Chapter 486 Break up
Ling Chengzhi and Sheng Ying broke up unhappy!

Originally, I came to see her with breakfast, and talk about Caiguo by the way.But he was totally overwhelmed by the suspicion in her eyes, even if it was fleeting.

Trust this thing, any doubt will hurt.

Especially when Sheng Ying compared him with Zheng Ye, the anger in his heart "swished" all of a sudden.

If he didn't leave, he would start arguing if he couldn't keep up with her.

Ling Chengzhi didn't know where to go, and was annoyed, so he drove around in a car, and unknowingly came to the downstairs of Qin Zhexi's bar.

After hesitating for a long time, Ling Chengzhi went straight upstairs.

There are few people in the bar at this moment, only the waiters are busy cleaning.

Qin Zhexi was sitting at the bar playing tarot cards, and when he saw Ling Chengzhi go in, he made a move: "I was thinking of doing the math for you."

"Is this thing credible?"

"Nonsense, of course believable, I play very well!"

Qin Zhexi called the waiter to bring Ling Chengzhi a bottle of good wine, played a few tricks with the Tarot cards, and started counting.

"Stop playing, have a drink with me." Ling Chengzhi drank half of the glass in one gulp, feeling unsatisfied and went for another glass.

Qin Zhexi looked at him thoughtfully: "What happened to you, you came to my place early in the morning to have fun."

"It's okay. It's just annoying."

"You can pull it out, what else can we brothers not talk about, could it be because of Sheng Ying's matter?"

Ling Chengzhi's face sank like water: "Why do you say that?"

"There are rumors in the bar across the street that she and Zheng Ye are going to get married. Hey, what's the matter with you? Are you married? Could it be that someone pried into the corner of the wall?"

"The relationship between me and Ah Ying can be obtained by prying the corner of the wall?" He gave Qin Zhexi a cold look, "Zheng Ye is nothing."

Qin Zhexi smiled: "If you really treat him as a fart, you won't be so depressed. After all, he is a big boss in the underground circle, and Shen Yifeng is the second, not an ordinary person."

It is true that he is not an ordinary person. Speaking of it, he is the boss of Southeast Asia.

Ling Chengzhi didn't want to discuss Zheng Ye with Qin Zhexi, he didn't keep the door open, it would be bad if he said something that would burn him.

But he is very afraid of Zheng Ye, because he is Sheng Ying's Bai Yueguang, and he is incomparable.

Qin Zhexi wanted to make Ling Chengzhi happy, so he called super female anchors from several platforms to accompany him for drinks, chatting and playing.

Although Ling Chengzhi seldom shows up in the media, his face is really unforgettable, so these female anchors all know him.

They were so enthusiastic, they all wanted to show their presence in front of Ling Chengzhi.

Ling Chengzhi didn't reject their enthusiasm, nor did he cater to them, he just sat there and drank silently, one glass after another, bottle after bottle.

When there are female anchors toasting, he will also play tricks on the spot.

Seeing that he was almost drunk, Qin Zhexi stuck to his ear and said, "Chengzhi, do you want to call one home? These few kung fu are beyond Naiss."

"Have you tried?"

"Hey, I came out to play, why don't I just play around? I haven't touched that one before." He nuzzled at the female anchor on Ling Chengzhi's right, "Her name is Shi Lan."

"Not interested in!"

Qin Zhexi joked, "Cheng Zhi, living in the moment will not be so depressed. Feelings are not something we can afford."

Yes, I can't afford it!

Zheng Ye said that during the time he and Sheng Ying were together, he had nothing but to bring her the wind and rain of the Ling family.

As if he was right.

House, car, wedding, nothing.

"What do you girls like to do when you are in love?" He asked the female anchor named Shi Lan beside him.

Shi Lan was flattered, and quickly said: "Mr. Ling, is this trying to please his girlfriend? Then you are asking the right person."


"Come on, let's add a WeChat account, and I'll tell you one trick after another. There are so many of them, and every trick is a surprise."

Ling Chengzhi: ...

(End of this chapter)

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