Nongmen Space: A full-level villain dressed as a pitiful girl

Chapter 298 What kind of vinegar did you eat again?

Chapter 298 What kind of vinegar did you eat again?

"The bank note will be settled after I go, and I'll see how your auction is doing by the way."

"The girl is going to the capital?"

"Well, after the next year, I will accompany my family and the students who are rushing to take the exam. He doesn't need to arrange a place. We have a place to live."

"The subordinate will definitely tell the master"

"Well, let's go."

As soon as Jian left, Xiao Jinnian heard that the Nine Kings had brought gifts to the Luo family, and the sour smell immediately spread from the small vinegar jar. He ran to Xi'er, looked at the pile of things on the ground and asked.

"Auntie, what did he give?"

"The left side is only a rare treasure, why, do you want it?"

"I don't care about his things."

"I see that you are very busy recently, do you want me to let Black Bull and Black Panther practice with you?"

Xiao Jinnian hurriedly waved his hands, "Those two guys are perverts, I can't beat them even out of ten, it's too bad, don't practice, don't practice."

"You have lived a superior life since you were a child. You have never experienced hardships, and you have not experienced life and death. How can you be top-notch in martial arts? When you are in danger, how can you turn the danger into a breeze? You know, only by suffering and suffering can you be the best among others. Which one stands at the top? People, are they bleeding or sweating behind their backs?"

"Is the Ninth Prince too?"

"Yes, he has escaped from death many times, and there is a lot of bitterness behind him. While he is on guard against others harming him, he also has to study, practice martial arts, and lead soldiers to fight. Tell me, how much did he pay?"

Xiao Jinnian was silent for a while, "Auntie, I understand, in the future I will fight more with big black bulls to improve my strength."

"Remember when not to talk about war on paper, what is in the book must be connected with what is in life."

"Thank you, Auntie, for your advice."

"Silly boy!"

"Don't always treat me like a child. I am already 17 years old. In the eyes of others, I should be the father of my child."

"Haha, you are just a child in my eyes."

"You are only three years older than me. Don't think I can't meet your requirements now, but I will work hard so that I won't be like that white-eyed wolf. I fell in love with my aunt at first sight."

"I'm so ugly, can you still fall in love at first sight? Do you have a problem in your heart?"

"Don't Auntie know? Auntie's voice is beautiful, Auntie's eyes are beautiful, Auntie is very decisive in doing things, Auntie's way of doing things is very appreciated by Jinnian, I want to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love. It doesn't mean anything, it will always have a day of aging, I want to stay with my aunt until I grow old, and I don't want to grow old because of my face."

"It seems to make sense, yes, yes."

"It's not that reasonable, it's very reasonable."

"Wait until you see the beauty before you talk to Auntie about these things."

"My mother is a beauty. I have seen many beauties in the capital. Auntie doesn't need to use these to gag me."

"Okay, go back, don't come to me if you have nothing to do."

Xiao Jinnian glanced at those things again, "If Auntie likes it, I will earn you a lot of money like this in the future."

"Go back, don't let me see you off again?"

"No, I'll go, can't I go?"

Xiao Jinnian ran out of the house as if fleeing, fearing that he would be thrown home again like last time.

He returned home disappointed, and when Qiao Shi saw him like that, he knew that Xi'er had hit a snag.

"what happened?"

"The Ninth Prince sent Xi'er a bunch of presents, all of which are good things."

"So what, even if he sent a mountain of gold and silver, Xi'er wouldn't think much of him. What kind of jealousy are you?"

Jin Nian had a sore nose, "Mom, I'm just angry that I can't give her anything good."

"She is so capable, she has no shortage at all. Even if you give more than the Ninth Prince, if she doesn't like it, she still doesn't like it. You have to send things to her heart and make her happy."

"Mother, my son knows."

"Aren't you good at playing the piano? Go play it to her. If she likes it, you can also teach her, or find her, and let her help you improve your martial arts. You know, she's good at it." There are too many things, and there is nothing missing, what she lacks is heart and sincerity."

