Nongmen Space: A full-level villain dressed as a pitiful girl

Chapter 300 Slaves only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals

Chapter 300 Slaves only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals

Not to mention how uncomfortable it is for him to have that kind of heart that he wants to have but dare not have.

Even so, he still asked someone to pay attention to the movements in Huaishu Town, and report to him whenever there was any movement.

Ever since Princess Sun became the Crown Princess, people have paid more and more attention to what's going on in Huaishu Town. She also knows that Xi'er is coming to the capital.

Hearing that she was accompanying a young student to rush for the exam, a long-lost smile finally appeared on her face.

The prince supervises the country, he is very busy every day, and he hardly has time to go to the backyard, let alone the rain and dew.

The two side concubines came to her to vomit bitterness when they had nothing to do. Concubine Sun said in her heart, if you can't see the prince, I can see you?I'm afraid that what Wang Ye wants to see most now is that girl named Luo Xi'er.

She has been thinking about one thing in her heart, what kind of ability does this girl have to make the prince look so different, where is her bottom line?

Only by knowing the enemy can we be victorious in all battles

It has to be said that this crown princess has thought too much, as the saying goes, only when she stands tall will she worry about gains and losses, for fear that one day she will fall from that position.

The departure time for Beijing is set on the first day of March, and everyone has arranged everything in advance.

This time in the Xiao family, Xiao Jian and his wife brought the eldest son and youngest son, a family of four, and the other two children were kept at home, and Xiao Tianbao and his wife took care of them.

The Chen family is Chen Changsheng and his wife with their [-]-day-old child, the Luo family is Mrs. Luo and her two maids, and Xi'er is with Baoyue.

Mr. Gong was worried about the two disciples and would go with him, while Mrs. Gong was worried about Mr. Gong and would go with him.

In addition to the guards and entourage, there are more than 30 people in this team, Xi'er really has to follow, the old ones, the young ones, not to mention the robbers, just talking about the body, there must be a doctor who understands people accompanying.

In the early morning, before dawn, a car lined up on the official road, and the guards rode horses, wandering around the caravan.

Xi'er helped Mrs. Luo into the carriage, and she and Baoyue got into another carriage.

Everyone has made sufficient preparations for this trip. The carriages are all custom-made, and the inside is spacious and comfortable.

We were going to leave the next day, and we were very excited the day before, and no one had a good night's sleep, so as soon as we got into the carriage and swayed around, some people who couldn't bear it all fell asleep after a while.

Xi'er was reclining on the bed with her eyes closed, Bao Yue was also dozing off sleepily, when the car door curtain was raised, Xiao Jinnian got in.

Immediately, the sleepiness of the two of them disappeared, "Why did you come into my car?"

"Auntie, come, drink tea. This is the milk tea I brewed in the morning. Drink some of this and you won't be sleepy. It's still hot."

Bao Yue hurriedly took out a teacup from under the chair, Xiao Jinnian took out a large spoon from it and poured it into the cup, Xi'er took it impatiently and began to drink.

"You have endured so much, why don't you give some to others?"

"I delivered them all, and finally came to your car."

"It's almost there."

Xiao Jinnian sat down next to Xi'er, Baoyue poured him a glass too, then closed the lid of the jar, then closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep.

The early morning in March in Yangchun is still very cold, and there are charcoal basins in the cars of elderly people.

Xi'er and Baoyue are both martial arts practitioners, so no charcoal basin was placed, Xiao Jinnian gently touched her hand with his hand.


"Didn't you touch it?"

Jin Nian blushed, "I'm worried that Auntie will be cold"

"People who practice martial arts can't stand the cold, so it's okay?"

"Are you hungry?"

"I've brought food with me, I'll eat when I'm hungry."

"Then drink some milk tea first, and when you arrive in the town, eat something warm."

Baoyue pretended to be sleeping on the side, and almost couldn't hold back her laughter. The young master of the Xiao family was really interesting, and he had nothing to say to the young lady.

Xi'er glanced at him, "Go back to your car, it's a long journey, and it will take more than 20 days to get to the capital, don't you read books?"

"Well, I want to discuss it with my aunt."

"There is no need to discuss it. Go back to your car and read a book in peace, or go to Mr. Gong's car and ask him for more advice."

"I just want to."

"I can't think about anything, go back to your car, right away!"

Just like this, Xiao Jinnian was kicked out of the carriage by Xi'er. As soon as he left, Baoyue burst out laughing.

"Miss, Master Xiao just wants to stay in the same car with you for a while."

Xi'er glanced at her, "What do you know, at this juncture, he needs to read more."

"I shouldn't be with you by mistake while reading a book."

"Are you looking for a fight?"

"Hee hee, Miss, now everyone in the town knows that Young Master Xiao likes you and is pursuing you."

"I'm not in the mood to play with him. When I come back from the capital, I will retreat."

"Miss, don't always retreat, life is beautiful, you spend all your time in retreat, what a pity."

Seeing Baoyue's serious face, Xi'er burst out laughing,

"Life is beautiful, how can you tell me how beautiful life is?"

"Miss, life is really beautiful. Don't talk about the beautiful scenery of the great rivers and mountains, don't talk about the simple folk customs, don't talk about the changing seasons throughout the year, just talk about this person's growth, it feels like weaving a A dream, there are good dreams, there are bad dreams, no matter what kind of dream you have, the process is like reading a storybook, like listening to a book, it’s so wonderful.”

"Haha, I didn't expect my Baoyue to love life so much?"

"That's right, miss, you don't know how happy and contented they will be in the eyes of the poor when there is a little change in life."

"how about you?"

"Miss, this servant only envies mandarin ducks and not immortals."

"But what about a handsome man who knows people, knows his face, but doesn't know his heart?"

"Then enjoy the present, let's talk about it when the wind and rain come."

"You, this is talking on paper."

"Miss, you can't see through feelings and hearts, so just enjoy them. Let's talk about it at that time. Aren't ordinary people like this?"

Xi'er smiled, stretched out her hand to open the curtain, and stared outside in a daze.

Bao Yue asked cautiously, "Miss, did the servant say something wrong?"

"No, what you said is very good. That's why I said that women are emotional creatures. When they meet a man they like, they often love desperately, but in the end they hurt the other person the most. This is the most vivid embodiment of love. At the beginning, I was afraid that Ji Kang was just an confession to my mother, and I was just making do with it."

"Miss, Master Xiao is quite a nice person, think about it, he doesn't have the shortcomings of Ji Kang."

"Don't mention him again in the future,"

"Oh, anyway, miss, you can't just shut out a good time just because you failed once. You still have a long life to live. Find a man who loves you and you love, and love each other for the rest of your life. Be cute again. Watching them grow up little by little, this kind of achievement is much higher than your closed-door practice.”

Xi'er turned her head and looked at Baoyue's small mouth as she spoke, the corners of her lips curled up.

"Well, if it's true what you said, then I'll think about it for your miss."

"Really, that's great, I'm waiting to bring a baby to Miss."

"Yo, what you said is so good, why don't you want to find a good man to marry?"

"I don't want to marry. I'm going to marry. How can I find such a good young lady? Miss, you are the heaven and the land of slaves. If you leave Miss, I find that I can't live."

"Haha, you have such a small mouth,"

(End of this chapter)

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