Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 488 Romantic Journey

Chapter 488 Romantic Journey
[Daily Love Tips - Playground! 】

Since Ling Chengzhi added Shi Lan's WeChat account, she would send a WeChat message almost every day with the title "Tips for Love".

Then the content of hundreds of words is eloquent, it may be an excerpt, it is particularly sensational, ambiguous...

[When you are sitting in the enclosed Ferris wheel, hugging the cute girl beside you who makes you fascinated, do you think you should do something here?
Yes, let go of your own heart, do it boldly, kiss her face, lips, and start your romantic journey...]

At first Ling Chengzhi would watch it, but later he set it to Do Not Disturb.

He didn't delete Shi Lan, just in case these little tricks come in handy in the future.

And, the Ferris wheel, he's a little on the verge of moving.

So on the day of Laba, Ling Chengzhi asked Zheng Ye to book the playground in advance, and then took Sheng Ying there at dawn.

Sheng Ying saw that there was no one in the entire playground except the staff, and she was very bored: "Ling Chengzhi, isn't it a bit immoral for you to be such a local tyrant?"


"You let me have no sense of expectation at all, such a big playground, just the two of us, don't you think it's too empty?"

"I don't think so, too many people are not enough to have fun, and it's not easy to do things."

Ling Chengzhi came here on the Ferris wheel today, and he dragged Sheng Ying and walked over. The romantic journey he was looking forward to was about to begin.

Climbing up and looking far away, the same is true on the Ferris wheel. Sitting here, you can see almost one-third of City A.

Of course, this is not important, what is important is what is about to be staged in the car.

Ling Chengzhi held Sheng Ying's hand tightly, recalling the contents of the little coup, looking at Sheng Ying's side face and wanted to steal a kiss.

At this moment, there was only a sound of "bang-dang" from the whole Ferris wheel, and it stopped turning.

The staff below were very anxious, and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Mr. Ling, Mrs. Ling, don't be afraid, it's just a simple fault, and we are dealing with it."

Sheng Ying looked at Ling Chengzhi's face that was as black as charcoal, and couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.


Once the wedding date is put on the agenda, the operation will be very fast.

The wedding date was finalized on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month. Ling Qiushui hired a famous master to calculate it. This day is particularly good.

Now that the old man has been forced to accept Sheng Ying, he no longer picks on her, and is ready to organize a wedding for his only son.

When she got the exact time of the wedding, Sheng Ying told Zheng Ye immediately: "Brother, Chengzhi and I are going to hold a wedding, and it will be on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month."

Zheng Ye was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then said insincerely: "Girl, bless you."

In fact, Sheng Ying could hear the insincere in his tone, but she pretended to be calm: "Thank you brother!"

Zheng Ye said again: "I will definitely go to the wedding on time."


In terms of time, the wedding was a bit rushed, because it is already the twelfth lunar month, and there is only half a month before and after.

However, there is no need to prepare a wedding dress, and the banquet can also be held directly at Liluo Villa. Although the time is tight, it is not too late.

What Ling Qiushui meant was to hold the wedding at Qiushui Villa, so that he would have some face, Ling Cheng knew that they could also move back.

But Ling Chengzhi chose Liluo Villa, because there were a lot of wintersweet flowers in full swing, and he wanted to hold the wedding ceremony in the flower garden.

Sheng Ying has no special expectations for the wedding, and she still can't let go of the scene of Ling Chengzhi holding a wedding in a dress and colorful fruits.

It didn't work out in the end, but...something happened and it was really hard to live with.

(End of this chapter)

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