Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 483 I promise now, is it too late?

Chapter 483 I promise now, is it too late?
Zheng Ye was still sitting in the corner, staring at the fairy-like little woman on the DJ stage, with a faint smile on his face unconsciously.

He likes Shengying's many facets, its freshness and refinement at ordinary times, its coquettish charm at night, and its heroic demeanor when riding a motorcycle.

I really like it, so I can't bear it.

"Brother Ye, do you want to prepare some food for Aying?" Aji brought Zheng Ye's wine over, bowed his head and asked in his ear.

"No need, I'll take her to supper later."

Zheng Ye looked at his watch while talking, it was almost eleven o'clock.

In the past, this time was the beginning of his day, and for the next whole night, he was like a ghost in the dark night, guarding his angel.

It's different now. Seeing this time, I feel that it's too late. Sheng Ying should have a rest.

When the music stopped, Sheng Ying walked off the stage, went to the backstage to change clothes, and then came to Zheng Ye's table.

"Brother, shall we go for a walk?"

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I don't have any particular place I want to go, I just wander around."

Zheng Ye asked Ah Ji to pack up the wine again, and left the bar one after the other with Sheng Ying.

It didn't snow tonight, but the wind was blowing, which was particularly biting.

Sheng Ying wore a fleece cap and buttoned the down jacket, but she still felt cold, maybe because she was cold inside.

Because when she thought of Zheng Ye's going on a road of no return, her heart trembled and her spine felt chills.

"Girl, is it cold?" Zheng Ye took off the scarf and wrapped it around Sheng Ying, then took her hand and let out a breath, "If it's cold, find a place to sit, are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry, I just want to walk with you."

With the cold wind blowing, my mind is clear and I can say what I want to say.

After walking silently for a long time, Sheng Ying whispered, "Brother!"

"Just say something, don't be bored in your heart, I think you have been holding back all night, right? You were preoccupied before you came on stage."

Sheng Ying looked up at Zheng Ye, the light of the street lamp was very dim, and under the coercion of the light, his evil spirit became stronger.

Even though his eyes were full of gentleness, the hostility on his body couldn't be suppressed, as if his body was always covered in gunpowder smoke.

Sheng Ying asked him: "Brother, you will be 28 after the new year, right?"

Zheng Ye smiled: "So is the gift you gave me ready?"

"Of course, I prepare presents for every birthday you have. If you want more presents, you have to live longer than me."

Zheng Ye's expression froze, and he said with a smile: "Silly girl, I am several years older than you, how can I live longer than you?"

"But if you leave before me, I will be very painful, as if the light in my heart is gone, and there will be no direction."

In fact, Zheng Ye heard that there was something in Sheng Ying's words, and he didn't make any response, and there was no way to respond.

He never said that kind of unrealistic thing, if you can do it, say it, if you can't, then don't say it.

"Brother, why don't you promise me?"

Sheng Ying suddenly turned her head and looked at Zheng Ye solemnly. He was startled, and made a conscious effort to recognize that he didn't dare to look directly into her eyes at first.

Immediately, he turned his head again and patted her on the head lightly: "Silly girl, what are you talking about, we are still so young."

"I just like to listen to other people's promises. I think it's a kind of contract, and I will try my best to keep it."

"Is it because of this contract that you fell in love with Ling Chengzhi?"

"Yeah, he said he would collect all the Barbie figures and use them as a dowry to marry me. I felt so romantic at the time."

So, am I losing because I didn't promise?Zheng Ye was a little dazed.

He asked Sheng Ying: "Then I promise now, is there still time?"

(End of this chapter)

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