Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 501 Is he dead?

Chapter 501 Is he dead?
After Ling Chengzhi's meeting was over, he went back to the office and saw that Sheng Ying had already fallen asleep on his boss chair.

It was so big that it shrank itself into a ball.

He walked over lightly, turned around the chair, and lowered his head to kiss her between the browbones.

Sheng Ying was in a light sleep and woke up suddenly.

Seeing Ling Chengzhi's so handsome face so close at hand, he was immediately fascinated, hooked his neck and kissed him long and passionately.

When they parted, Ling Chengzhi's eyes were on fire.

He couldn't help biting Sheng Ying's lips again, and said softly: "Honey, why don't we go to the studio to talk about things tomorrow."


"I just feel that we can continue with some things now, what do you think?"

"Damn, you perverted bastard, go away!"

Sheng Ying smiled and punched Ling Chengzhi, pushed him away and stood up, stretched his neck, subconsciously glanced at the documents on the table.

——Then below are the photos of An Qiao and Ah Zhou.

But she still didn't ask about An Qiao, since Ling Chengzhi didn't intend to tell her, then just pretend not to know.

They are going to hold a wedding soon, and their relationship has made a qualitative leap in the past few days, Sheng Ying doesn't want any bad things to affect this beauty.

Downstairs, Chen Yu had already driven the car over.

Just as Ling Chengzhi was about to get in the car, he received a call from Ling Qiushui. He called at this time, probably something happened.

"Honey, get in the car first, I'll answer the phone."

"Then hurry up, my appointment time is almost up, and the photo studio is also very busy."

Ling Chengzhi waved his hand, walked away, and got through the phone several meters away from the car: "Dad, what's the matter?"

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, before a very sad voice came: "Chengzhi, I heard... Chengcheng is dead?"


Ling Chengzhi's first reaction was that this was absolutely impossible, and his second reaction was that Ling Qiushui was still thinking about that bastard.

Even if he knew that he was Shen Yifeng's son, he would still be worried and sad.After all, it's not the same as the child I really loved.

At this moment, Ling Chengzhi's heart was as disgusted as if he had eaten a few pregnant flies.

So he said coldly: "So, what are you calling me for? Don't tell me that you still care about other people's sons."

"Chengzhi, Dad is really sorry for you, so he let you take over the Ling family's property..."

Ling Chengzhi interrupted him: "You made a mistake, you didn't give me the property of the Ling family, but I fought for it based on my ability. If you have the ability, just take it."

Ling Qiushui was speechless for a while, and then said after pondering for a moment: "I beg you, Dad, can you find a way to find out?"

"What if he dies?" Ling Chengzhi asked bluntly.

"Dead, then die."

Even through the phone screen, Ling Chengzhi could hear the sadness and sadness that Ling Qiushui couldn't hide.

It was like a knife stabbing hard in his heart.

He hung up the phone and looked at the sky for a long time, his face unconsciously became angry, and his eyes were sharp as if they had been poisoned.

But he didn't want Sheng Ying to see it, so he pressed it back.

When he turned his head, he saw Sheng Ying and Chen Yu standing in front of the car, looking at him with doubts and worries.

Sheng Ying hesitated and said: "Cheng Zhi, why don't we go to the studio tomorrow."

"I'm fine!" Ling Chengzhi rubbed his face vigorously, walked towards Sheng Ying, hugged her and hugged her vigorously, "I'm really fine."

Do you look okay like this?

Sheng Ying thought, but didn't expose him, turned around and got into the car again.

Chen Yu wanted to get in the car, but was stopped by Ling Chengzhi, and said to him softly, "Go and find out if Ling Chengxi is dead."

(End of this chapter)

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