scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 313 The Curse of Xiaohe Village

Chapter 313 The Curse of Xiaohe Village (29)

What Meng Kai said was indeed correct. If you want to prove that Dr. Xia is the murderer, you have to produce actual evidence, otherwise all the previous reasoning will be in vain.Even if he knew it was him, there was nothing he could do about it.It can only show that he has a motive for committing the crime, not that he is the murderer.

"Where should we find evidence? Do you think he destroyed all those things?" Qiao Beitang was a little worried.Dr. Xia is a delicate person, it is entirely possible to do this.

"Since you know it's him, then keep an eye on him. No matter how careful he is, there will always be a flaw over time. When he reveals his tail, we can find out by looking down.

Doesn't he go up the mountain to collect herbs every day?When he goes up the mountain next time, we will follow quietly to see if he is going to collect herbs. "

"Where do you think the first crime scene will be? Could it be in the mountains, but this doesn't seem to make sense. The mountains are all ventilated, so how could there be carbon monoxide poisoning. Another thing, if people die on the mountains, so far away, How did he transport the body back?" the girl continued to ask.

The car slowly entered the boundary of Xiaohe Village, and the surrounding scenery changed greatly. Meng Kai turned the steering wheel skillfully: "Maybe the place where he killed people is in the village, but we don't know the place for the time being."

"You mean the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

"Yes, these are entirely possible. If I were him, I wouldn't choose a place too far away to commit the crime. Don't worry, let's investigate slowly. The results will come out in a few days at most."

Qiao Beitang glanced at the mountains outside: "Who says I'm in a hurry, I'm just so curious in your eyes?"

Meng Kai turned his head to look at her, with a smile on his lips, but did not speak.The girl herself couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I surrender, I admit that my curiosity is indeed a little heavy!"

After the two talked for a while, they didn't communicate too much. One was that they were getting closer to Xiaohe Village, and the other was that they wanted to calm down their mood.

The car stopped at the old location at the head of the village. When he was about to get off the car, Meng Kai turned to look at his girlfriend, and reached out to pinch her cheek.

"You have to remember that when facing him, don't be too emotionally ups and downs, try to be as natural as possible, otherwise it is easy to leak flaws. Now we are comparing a mentality. He should not know that we are doubting him, you know?"

Qiao Beitang took a few deep breaths, and after adjusting her state, she pretended to be relaxed and said, "Isn't it just acting? I know how to do this, and I'm sure I will perform well."

The two looked at each other and got out of the car with a smile. Coincidentally, just as they passed by the gate of the courtyard, they happened to bump into Dr. Xia who was about to go out.Dr. Xia was carrying an empty backpack and holding a small hoe in his hand, obviously going up the mountain.

He stroked his beard and asked with a smile, "Why did you go back suddenly this morning?"

Meng Kai replied blankly: "There is something at home, we need to go back."

"Are you looking for Xiao Zhu and the others? They have gone to the village, and I won't tell you. I have to hurry up and go to the mountains to collect herbs."

Qiao Beitang grinned, with concern: "I think it's dark on the top of the mountain, and it looks like it's going to rain. You still have to go up the mountain now? What will you do when it rains heavily?"

Dr. Xia glanced at the mountain he was going to: "There is a herb I found on that mountain, and that herb will only survive when it is transplanted during heavy rain. I often go up the mountain, no problem, I will go first."

After speaking, Dr. Xia left the yard with a basket on his back, and Meng Kai and Qiao Beitang went straight to the village to find someone.Doctor Xia walked for a while, stopped, looked back at his yard, and left with mixed emotions.

Qiao Beitang walked for a while, and asked the people around him in a low voice, "Do you think we should follow now?"

"I don't need it for the time being. It won't be safe to wait for the heavy rain to go down the mountain. It's dangerous to follow along. Also, I'm afraid of abusing others. Go to Xiao Zhu and the others first, and listen to what they found in the morning before making specific arrangements."

"Oh, do you think I just behaved well?"

