scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 297 The Curse of Xiaohe Village

Chapter 297 The Curse of Xiaohe Village ([-])
In the main room, Wang Lian fell to the ground, with a pool of red blood under her body, and the smell of blood filled the air, both the sight and the sense of smell constantly stimulated the two people who came in.The things in Qiao Beitang's bag fell all over the floor, and the supplements and food inside were scattered at the door.

Qiao Beitang was dumbfounded for a few seconds, then quickly walked over, avoiding the blood on the ground, and walked to her side.Wang Lian was lying on her side, her clothes were also stained with blood, she was curled up, her hands were holding her stomach, her eyes were tightly closed.

When Qiao Beitang stretched out her hand to check, she found that her whole body was already cold, and the joints of her body were stiff. Judging from the rigor and cadaver spots, the time of death was about twelve to fifteen hours.

It is now past nine o'clock in the morning, combined with the temperature here, the time of Wang Lian's death is between six o'clock and nine o'clock last night.Preliminary examination revealed that the deceased died of massive bleeding. There were no open wounds on her body, nor did she hit or fall.

Qiao Beitang finally focused on her abdomen and lower limbs. The blood seemed to flow from below, so the cause of her death was probably inside her body.Combined with the content of the chat yesterday morning, she had a guess in her heart, but she could only go back to the autopsy for details.

Taking advantage of Qiao's forensic doctor's inspection, Meng Kai looked around, and finally found a pot of Chinese medicine residue on the stove in the kitchen, so he took the stove to the main room and put it in the baggage.

After he finished these things, he squatted beside her: "Does anyone need to take it back?"

The girl nodded, looking at the people on the ground, she felt a little uncomfortable.At this moment she didn't know what to say, and she didn't really want to talk.

After Meng Kai got the answer, he went out of the gate of the yard. Not long after, Sun Peihong came over with several villagers, and Dr. Xia came with him.He was invited to see a doctor in the morning, and when he was about to go back, he heard that there was a dead person here, so he hurried over and wanted to help.

He followed into the main room, and when he saw the person lying on the ground, he immediately walked over. When he came in, he noticed the stove on the ground.He looked at the corpse, and then picked up the medicine dregs and looked at it.

In the end, her brows were tightly frowned, and her tone was serious: "This person took abortion pills, the child is a month old, and she took a lot of medicines, so there was heavy bleeding."

When Qiao Beitang heard this, she confirmed her conjecture. Sure enough, she had taken abortion pills.At the same time, she was also puzzled, since they had a good chat yesterday morning, Wang Lian said that she would think about it carefully, why she suddenly made up her mind to give up the child in just half a day.

Now that the whole situation has been clarified, the villagers who followed from Dahe Village also expressed their perplexity when they heard the news.The man died, could it be that the woman also took the child with her?The relationship between this couple is also good on weekdays. This Wang Lian is a person who can live a life. Although she is young and in poor health, she can endure hardships.

Sun Peihong asked: "Then Inspector Meng, will this man be sent to the police station for you?"

Meng Kai didn't answer, but looked at Qiao Beitang, and the girl nodded: "Please, please send it. Although the cause of death is known, I still want to make sure."

Finally, the villagers of Dahe Village carried Wang Lian's body back to the village.There was no need for anyone to talk along the way. When they put the body into the car of the police station, they met Lao Li and Lin Yangchuan who had come back from Xiaohe Village.

The two were still very surprised when they learned of Wang Lian's death, and then they said they would follow the boss and go back first.Before Lao Li went back, he found Dr. Xia and said that he had brought him some things to improve his food, and that if Yang Qingfeng and the others came back, he would tell them to go back to the arresting room.

Dr. Xia was a little surprised when he heard Lao Li's words, but he was still quite touched. Although the person in front of him was dull, he was a good person.He nodded in agreement, and it wasn't difficult to just pass on a message.


Back at the police station, the first thing to do was to do an autopsy. Although Qiao Beitang knew the approximate cause of death, he still wanted to believe what he saw.During the autopsy, she found that there were traces of being forced on Wang Lian's body to no avail. From all aspects, she took the medicine herself and caused her death.

