Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 487 The arrogant boss

Chapter 487 The arrogant boss


After Ling Chengzhi opened the door, in order to remind Sheng Ying that he had come in, the door was closed so hard that it trembled.

Sheng Ying was sleeping upstairs, and after getting angry with Ling Chengzhi, she was in no mood to go to Zheng Ye's side, and was going to sleep back in the cage.

But he couldn't sleep, holding his mobile phone to vibrate, Toutiao, Weibo, in fact, his mind was full of the words he argued with Ling Chengzhi.

She felt that she had gone too far, and even questioned whether Ling Chengzhi had killed anyone.

What can I do if I kill her?

Is she a denial, or is she a cover-up?
She seemed to suddenly understand why Ling Chengzhi asked her to leave Zheng Ye's affairs alone, because she really couldn't.

Hearing the sound of "bang" coming from downstairs, Sheng Ying's heart quietly relaxed, and her anxious mood seemed to be much better.

But when she saw Ling Chengzhi going upstairs reeking of alcohol, her face sank again: "Have you been drinking?"

"Yeah, just drink some if you're in a bad mood."

Ling Chengzhi walked to the bedside and looked at Sheng Ying, then threw himself on her body and buried his head in the quilt, "Honey, I'm drunk, I feel so uncomfortable!"

Sheng Ying looked at his flushed slap coldly, turned around and pointed her butt at him, without speaking or paying attention to him.

"You don't love me anymore!" Ling Chengzhi arched his head on the quilt, and then pulled Sheng Ying's body back, "You are so indifferent to me."

"Which eye of yours sees that I don't love you anymore?" Sheng Ying couldn't help retorting, although she did it occasionally, her heart remained unchanged.

Ling Chengzhi raised his head to look at Sheng Ying's angry face, leaned forward and kissed him: "You're still pissing me off, but you're pissing me off when I'm drunk!"

Sheng Ying: ...

Accustomed to Ling Chengzhi's all-time dominance, Sheng Ying was overwhelmed by his sudden arrogance.

Especially when he said aggrievedly, "You are still fierce, and I am drunk and you are still fierce", she was so sad.

Looking back on these days, he never talked about his kindness to her, even if he secretly took his heart and soul to save her.


Sheng Ying stood up, took off Ling Chengzhi's coat, got out of bed and poured a glass of warm water, and put a spoonful of honey in it.

Ling Chengzhi's head was resting on the quilt, but his eyes fell on Sheng Ying's body like X-rays, and the corners of his lips raised secretly.

Sure enough, Shi Lan's little love tricks are very effective, at least Sheng Ying takes it.

If he acted like a baby, she would have nothing to do.

Sheng Ying stared at Ling Chengzhi and drank the honey water, then asked, "Are you hungry? I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you."

Ling Chengzhi couldn't bear her to turn around like a spinning top, and hugged her hand: "I'm not hungry, my wife is beautiful and delicious, just one look will fill her up."

"Are you sick?" Sheng Ying blushed, but she didn't push Ling Chengzhi away, "But I'm hungry, I want to eat noodles."

"I'll call someone to deliver!"

Ling Chengzhi didn't let go of Sheng Ying's hand, and said softly, "Honey, can you move back? If you don't like the house in District [-], we'll buy another one. I feel sorry for being squeezed into such a small place." you."

"I'm fine living here."

The distance produces beauty, the most important thing is that she has not let go of the matter of Caiguo, although she has been destroyed and does not pose any threat.

"Then our wedding is also on the agenda? I always feel that a marriage is incomplete without a wedding."

Sheng Ying looked at him expressionlessly: "Aren't you drunk? Drunk words have no credibility, and you don't have to be responsible."

"I'm sober now, for real!"

(End of this chapter)

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