The corners of Meng Kai's lips curled up, and he smiled: "You did well."

They found a few villagers in the village and asked if they had seen Xiao Zhu and the others, and finally found the two people who were asking questions at the teacher's house.Xiao Zhu and Yang Qingfeng moved separately from Lin Yangchuan and Bian Yue in the afternoon. They were in charge of teaching teachers, and the two of them were responsible for going to the homes of other immigrants.

Several people left after not staying at the teacher's house for long, and they walked back to Dr. Xia's yard along the village path.But when they returned home, Bian Yue and Lin Yangchuan hadn't come back yet, so they sat in the gazebo and waited for someone.

Taking advantage of this time, Yang Qingfeng reported the results of the morning's investigation.Meng Kai asked him after listening: "How about the investigation in the afternoon? Are there any suspect targets, or can anyone be ruled out?"

Yang Qingfeng replied: "The people I circled in the morning have all gone to their homes. The teacher is a very weak person and in poor health, so the murderer cannot be him. Doctor Xia can also rule it out, he will not It's the murderer, so there are only a few married foreigners left, and when Lin Yangchuan and the others come back, will they know?"

Qiao Beitang was a little puzzled when he heard this: "How did you rule out Dr. Xia?"

Xiao Zhu said with a smile: "Forensic Qiao, you and Ms. Bian are really good friends, why did she say that Dr. Xia was the murderer in the morning?

But then Yang Qingfeng and I explained to her that first Dr. Xia had no motivation, and then Dr. Xia had no strength either.Besides, he has provided us with such great help in solving the case, which murderer you see will treat the police like this.

If he is the murderer, we are all here, why doesn't he run away, is he waiting for us to be caught?So the killer won't be his, and we believe he's a good guy. "

Seeing that his girlfriend wanted to say something, Meng Kai took her hand and motioned her not to argue with Xiao Zhu yet.Qiao Beitang also understood what Meng Kai meant. Dr. Xia was a good person in their hearts, and they showed everything on their faces. After knowing it, it was not a good thing for the case.

The time behind the four of them was just chatting about other things to pass the time.Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in the distance, and the silver light pierced the sky, and that bright color fell on the roof of the house, and landed on the top of the mountain.It didn't take long for the wind to blow up, and everything around seemed to be swept away by the wind.

Qiao Beitang was not in the mood to stay in the gazebo, so she couldn't help but walked to the door and looked forward to it: "Why Yueyue and the others haven't come back yet, aren't those families all in the village? According to the time, they should have come back a long time ago." ?”

Xiao Zhu also felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, the doubt in her heart disappeared: "Forensic Qiao, don't you know Miss Bian's skills? Who is her opponent in this village? Don't worry, she should I saw something interesting and took Lin Yangchuan to join in the fun."

Hearing this, Qiao Beitang was still not at ease: "I'll go and look for it."

Yang Qingfeng stopped immediately: "Let's forget it. When we split up, Lin Yangchuan told us not to disturb the two of them. Anyway, we made an appointment to meet at night. Isn't it too early?"

The wind blew harder, and gradually the sky in the distance became dark, and only the sound of the wind could be heard around.Slowly, the wind was mixed with the sound of rain, first there were small water droplets, and then they splashed down behind.The rain kept beating on the roof of the gazebo, and this sound also hit several people.

Yang Qingfeng saw that Dr. Xia's basket and hoe were gone: "Have you seen Dr. Xia?"

The girl suddenly remembered: "He went up the mountain to dig medicine?"

Seeing that the rain had no intention of stopping and seeing the sky getting darker, Yang Qingfeng went to the eaves to get his coir raincoat and hat, talked to a few people, and went into the rain to find Dr. Xia.Although he didn't know the exact location of Dr. Xia, he still wanted to wait for him at the foot of the mountain.

The remaining three people waited and waited under the gazebo, and it was completely dark, but Lin Yangchuan and Bian Yue still did not come back!

(End of this chapter)

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