scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 37 The Scary Red

Chapter 37 The Scary Red ([-])

The place where the accident happened this time is not very different from the previous few times, it is a separate courtyard.But the difference this time is that the time is different, and the courtyards are more densely built, with many neighbors around, and the routes are more complicated.

Qiao Beitang didn't go into what Lin Yangchuan said, she knew now that it was useless to say more.In fact, she does not reject taking over the case in her heart, and she can use what she has learned to bring the murderer to justice. On the contrary, she feels that she has lived up to her years of hard study.

Sometimes when she is free, she even thinks that she is born to work hard.Coming here, could it be something arranged in the dark?It’s not in vain to come here, since it’s destined not to be peaceful, it’s better to be more vigorous.

With a peaceful and firm heart, he followed several people to the scene of the crime.There are so many people in the yard at the moment, there is almost no room to stand inside, densely packed people's heads, black and black.Some watched the excitement, accompanied by comforting voices.

Meng Kai found the policeman who came first, and was a little angry: "Hurry up and leave the people, leave the family members of the deceased, and ask about the situation carefully. After the family members of the deceased have made a record, then ask the neighbors on the left and right."

Although Young Master Meng was wearing a uniform, the aura of a young master of the underworld that he was born with was indeed a bit scary.The little patrolman bent over, nodded abruptly, and immediately went to do as he pleased.

After the people dispersed, they entered the room where the accident occurred.Although there were many people in the yard before, many people would still be scared when they saw the dead body. Therefore, except for the family members of the deceased, no outsiders have entered the room, and the scene has not been damaged.

Qiao Beitang took the box from Lin Yangchuan's hand and walked towards the corpse.This yard has only one floor, and each room is not very big, but the layout is reasonable and the space is well utilized.

The room has a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a row of bookshelves.The death of the deceased was similar to that of Deng Yiyi. They both had their hands tied and were lying on their side on the bed, with a large amount of blood on their abdomen.

But this time the crime scene was different from the previous ones. First of all, the bed sheet and quilt cover under the deceased were messy, and the deceased's clothes were also wrinkled.The details make a difference.

Qiao Beitang didn't wear a mask. When she put on her gloves and was about to check carefully, she smelled a very familiar smell at the tip of her nose. Although the smell was very weak, she had an impression of it after smelling it.

Standing by the bed and carefully observing the obvious tearing of the deceased's clothes, and swelling on the deceased's face, it can be concluded that someone had slapped the face before his death.Gloved fingertips, through her hair, can see some bruises in the hair.

There was a little red blood stain on the face, and there were marks on the mouth of the deceased. When she opened her mouth, Qiao Beitang found that there were some blood stains and skin tissue inside.She carefully extracted the evidence and took it back for examination later.

When she checked the abdomen, she paused. From the moment she entered the door, she found that the bloodstains on the abdomen of the deceased were different from the previous ones. They were concentrated in one place before, and this corpse had a lot of bloodstains from the abdomen to the chest.

The flow of blood was chaotic, and there was still blood splattered on the pajama pants. She opened the clothes and found that the injured area was relatively wide this time, and there were many stab wounds on the skin.Some of these stab wounds were fatal, and several of them were stabbed in the spleen.

Now there are corpse plaques on the body of the deceased, and the corpse plaques have merged into flakes with a large area, the color deepens to purple red, and the surrounding borders are blurred.After Qiao Beitang pressed with her fingers, the color of the corpse spots faded temporarily, but after removing her fingers, the corpse spots reappeared.The corpse not only had plaques, but also rigor, and some small muscle groups on the deceased's body became stiff.

After the preliminary examination, Qiao Beitang said to Meng Kai: "The time of death of the deceased was probably around 11:1 am to [-]:[-] pm, and the cause of death was massive bleeding.

But this time is different from the previous cases. I suspect that the murderer is not the same person.The first is the knife wound. The previous few knife wounds were not many, but they were all fatal. This time the knife edge was very messy, hacking like venting.

Also, the murder weapon this time is very similar to the kitchen knife used for cooking at home, no matter the thickness or the length and depth of the knife edge, they are more consistent.

