Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 484 Take Care Of My Business

Chapter 484 Take Care Of My Business

After all, Zheng Ye didn't promise anything. After walking Sheng Ying to the apartment, he returned to the office of the night show and called all the monsters into the office.

"Has any of you mentioned anything to the girl?" He asked.

The four looked confused: "I didn't mention it, no one saw it."

"That's weird. She said a lot of things with hints and hints to me today, as if she knew something."

Ah Chi was thoughtful: "Could it be that Ling Chengzhi said it?"

"How could he know about us? Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't tell the girl."

A Mei said: "Brother Ye, Ling Chengzhi's Chen Yu is not an ordinary person. I heard that there are dragons and crouching tigers in his company's technical department. It's easy to check something."

"I guess, could it be because Ta Wen gave A Ying a pistol, and then he went to check on Ta Wen, and found us by following the clues?"

"Is it?"

Zheng Ye's eyes sank, and the tip of his tongue pressed against the back of his teeth, so his face became a little fierce.

After a while, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Ling Chengzhi directly, the other end of the phone answered almost instantly, as if he guessed that he was going to make a call.

"Ling Chengzhi, did you tell the girl something inexplicable?" Zheng Ye asked directly, without any transition.

"It's not inexplicable. It's about my brother-in-law's life. I'll let her be mentally prepared. If you die young that day, she won't be so sad. "

Facing Zheng Ye, Ling Chengzhi's words were not so gentle, and he was very heartbroken when he was holding a gun with a stick.

But Zheng Ye didn't take it seriously. In the world he was in, he had heard anything that hurt his heart, so it wasn't surprising.

He asked Ling Chengzhi, "Did you find someone to investigate me?"

"To be precise, it was Tavin, because I didn't understand the guy's behavior of sending the gun. However, I don't understand you more now. I want to know one thing, you about the voodoo in Ah Ying. Do you know?"

Zheng Ye was furious: "What the hell do you mean?"

"It means literally, I suspect that you are not so sincere to her, at least, not as sincere as you think."

"You fart, the girl is the most important person in my life, what else can I do to her?"

"Really?" Ling Chengzhi let out a sneer of disdain, "Then why are you so agitated, as if trying to cover it up?"


Zheng Ye was so angry with Ling Chengzhi that he couldn't speak. He was not good at words, and he didn't know what to say at this time.

Ling Chengzhi said again: "Zheng Ye, I only have one sentence for you: I will not stop you from seeking death, but if you drag my wife, I will definitely make your life worse than death."

"Your wife, hehe, are you worthy? Besides bringing your Ling family's grievances to her, what else have you given her?"

Ling Chengzhi never expected that Zheng Ye would pierce his heart.

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he really didn't give Sheng Ying anything, not even the wedding.

On the other end of the phone, Zheng Ye suddenly seemed to have found the function of organizing language, and suddenly became eccentric.

"Oh, by the way, weren't you still arguing about divorcing the girl a while ago, were you playing tricks on her? Are you going to say again, if I didn't get in the way, you and Linglong wouldn't have such a mess? But why don't you think about it? , Why can a mere little bug make you betray the wife you always say you love? After all, it’s not enough love. "

Ling Chengzhi couldn't help but swear: "You fucking fart!"

"Then just treat me as a fart, and don't need to be emotional. Also, take care of my affairs and watch the girl more closely, otherwise she will become my woman."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Ye hung up the phone without waiting for Ling Chengzhi to respond.

Raising his head, all the demons and ghosts looked at him quietly: "Brother Ye, I never thought you could be quite eloquent sometimes."

"Stress reaction!"

(End of this chapter)

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