scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 314 The Curse of Xiaohe Village

Chapter 314 The Curse of Xiaohe Village (Thirty)
Dr. Xia started digging the herbs with his hoe when it was raining lightly, but in order to protect the roots of the herbs, he loosened the soil in a large area, then squatted down and carefully dug the roots of the herbs out of the soil. He moved very carefully, for fear that he might tear the root off.

He spent a long time on the mountain, and when he carefully put the herbs into the basket, before he got up, the rain started to fall heavily.

He often went up the mountain and knew where there was a shortcut. He carried the basket and took the path down the mountain. Most of the big trees in the mountain could block most of the rain, and he was still able to persist at the beginning.But when he was down the mountain, the rain became heavier, and the dense rain blocked his steps down the mountain, and finally he was trapped under a tree.

He looked at the lightning in the sky, knowing that it was dangerous, so he weighed it in his heart and rushed into the rain.

When he was blinded by the heavy rain, a shadow approached in the distance, and that person came over with an umbrella and a hat.It was raining heavily, and most of Yang Qingfeng's clothes were already wet. After seeing Dr. Xia, he was a little excited, and waved to him from a little distance away, then walked over at a faster speed, and handed over the rain gear in his hand.

Doctor Xia put on his hat and asked him, "Why are you here?" He didn't expect that someone would come to pick him up.

The young man picked up the pannier on the ground and carried it on his back. He said naively, "I know you've gone up the mountain, and I'm afraid that something will happen to you, so I came to take a look."

Dr. Xia was not polite to him, no one would go out in this weather, and people who met on the road couldn't see each other's appearance clearly: "I didn't expect you to be kind-hearted?"

Yang Qingfeng who was beside him turned to look at him: "What did you just say?"

"I said, if I have a daughter, I'll marry her to you! Did you hear that? Shall I say it again?"

"Listen clearly, if you have a daughter, I won't marry either."

It was still raining heavily, but the people in the rain were getting closer and closer, and finally walked together side by side.The young man supported the old man, and the two were very close, like father and son.

Dr. Xia was amused, a little puzzled: "Do you despise me, or my daughter?"

"I don't look down on anyone, it's just that I have someone in my heart. Since I have her, I have never thought of marrying someone else."

Yang Qingfeng remembered the girl's appearance in his mind, and felt a little sour in his heart.He clearly remembered how she was hurt at that time.It was obvious that she had never done anything bad, and it was already very miserable, but in the end, fate still did not let her go.

"Is someone there? Then when will we get married, and remember to let me know when the time comes for the wedding." Dr. Xia is quite interested in his relationship.

"No chance, she was killed by bad guys."

"Then did you avenge her? Did you kill the person who killed her with your own hands?"

Yang Qingfeng helped Dr. Xia around a puddle: "I didn't kill that person, and we caught all the bad guys in the end."

"Why don't you kill the person who hurt her with your own hands?"

"When I caught the murderer, I was helping her to avenge her. She died at the hands of the bad guys. If I went directly across the patrol room, what would be the difference between me and the bad guys.

I remember that I was very sad and impulsive at the time, and finally I calmed down and felt that what I did was right.If she is still alive and sees me being too excited and crazy to avenge her because of her, maybe she is not willing. "


After the two of them returned home, the rain had subsided a bit. Dr. Xia first found Yang Qingfeng clean clothes, and then went to the kitchen to cook ginger soup.It just rained heavily, and now I need to get rid of the cold.

Qiao Beitang couldn't sit still in the gazebo: "I'm panicked. I always feel that something happened to Yueyue. I can't wait any longer. Now I want to go to the villager's house to ask about the situation."

Meng Kai nodded, and felt that something was wrong. Now that the rain was much lighter, they should come back even if they were sheltering from the rain.After we parted in the morning, we never saw those two people again. In the afternoon, we went to other villagers' homes to investigate. According to the route, there was a high chance that they would meet, but they still hadn't met.

In the end, Xiao Zhu took the leader and Joe the forensic doctor out, and they went door to door according to the records on the list.In the end, not only was the person not found, but the key villagers said that they had not seen the two in the afternoon.Now the result is obvious, the two disappeared.

"Meng Kai, what should we do now?" Qiao Beitang wanted to ask his opinion. The disappearance of these two people could not be accidental.

Meng Kai thought for a while and said, "Xiao Zhu and Yang Qingfeng will drive back to the patrol house later, and ask the people in the patrol house to bring more people to find people, focusing on the village head. The last place they appeared was at the village head. They shouldn't be too far from the village.

After all, it disappeared during the day, the murderer did not dare to blatantly take people out of the village, the goal was too big.Plus it rained heavily in the afternoon, so I'm guessing they're still in the village, just hidden.Later, you go to the Bianjia martial arts gym again. Those who can subdue Bian Yue will not be too bad at it.It is more secure to bring some experts. "


"Lin Yangchuan, yours has bitten my hand." Bian Yue turned her head to look backwards with her back to Lin Yangchuan. head.

They were obviously looking for someone in the two afternoons, but they fainted for some reason, and when they woke up, their hands and feet were tied.Fortunately, their eyes were not covered, and they could see that it was a dark room, and a torch was lit on the wall beside them, and the flame kept dancing on the wall.

This should not be an ordinary room, because there is no sound around, as if it is underground.They tried many ways to break free from the rope, but no matter how hard they struggled, the rope was still tight.In the end, Lin Yangchuan turned Bian Yue on his back, put his hand to his mouth, and he helped her untie the rope with his teeth.

"Be patient, I didn't bite your hand on purpose, the rope will be untied soon." After speaking, he tried his best to untie the rope.

Finally, the rope in Bian Yue's hand was untied, she moved her wrist, and immediately helped Lin Yangchuan untie the rope, and finally the two threw the tied rope aside.

Bian Yue stood up, took out the torch from the shelf, took a look around, and found that she couldn't get out here.Lin Yangchuan pointed to the bottomless darkness in front of him: "Why don't we go there and try to find out if there is an exit, anyway, there is no way to stay here."

Soon the two walked towards the bottomless place, they could hear each other's heartbeat and breathing, Lin Yangchuan reached out and took the girl's hand, comforting her: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I will Protect yours."

Bian Yue nodded and followed him to the front. The two of them didn't walk for long before they saw a light ahead.After looking at each other, they speeded up and walked over.But as soon as he walked there, he was frightened by the sight in front of him.

Above the entrance of the bright light, hangs a human arm, that arm is cut off from the arm, the color is very red, red is enchanting and strange.Seeing that arm shaking, Bian Yue's heart skipped a beat, and she hugged Lin Yangchuan tightly.

Lin Yangchuan embraced her with one arm, held the torch in the other, but looked towards the bright light, and found a row of red severed arms hanging on the wall from the entrance to the inside!The arms were the wrong color, and he tiptoed to see that they were painted red.

"Shall we go in and have a look?"

Bian Yue still lay in his arms: "Aren't you afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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