Chapter 299

He took a deep breath, bravely came to the edge of the kang, and sat down quietly.

"Auntie, you didn't sleep well last night?"

"Auntie, I bought you two bunches of candied haws, do you want to eat?"

"Auntie, this year our town is more lively than in previous years. Even though the snow hasn't stopped, everyone is very enthusiastic."

Xi'er couldn't take it anymore, she threw off the quilt and sat up, glaring at Xiao Jinnian angrily.

"If I hadn't looked at your mother's face, I would have sent you away long ago, can you stop talking?"

Uh, this one is still angry, Xiao Jinnian smiled to himself.

"It's not that I don't want to stop, it's that everyone is waiting for you. If you want to sleep on the first day of the new year, why don't you go back to sleep after the New Year's greetings?"

"Hmph, I have been like this every year, and they are used to it."

"This year you have me, it will be different."

After saying this, Xiao Jinnian blushed like a hawthorn in his hand. In order to hide his embarrassment, he hurriedly handed the candied haws to her, seeing that she didn't respond, he stuffed it into her hand.

I don't know where the courage came from, I went up and hugged her, sat her in front of the kang, put on shoes for her, found out the clothes he ordered from the cabinet, put them on for her, and pressed them in front of the dressing table , Comb her hair.

To do all of this, he mustered up all his courage, at this moment he didn't dare to look Xi'er in the eyes.

He just mechanically combed her hair and dressed her up, then pulled her to stand up, walked around her a few times, and found her a happy cloak.

"It's so beautiful, auntie, let's go, let's pay New Year's greetings to Mrs. Luo first, and then go to your master's house. His old man is waiting for you eagerly."

Xi'er kept staring at him, but he pretended not to see it. It wasn't until Mrs. Luo's room that Xi'er looked better, but she forgot that Jin Nian was holding her hand the whole time.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Luo pretended not to see it. The two of them paid New Year's greetings to Mrs. Luo, took red envelopes, sat for a while, and then went to Hu Yitian's place.

She looked at the backs of the two of them, and smiled happily, thinking in her heart, someone finally managed to hold her own daughter.

Being so angry, he could still let the boy hold hands and drag him away vigorously.

At this time, Hu Yitian and Hu Tao were waiting in the room. This apprentice became more and more outrageous, and he didn't come on the first day of the new year, and asked the master to wait for her.

As soon as they saw Xi'er, the two of them began to criticize.

"You stinky girl, why don't you come to Master's house on the first day of junior high school?"

"Ah, if you don't come, what can you do to me?"

"You, we can't kill you, there will always be someone who can kill you in the future."


Xi'er sat down on the hot kang, Xiao Jinnian hurriedly paid New Year's greetings to the two of them, saluted, and then squeezed onto the kang.

"She slept late last night, and I haven't woken up yet."

"Your boy is more promising than us. We dare not call her up."

"She's angry about getting up, she'll be fine in a while."

Hu Yitian and Hu Tao also heard about Jin Nian and Xi'er from the big-mouthed Qian Furong, and they were very supportive.

Xi'er reached out to Hu Yitian and Hu Tao, "New Year's money?"

The two chuckled, "Did you forget this even if you're sleepy?"

"of course."

The two smiled and gave the red envelopes to Xi'er and Jinnian, and then stretched out their hands and asked for the lucky money instead.

"We are all getting old, and we all say old children, old children, I gave it to you, what about ours?"

As soon as they stretched out their hands, Xi'er knew what it meant, and took out two bottles from his cuffs, and handed each of them a bottle.

"This is a new product I developed this year, one bottle per person,"

The two hurriedly opened it and smelled it, and immediately felt that they looked younger by several years, and then said excitedly.

"Good medicine. Good medicine"

"This is?"

"Prolonging Life Pill, given to healthy people, can prolong the life of others by ten years. You can only take one pill in your life. With your current bodies, you don't need to take it. Let's see who needs it. Sell it and treat it as me." Give you two old urchins lucky money."

"I rub, this New Year's money is too much, the apprentice is really proud."

"In the future, I will develop better ones. You don't have to worry. If you eat and drink my Luo family's food every day, you can live to be 60 or [-] years old without taking medicine."


"Ah, as long as you don't die, you can definitely live a long life."

"Hmph, just say that to the two of us during Chinese New Year. Let's go, you are not welcome."

"Just right, I'm going to pay New Year's greetings to others."

Xi'er got up and went out, biting candied haws while walking, the two old guys looked at her back, and then looked at the two bottles of medicine in their hands, thinking in their hearts, this stinky girl has a knife mouth, a bean curd heart, and a cold face , My heart is hot.

Afterwards, I went to Gong's house, Ma's house, and took a look at other houses in Yangliu Village. Then the two of them went to the town, went to Xu's house, Su's house, and Ren's house to pay New Year's greetings. The old man took a pulse.

The Liang family didn't come here for the New Year this year, so she went to the Chen family to see Qian Furong, who was confinement.

The last time she went to Xiao's house, Mrs. Qiao held her back and said she would not let her go. On the first day of the new year, she had to stay at home for dinner.

Just eat it, it's not like you haven't eaten it before, but why is the atmosphere so awkward.

The Xiao family looked at her with such fiery eyes that they wished to turn her into the Xiao family's daughter-in-law so naked that they almost called her daughter-in-law directly.

Xi'er felt very uncomfortable, she is not a coy person, "I said, how can I eat if you are like this? Your son woke me up, so don't let me have a good meal?"

"Let's eat, let's eat, come and eat, just like at home, don't be shy"

Mrs. Qiao looked at her like a daughter-in-law, and kept picking up vegetables for her, so she put the chopsticks away.

"Can't it be like usual? I won't come to your house in the future."

"Haha, if you don't come, you have to come. From now on, I will ask Jinnian to invite you to come to my house for dinner."

Xi'er stared at them, "Don't say that Jinnian and I have nothing to do, if there is, I won't be polite to you."

"Don't worry, no matter what you do, we don't mind, everything is up to you, as long as you are happy."

There is still something she doesn't understand up to now, Xiao Jinnian is just letting go of their family's nature, with a cheeky face, why didn't she realize it before?

The Xiao family is so thick-skinned, no matter how they are, they are fine, hmph, come here less in the future, try not to come to his house.

So a certain woman ate and fled back home as if she had been hunted down in her previous life.

As soon as he entered the house, he immediately closed the door and windows, and even set up a barrier for this, lest Xiao Jinnian would disturb him again.

This little thing really scared him.

Time passed little by little, everyone was preparing to go to the capital, Long Tianlin was very busy in the capital.

There are a lot of messes waiting for him to deal with, and he handed over all the business matters to Jian Yi. Although he is firmly seated as the prince now, the treasury is tight and many places need money.

Although Long Yuguo belonged to him, he felt the same way if he had money in his hands so he didn't panic.

Hearing that Xi'er will accompany Xiao Jinnian to take the exam, he feels very sad, he is a dignified prince, the future emperor, but he is not as good as a student.

Are you really old?Alas, if it is someone else, he can still use power to overwhelm others. If he can't get her heart, he can get her. But she can't. If he really does that, he might be knocked out of the dust, let alone a prince. , Ordinary people may not be able to become one.

(End of this chapter)

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