scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 36 The Scary Red

Chapter 36 The Scary Red ([-])

It was quiet around the house, and many people thought it was a farce.Hiding in the dark, the brothers of the Bianjia martial arts school are even more accustomed to such scenes.

I have always liked Young Master Lin since I was a junior junior sister, and I have never concealed it. It is still the kind of love that goes after the pole, and it is still the same after so many years.

Two girls were sitting at the door of the room, behind them was the yellow light from the room, and under the light, two petite shadows were close together.

Bian Yue stuffed the money back in his hand, put his chin in his hands, and said dejectedly: "How can I take the money you gave me? It was wrapped with flowers and wrapping paper from the store. If you If you like it, take it back, it can be considered that I didn't work in vain just now."

Even though she is active, open-minded, and thick-skinned, she feels a little uncomfortable at the moment.She was quite frustrated, because brother Yang Chuan refused too simply.It seems that the friendship of so many years is all fake.

"I give you money because the bouquet of flowers is really beautifully packaged, and the color matching is good in all aspects. This is my affirmation of the fruits of your labor. As long as you work hard and make a little progress, everyone will see it of.

Didn't I tell you that last time?Love is not a person's wishful thinking, even if you like Lin Yangchuan, you can't ignore his feelings.He is nice, very nice. "

When Bian Yue heard this, she didn't know where she felt proud, and she only screened out the words "other people are good" in her head: "I know Brother Yangchuan is a good person, otherwise why would I fall in love with him? Bei Tang, what do you think he is Where is it good?"

Qiao Beitang replied without hesitation: "It's good to reject you very simply and without sloppiness. At least it proves that he is a neat person emotionally, doesn't like ambiguous people, and is a clean man." Although Bian Yue was a bit romantic, But to be honest, she's still pretty.

"It's better not to say what you said." After hearing this, I felt even more uncomfortable, and Bian Yue began to think about this setback.This was the first time she was thinking about the relationship between the two.

Qiao Beitang patted her on the shoulder: "Love is not the whole of life. It is best to meet, but don't be disappointed if you don't meet. Life is short, we have to live happily.

If you and him can really make it, then I will give you a generous gift on the day you get married.If there is no such fate, when you make up your mind to forget him, I will accompany you to get drunk! "

After some impassioned words, Boss Qiao opened the door of the shop with flowers in her arms. She placed the bouquet of flowers in the brightest position on the counter.She thought about finding a plan to sell this bouquet of flowers tomorrow. Although she likes flowers, she needs money more at this time.

The night in early spring is quiet, some people have a good night's sleep, some people toss and turn.

The next morning, when Qiao Beitang appeared at the dining table, he saw Bian Yue with two giant panda eyes.Swallowing everything she wanted to say, she quietly looked for Shurou before going out.

"Remember to sell that bouquet of roses, and keep an eye on your young lady today, I'm afraid something will happen to her." Just at the dinner table, she saw that girl was out of her mind, it's no wonder she has energy during the day.

Standing outside the kitchen door, Shu Rou took a peek at the living room, nodded, and lowered her voice: "Miss Qiao, you can go to work at ease, I will take good care of you."

When I went to the newspaper office, I went to the editor's office first, and then went to Duan Ling.As soon as Duan Ling saw her, he asked her if she was in good health and why she didn't rest for a few more days.

Qiao Beitang hurriedly changed the subject, she knew the master's nagging ability.So he asked with concern: "What tasks do we have today? I didn't go to work for a few days, and now I feel full of energy. I feel that my whole body has endless energy, so I want to go to work with you."

Duan Ling laughed, this successfully changed the topic.There has been a lot of gossip in Shanghai in the past few days, but the most lively topic is about the Great Music Festival.

It seems that since its opening until now, the popularity has not dropped. I don't know if it is because it is popular or because the proprietress is too good at catching people's attention.

The current popular singer has settled in the Da Le Club. Her former boss wanted to go to the Da Le Club to make trouble. As a result, it was revealed a few days ago that someone in the dance hall was selling opium, because the opium was also involved in a murder case. People were arrested.

Once this matter broke out, everyone's attention was attracted by Zhang Shimo.Everyone was discussing in private, saying that the Meng family must have helped settle the matter, and some people said that Meng Kai was going to marry Zhang Shimo soon.

Inside and outside the words, the boss is unlucky, one is selling opium behind the scenes to make black-hearted money.There is also a discussion about when Zhang Shimo will marry Meng Kai, they are a pair of talented men and beautiful women.

The more Duan Ling talked, the more excited he was, he grabbed the little apprentice's hand and said, "If only I had the chance, I would do an exclusive interview with them."

Qiao Beitang was not very excited after hearing this, but rather calm. Does their marriage have anything to do with her?

In the morning, I ran two news stories with Duan Ling, which was about the scandal between Daheng and his son in Shanghai.Their father and son fell in love with an actor at the same time, and this situation is very topical.After lunch, the two of them lay down on the table to write a manuscript, rushing to print tomorrow's newspaper.

Before leaving get off work, there was a noise at the door of the newspaper office. Qiao Beitang was about to write the most exciting part when someone interrupted her train of thought.The pen in her hand was snatched away, and she was about to stand up and get mad, but before she could swear, she saw an old acquaintance.

Meng Kai took her pen in her hand: "Let me go, I have something urgent."

Before he had time to speak, he was taken away, and he was stuffed into the co-pilot of the car after going downstairs.A few seconds later, the car sped away.

The driver looked ahead and said succinctly: "A case happened in the north. Like the previous cases, this time the time for the murderer to kill has become shorter and shorter. We must speed up the time to catch him, otherwise the consequences will be serious. "

Qiao Beitang looked at the ink marks on his right hand and his thumb, feeling a little displeased, with his mouth pouted, thinking to himself, this is your problem, and it has nothing to do with me.

This person is also, why grab her pen, when she was thinking about writing?The car passed by the hospital again unknowingly. She looked at the hospital in a daze.

Neither of them spoke on the way to the scene this time, obviously the girl didn't want to talk to him.Lin Yangchuan was still waiting by the side of the road, this time at another alley.

There was a rubbish pile at the place where the car got off. Qiao Beitang glanced at it inadvertently, and saw a bunch of flowers thrown there. It was the bunch of red roses packed by Bian Yue last night.She won't admit it wrong, it must be from her shop.

Lin Yangchuan tugged at her clothes: "Hurry up and go in, are you waiting?"

Girls don't have time to think about roses, maybe who bought them and doesn't like to throw them away?These things are normal. Besides, the money has been earned back, so don't think so much.

Withdrawing his thoughts: "Didn't the murderer commit crimes in the early morning before? Why did he commit crimes in the afternoon this time? Or did the family members of the deceased only find out now?" It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

"I don't know. Anyway, after receiving the call to the police, I asked Lao Meng to go to the newspaper office to bring you here?" He said this with confidence, without treating her as an outsider at all.

 Someone in the family is sick these few days, so the update time cannot be determined, but it will be updated every day!

  At noon, I read the novel I wrote last year.Seeing the author's message, there are many words of encouragement written by myself, and I still feel full of motivation now!
  From those words, I actually remembered the scene at that time, so words are a kind of magical power, which is one of the reasons why I like to write novels!
  Because from the written records, I can feel the joy or touch at that moment!

(End of this chapter)

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