Judging from the position of the knife, the murderer will not be very tall, which is different from the previous speculation.Another point is the hemp rope on the wrist of the deceased. In the previous corpse, the resistance injury was not obvious. It is speculated that the deceased was tied up voluntarily, but this time it was different. She struggled so hard that the skin on her wrist was torn. "

After Lin Yangchuan finished listening, he stood and looked at the corpse on the bed.Although he doesn't understand autopsy, he has also been exposed to many real cases.This death scene looks very similar to the previous serial cases of girls, but it also reveals the atmosphere of low-profile imitation everywhere.

Originally thought that the murderer was red-eyed, so he destroyed his usual methods and time, who knew that a new case would be involved.Could it be that someone is imitating crimes now, will this matter become more complicated?

Two policemen came in to carry the body back, Qiao Beitang told them to be careful, and took all the things on the bed away.

Meng Kai checked around the house and found that there was no information related to the previous cases.The deceased did not have any new dresses of the same brand as theirs in his closet, nor did he have the same hobbies as any of them.

Standing at the entrance and looking at it, he suddenly walked to the small table in the room, pulled out a few benches, and left a few incomplete footprints on the stools.In the following time, he found some damaged places in the room, which were deliberately hidden.

It was almost two hours before they went to the family members of the deceased to inquire about the situation.According to the family members, the deceased was Zhou Yin, 19 years old, who had just found a job and was a newly signed actor by a film company.A few days ago, I just negotiated with the company to participate in a new movie, but I was killed at home today.

Her parents were working during the day, and she was the only one at home. She didn't expect to find her dead in her room when she came back from get off work.Zhou Yin's mother scolded the murderer while wiping her tears. She believed that her daughter was killed by the serial murderer.

It wasn't until the end of the questioning that Lin Yangchuan came out of Zhou's kitchen. He stood opposite Meng Kai: "There are no kitchen knives in the kitchen at home."

Meng Kai nodded, and after arranging a good investigation, he took Qiao Beitang and Lin Yangchuan back to the arresting room.After the autopsy, several people held a small meeting in the office.

Qiao Beitang handed them the autopsy report, telling them that Zhou Yin died of hemorrhage, and some results were found. The deceased's sternum was broken, indicating that he was severely beaten by the murderer before his death.Except for the skin wounds on his body, Zhou Yin should have bitten the murderer.

After thinking about it, she added: "I smelled a very familiar smell in Zhou Yin's room. It's the smell of perfume. Bian Yue bought this perfume a few days ago. She said that there are only five bottles in the whole Shanghai Beach, so you can Try to start with that.”

Meng Kai looked at her: "Do you have research on perfume?" Do girls like these?

"No research, just a good nose. The smell of perfume in the room is almost covered by the smell of blood. It's normal for men not to smell it." Her master said that smell is also an important part of on-site investigation, and sometimes the key to solving a case. Some details are hidden, so check the scene carefully.

Lin Yangchuan saw that the two were talking unhurriedly: "Don't discuss perfume for now, it's not difficult to find out who they are, I hope I can provide information, let's talk about this case."

Meng Kai sat on the office chair: "This case is not difficult, the murderer is Zhou Yin's neighbor and an acquaintance, so we just need to investigate people who are close to their family.

Judging from the injuries on her body, the murderer was ruthless at the time. The murderer should be relatively young, about her age, and has a strong sense of strength.

When we went, there was no sign of any damage to the door lock in the yard. It was broad daylight when the accident happened, and her home was the first scene.The area around Zhou's house is densely populated. If a stranger appears, everyone will definitely talk about it.

So I'm an acquaintance, I'll send someone to the hospital to check it out later, if Zhou Yin bites me, I have to change the medicine.Except for the hospital, ask at the pharmacy near Zhou's house.There are always clues. "

 Thanks to the friends who insist on voting for female forensic doctors every day, and thank you to the friends who left me messages, comments, and rewards!
  Because of you, the hands of typing in the cold weather are warmed up!
  I am grateful for this story, let us meet, this case will be over soon, and I personally think the next case will be more interesting!
(End of this chapter)

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