A word awakened Xiao Jinnian, "Mother, my son knows."

On New Year's Eve, there was snowflakes in the sky, and it was rare that Xi'er had nothing to do. She and Mrs. Luo, the shopkeeper Fang and his wife, and Bao Yue spent the New Year's Eve dinner together.

After dinner, Mrs. Luo deliberately held Xi'er and told them to go back first.

"Girl, my mother doesn't want to be troublesome, but I still want to tell you this. Although my mother did many wrong things in a muddleheaded way, there are still some things that my mother can see clearly."

"You want to talk about your daughter's marriage?"

"Yeah, you don't look like your mother. You are still young, and you are too lonely. My mother feels distressed when she sees it."

"Mother, I don't have such an idea for the time being. Even if I do, I will be lonely in the future. There will always be someone who will leave first."

"That's what I said, but after all, no one is around to know the cold and the warm. Mother has to do this, but you can't do it. No matter what, you have to have someone to continue your blood. That kind of life is complete, isn't it?"

"What mother said makes sense. If I meet the right person, I will consider it, but I don't have that thought yet."

"Is it because of Ji Kang?"

"No, I don't have any thoughts about him. To me, he is just a passer-by in my life. My mother should not mention this matter,"

"I hurt you."

"Mother, don't blame yourself. I promised you that I will take you out to have a look when I have time. It just so happens that Jinnian and Chen Changsheng want us to go together, so they will go to the capital to have a look. You don't have to have any pressure. Everything As for me, in the capital, you don’t have to be afraid, we have the Nine Princes if you want influence, and if you want money, you can’t find anyone richer than ours in Longyu Kingdom, so go play with confidence.”

"Hey, mother knows"

After coming out of Mrs. Luo, there was still snow in the sky, she caught the snowflakes with her hands, and sighed a long time.

"It's another year, how fast it goes."

Boss Hei came out of the space and stood on her shoulder. Lan Yu flew down from the roof and also landed on her shoulder. The two birds were one on the left and one on the right.

Hei Xuanfeng, Hei Niu, they also ran over one after another. For more than a year, the town has been safe and sound, which also makes them very leisurely.

These creatures guard Xi'er's yard every day. They are very arrogant and rarely leave the hospital.

Except for going out to change shifts to patrol at night, they never move, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see them.

Xi'er looked at them, and revealed the monster pill with a flip of her hand, "It's Chinese New Year, you all have to eat something good, come on, eat more, do what you can."

The little ones came to her in an orderly manner, and according to their own abilities, they could eat as many as they could, but they couldn't eat too much of this thing, as it would explode if they ate too much.

After they were finished, Xi'er took them to the official road, and she walked slowly from the South Town card to the North Town card.

The night was quiet, the residents of the small town were all asleep, and the surroundings were brightly illuminated by the snow, one person, one horse, two birds, a dozen tall and strong black dogs and cats, walking like patron saints in the night.

The new year has not changed because of the lack of Ji Kang, and it is still as lively as in previous years.

Everyone wished each other New Year's greetings. Xi'er was woken up by Xiao Jinnian early in the morning. She didn't go to bed until late at night yesterday. The warm quilt is really nostalgic.

"Auntie, let's go, shall we go to celebrate the New Year together?"

Xi'er covered the quilt and didn't want to hear him shouting, but he knocked on the window instead, "Get up, get up, no matter how powerful you are, you still have to pay New Year's greetings to your elders, don't you?"

"Go away, I'm going to pay New Year's greetings in the afternoon, so don't disturb my sleep."

"Come on, there are a lot of small beaches outside today, but it's very lively. I bought you two sugar canes, and sesame candies, as well."

Xi'er was so annoyed by his yelling, she pointed her finger, and the door opened, Xiao Jinnian, who had succeeded, put the things in his arms on the table, and ran in holding two bunches of candied haws, seeing Xi'er still under the covers Inside, her little face turned red, and she hurriedly closed the door, fearing that the cold wind would blow in.

(End of this chapter)

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