Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 499 I turned the dowry into a dowry

Chapter 499 I turned the dowry into a dowry

Zheng Ye took Sheng Ying straight into his bedroom, opened the safe in the hidden compartment, and took out the bloody diamond from it.

"Hey, isn't it pretty?" He handed it to Sheng Ying as if offering a treasure.


Sheng Ying caught the blood diamond with both hands, her eyes widened, "Such a big diamond, it must be tens of carats?"

"More than 120 carats, just right for you to make a set of jewelry."

"This is for me?"

"Like it? You're welcome!"

Zheng Ye patted Sheng Ying's head affectionately, and took out two real estate certificates and a custom-made Ferrari sports car from the safe.

"Although you don't lack these things after you marry Ling Chengzhi, this is my wish. It was originally a dowry gift for you, but now it can only be used as a dowry. My girl must have ten miles of red makeup to be worthy of it. What else do you want? , tell brother, I will arrange everything for you."

"elder brother--"

Sheng Ying looked at the sad forced smile on Zheng Ye's face, her nose suddenly became sour, and she didn't know what to say.

She has been owing Zheng Ye for more than ten years, but she has not returned him anything, nor any affection.

He was willing to accept it, and she readily accepted it.

At this moment, she felt that she was wrong. From the very beginning, she should have told him clearly about her feelings for Zheng Ye.

"Brother, I—"

Sheng Ying's throat was choked so that the circles of her eyes were red, and then the tears rolled down, she really didn't know what to say to Zheng Ye.

"Look at you, you were moved to tears by me, right?"

Zheng Ye wiped Sheng Ying's face with his palm, and hugged her into his arms, "Okay, don't cry, this is what I should prepare for you, who made me your brother."

After a long time, Sheng Ying said sobbingly: "Brother, will you stay with me for the rest of your life?"

For a lifetime, what a luxury!
Zheng Ye nodded, and said insincerely: "Of course I will be with you for the rest of my life. Could it be that you don't want my brother anymore?"

"Brother, thank you!"


Sheng Ying's room was next to Zheng Ye's. After she went to sleep, Zheng Ye was tossing and turning on the bed.

Forcibly forcing myself to let go of that feeling, in fact, this kind of thing can't just let go, it is clearly killing him.

Forget it, going to another part of the world to accompany her is also a lifetime.

Zheng Ye stayed up until twilight without blinking his eyes, so he got up and went downstairs to find that the monster was not there.

He made a cup of coffee, sat on the sofa with a newspaper and read it. The headline was a full page about the World Trade City accident.

[Report from our newspaper: Several customers fainted inexplicably in the World Trade City last night, and it was verified that they were injected with a new type of contraband]

There were several pictures of the scene in the newspaper. Zheng Ye stared at it for a long time, and locked on a particularly familiar figure in the crowd.

He was stunned for a moment, and immediately took the picture and gave it to Ah Qi, and also called: "Is this the bodyguard next to An Qiao?"

"Yes, it's called Ah Zhou, the one who drove us the last time we left the Black Triangle."

"It was he who poisoned, it must be him."

Now Zheng Ye couldn't figure it out. It was Anqiao's people who poisoned, but Caiguo was the one who poisoned them. Who were they serving at the same time?

He and Ta Wen have worked together for many years, why use this method to frame him?
And, when did Anqiao's people infiltrate City A, and where did he get the formula for No. 2 potion?
He framed him, could it be that he wanted to replace him to expand the market in City A?

However, he has never sold this kind of thing in the country, and it is impossible for him to sell it in the country. What does Anqiao mean by doing this?
(End of this chapter)

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