During the dissection, a dead baby boy was taken out of her stomach. The child had already taken shape. The moment he was taken out of the stomach, he curled up and closed his eyes tightly. His appearance and movements were similar to those of his mother. exactly the same.After stitching, Qiao Beitang was a little frustrated, but had to face this reality.

Seeing that she was not in a good mood, Meng Ke tried to comfort her: "Maybe Wang Lian really doesn't want this child. Didn't you say that she has such thoughts yesterday?"

"But I have already convinced her that I can help this child. I also told her that the child is a month old, and it is very risky to take medicine. Now it is really a dead body and two lives. Meng Ke, I think if I Talk to her more yesterday and enlighten her more, then maybe she won't be overwhelmed."

"It's not your fault. It's definitely not a day or two since she had the idea of ​​not wanting a child. These long-standing emotions cannot be dissipated in one or two conversations. We need to cheer up and investigate this matter carefully. I feel like something's not quite right."


After the two came out of the dissecting room, they went to the noodle shop outside the patrol room to eat a bowl of noodles. Both of them didn't have much appetite, so they stuffed their stomachs casually and went to the office.The office is quite lively at the moment, and all the people who went out to investigate in the morning have returned.

Everyone sat on the sofa with solemn faces, chatting about the latest progress of the case, and everyone was a little confused.The boss said that He Liangcheng and Liu Yinliang investigated together, and after investigating together, there was another murder case, so how should we investigate now.

Whether it was the case of the three together, or the murder case of the He family and his wife, Liu Yinliang's disappearance will be investigated separately.Or maybe the death this time is just a coincidence, not within the scope of the investigation, and all directions are the same as before.Wang Lian's sudden death disrupted the original plan.

After Meng Kai and Qiao Beitang came in, the inside became a little quieter. They knew that the boss would definitely have arrangements for the next step, so if they followed his steps, they would definitely not go wrong.I don't know when, listening to what the boss said, these words seemed to be carved into their bodies.

Meng Kai's chair had already been moved to the side of the sofa. After he sat down, he bent his index finger and knocked on the desk a few times: "Let's talk about what I found in the morning, and then I'll arrange the work for the afternoon."

Xiao Zhu and Yang Qingfeng were very active this time, because when they went to town in the morning, they did hear some important news.This news is still very explosive, and I guarantee that everyone will be surprised when they hear it.As soon as he came back, he wanted to talk about it, but was stopped by Yang Qingfeng. He said that he would talk about it in detail when the boss arrived.

After a long time of backlog in his heart, he was eager to tell everyone, and his speech was a little fast: "We went to the casino again in the morning, and asked the boss of the casino as the boss wanted, but that guy actually cheated on us.

After playing Tai Chi for a while, Yang Qingfeng couldn't sit still anymore, and went directly to the casino for a stroll, and then the people in the casino left one after another.He told the casino owner that if he doesn’t tell us the news, we will send someone to sit at their door from tomorrow and ask him if the business is still open. "

When the others heard this, they all looked at Yang Qingfeng, and the young man's face turned red immediately after being looked at like this.It's no wonder everyone was so surprised, the main reason is that Yang Qingfeng is the most honest and upright person among all the people, and Lin Yangchuan can do this kind of rogue method.

Xiao Zhu went on to say: "The owner of the gambling shop sent people to follow them on the day He Chengliang and Liu Yinqi paid back the money. He is not a fool. If the money is really so easy to make, he can do it too. Open a gambling shop That's great, but there are a lot of risks.

Although there is only a town there, there are still people who want to compete for this business. He has also put in a lot of hard work, and even bleeds to get what he is today.Later he found out that the two were engaged in human trafficking.A few years ago, Xiaohe Village was not comparable to Dahe, because Xiaohe was located in a more remote location. Later, after the two villages were connected, Xiaohe Village gradually improved, and the two villages were built together.

At that time, all the children in the village hoped to have sons, and gradually having sons became an inexplicable comparison. become difficult.Most people want to marry their daughters to places with better conditions, who would like their daughters to go to the mountains.

So by chance, He Chengliang and Liu Yinqi did this, and gradually it spread.It was mainly spread in Xiaohe Village. Many of them went to them for help in private, and they made some money after coming and going.

Gradually, many people in Xiaohe Village joined the human trafficking team. There are many children in Xiaohe Village who were born to abducted women. "

(End of this chapter)

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