scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 296 The Curse of Xiaohe Village

Chapter 296 The Curse of Xiaohe Village ([-])
After the meeting, a group of people hurried home.Meng Kai also drove him back to Qiao's house. On the way back, Qiao Beitang stretched out his hands and rubbed his neck and shoulders, feeling a little sleepy.

After deliberation, the man suggested: "Why don't you take a day off tomorrow?"

"Why?" Qiao Beitang asked back.

"Our two families will have dinner together the day after tomorrow. I want you to relax tomorrow and have a good rest. I will go to the village to investigate tomorrow. I don't know what will happen. I'm afraid you will work too hard."

This is tactful, but in fact he wants to say, you are a forensic doctor, not a police officer, the forensic doctor in this patrol room is not as tired as you.

The girl replied: "Our two families eat together, and there is no conflict with the investigation of the case. If I don't go tomorrow, I will definitely feel uncomfortable all over."

After she finished speaking, she showed her cuteness to her boyfriend, which made people's hearts itch, Meng Kai could only sigh, and swallowed all the words that followed.He always has nothing to do with her, as long as she gives in and says something nice, he can't make up his mind.

After seeing her off home, when the two stood under the big tree and said goodbye, he still couldn't help telling her: "After you go upstairs, take a good rest, you have been dizzy and nauseated again for the past two days, if it wasn't for Dr. Xia to help you feel the pulse , Said that you are fine, I even want to take you to live with Master Guan for a few days.

Before you fell into the water, did you drink the medicine for body cold?And when you were poisoned because of the girls' school, did you take good care of your body?I know you are very powerful, you are the omnipotent Qiao forensic doctor in their eyes.

But please remember, you are my girlfriend and my future wife in my heart.I am very proud of you, and I also appreciate the way you shine with confidence when you are professional.

But I hope you are in good health and can live happily.Even just now I was thinking, if it weren't for me, would your life be easier.The young lady of the Qiao family in the Shanghai Concession, the granddaughter of the Xu family, whatever their identities, are worthy of a carefree life. "

Qiao Beitang was very surprised when she heard these words. After being surprised, she was moved. She felt that her chest was filled with happiness.A lot of happiness is produced in the body, and this kind of mood is wonderful.It is an experience that I have never had in my previous life, and this kind of emotion makes people happy.

She plunged headfirst into Meng Kai's arms, wrapping her hands around his waist, the tears in her eyes still flowed out uncontrollably, she was emotionally agitated at this moment, and her voice was weak.

"Your appearance is the most valuable thing in my life. Please don't deny that you bring meaning to me in the future. Only with you can I do what I love unscrupulously."

The two hugged each other under the big tree, feeling the warmth brought by each other, and feeling each other's heartbeat and breathing, and everything around them was still.

As soon as Bian Yue came back, she saw this scene. She parked the car, sat in the car, and then leaned on the steering wheel: "Can I bother you? Should I go back now or close my eyes ?”

Meng Kai let go of the person in his arms: "I'm going back, you have a good rest."

After Qiao Beitang watched him off, she ignored Bian Yue and went upstairs on her own. She was thinking about things at the moment, what happened to her?As Meng Kai said, she always vomits and has tightness in her chest, but she feels that she is in good health!

Bian Yue opened her eyes and saw that her good sister had already arrived at the door, so she jumped out of the car and chased after her.


The next morning, the team gathered at the patrol house on time, and then drove towards Xiaohe Village.When the car was parked, several people walked towards Dr. Xia's house, wanting to put some things in his house before going to handle the case.Who knew that just after walking a few steps, they found a few people standing not far away.

Yang Qingfeng had good eyesight and recognized those people immediately: "Boss, isn't that Liu Yinqi's family?"

Those people seemed to have also seen the people in the patrol room. The two old men led their grandson and walked over quickly. The child had short legs and couldn't keep up with them, so he had to be dragged away by his grandparents. The Liu family went straight to Meng Ke's house. Front.

The old lady said, "Inspector Meng, I have something to explain."

Meng Kai's eyes were deep, and there was a scrutiny in his eyes: "Say."

"Didn't we ask the people in the patrol room to help us find our son yesterday? Oh, there's no need to look for it. Our old man and I are getting old and a little confused. Our son is not missing. He has gone to work in other places, so I don't need you to help us." found."

After the old lady finished speaking, the old man next to her also said, "That's right, we are ignorant, please trouble the patrol room. You are here to investigate the case, and you are already busy. You have to be distracted by our affairs, and we feel very uncomfortable." Excuse me.

We solemnly apologize to you guys, knowing that you live in Dr. Xia's house, so we brought you a basket of eggs to nourish your body. "

After Meng Kai sized up the couple, he turned his gaze to the child again. Liu Xiaobo met his gaze, and quickly shifted his gaze elsewhere.But helplessness was written on his face, and he was quite sad at such a young age.

"Take the eggs back, we know, we won't help you find your son again."

The husband and wife talked for a long time, and the meaning behind the words was self-blame. After thanking and bowing, they left with their little grandson.No matter what they say, they will give them eggs to eat, saying that they have worked hard.

After a few disappeared, Lin Yangchuan wondered, "What's the matter with these two old people?"

Yang Qingfeng shook his head: "It would be great if we could know, yesterday we were asked to help, but today we are going back on our promises."

Xiao Zhu quickly walked to the gate of the yard, saw a basket full of eggs on the ground, and thought of the poverty of the Liu family, she was a little puzzled.

"It's not helpful, I picked up a basket of eggs for nothing!"

Meng Kai looked at the egg on the ground, and said to Xiao Zhu, "You send the things back later, Liu Xiaobo has become so thin, and he has not kept up with his nutrition. We can't have this egg."

After everyone put their things down, they acted independently.Qiao Beitang took out a big bag from the car and carried it on her back.

Meng Kai picked it up, and as soon as he picked it up, he realized that the bag was very heavy, and there should be a lot of things in it. Why did she bring it to Dahe Village?

It seems to be able to see the curiosity in his eyes: "This is a gift I brought to Wang Lian. They are all nutritious products. She is pregnant and has nothing to eat at home. Thinking that today is just going to pass, I brought some for her. .”

The two of them talked and walked towards Dahe Village!

On the way, Qiao Beitang was a little curious: "Why do you think that old couple hid the news of their son's disappearance?"

She clearly felt yesterday afternoon that the two old men were sad for their son's disappearance, and it was impossible to pretend.Their eyes were swollen just now, obviously they had cried, but their attitudes changed too quickly after one night.

The road gradually became difficult. The man stretched out his hand to hold the person beside him, and glanced at the surrounding mountains.It was relatively early at this moment, and there was a lot of fog in the mountains, which dissipated as soon as the wind blew.

"You said why they changed so quickly, obviously someone was teaching them, and that person didn't want us to know that the people in the village disappeared. Think about it, in Xiaohe Village, who has such a great ability?"

"You mean the village chief?"

Meng Kai nodded: "I can't think of anyone else except him!"

The two soon arrived at He Liangcheng's yard. Qiao Beitang was in a good mood and called Wang Lian a few times outside the yard, but no one answered her.

She took off the burden from Meng Kai, pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.The door of the main room was not closed. As soon as she walked in, she found Wang Lian lying on the ground covered in blood.

(End of this chapter)

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