Chapter 498
After returning to the villa, Zheng Ye went straight back to the bedroom and opened the safe in the hidden compartment on the side wall.

There is a blood diamond the size of a small egg in the safe, which has not been carved, so it has an irregular shape.

This was bought by him at an auction in Malaysia a long time ago, and it cost about [-] million U.S. dollars.

At that time, he thought that when Sheng Ying grew up, he would marry her, and the diamond would be used to make a decent set of jewelry for her.

It's just that he was imprisoned later, and then Sheng Ying fell in love with Ling Chengzhi. All the developments were not as Zheng Ye expected.

He never took out the blood diamond.

But it still has to be given to Sheng Ying, he plans to give it to her as a dowry, and there are still a lot of real estate, cars, etc., which he decided a long time ago.

It was originally a dowry gift, but now it has become a dowry. Zheng Ye's heart feels like someone stabbed him, and it hurts so much.

Originally, he wanted to fight Ling Chengzhi to the death, if Ta Wen didn't show up to destroy his plan.

He couldn't argue now, he didn't dare, for fear of hurting Sheng Ying.

"Brother Ye, have you rested yet?" Ah Qi shouted outside the door.

Zheng Ye put the diamond back into the safe, then got up and walked out, and saw Aji standing outside meaningfully.

"what's up?"

He blinked: "A Ying is downstairs."


Zheng Ye panicked, rushed to the bedroom, hurriedly changed into his home clothes, and messed up his hair before coming out.

He was still like a ghost just now, but now he lost his hostility and became lazy.

When he went downstairs, seeing Sheng Ying sitting on the sofa, Zheng Ye yawned deliberately: "Girl, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

Sheng Ying suddenly turned her head, and seeing Zheng Ye's sleepy face, she was relieved.

It seems that this matter has nothing to do with Zheng Ye.

"Brother, something big happened in World Trade City today—"

Sheng Ying repeated what happened, and said with lingering fear: "I thought that had something to do with you."

"Why do you think it has something to do with me?" Zheng Ye's face was displeased, he didn't want Sheng Ying to speculate about his affairs.

Sheng Ying looked at him thoughtfully for a long time, then leaned against him.

"Brother, did you do something illegal?"

Zheng Ye raised his eyebrows lightly: "If I do it, what are you going to do? Are you going to persuade me to surrender, or cover me up?"

He knew that Sheng Ying couldn't do both.

Sure enough, Sheng Ying was stopped by the question, and she stared at Zheng Ye dumbfounded, her lips pursed tightly.

"You are my brother. I don't want anything to happen to you. If... I lose you one day, I will be very painful."

It's enough for her to think so!

Zheng Ye smiled, and stretched out his hand to rub Sheng Ying's hair: "Fool, what else can I do? Although I mess around, I'm also a good citizen, okay?"


Sheng Ying believed it to be true, no, she was just willing to believe Zheng Ye, even if it was false, she was unwilling to question it.

Zheng Ye smiled and said, "It can't be too real."

Sheng Ying stretched out her finger: "Then you swear, you will always be fine."

"What a kid, you always ask me to swear. When you were with Ling Chengzhi, did you ask him to swear?"

"Yes, our ten-year agreement is his oath."

"Look at how cruel you are, and you are piercing my heart again!"

Zheng Ye glared at Sheng Ying feigning displeasure, and then took her hand, "Come on, let's go upstairs to show you something."


Sheng Ying was in a good mood, so she didn't plan to go back. She just stayed here for a day and left after Zheng Ye went to work in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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