special incident. Someone burned paper money on the small hill. However, this incident should not be easy to investigate, but I always feel that it is related to this case.Let's do the things at hand right now, and we'll talk about the rest step by step. "

(End of this chapter)

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