Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 502 Irritability

Chapter 502 Irritability
Sheng Ying was talking about the whole wedding shooting process, Ling Chengzhi was a little absent-minded, and occasionally asked him a question, but the answer was irrelevant.

Ling Qiushui's words brought back the past that Ling Chengzhi tried to forget, and hatred also flooded out like a tide.

It turned out that he had never forgotten those things, they were all engraved in his heart with a knife, and blood dripped when he moved.

Even if Ling Qiushui has reached his twilight years and no longer has any prestige, he won't care as much about him as he does about Ling Chengxi.

Or, the reason why he compromised now was only because he was old.

Coming out of the photo studio, Sheng Ying's expression was a little unsightly: "Cheng Zhi, what is it that will affect your unwillingness to participate in wedding planning?"

"Sorry, I……"

"Don't tell me you're sorry, it's not my wedding. I'm going to the bar tonight, so you can do what you want."

After all, Sheng Ying didn't go to the parking lot, but went directly to the intersection, took a taxi and left.

Ling Chengzhi watched helplessly as the taxi went away, but he didn't chase after it. He was in such a bad mood that he didn't know what to say to Sheng Ying after chasing it.

After getting in the car, he went straight to Qiushui Villa, originally thinking of questioning Ling Qiushui.

When he was about to arrive at Qiushui Mountain Villa, he hesitated again. To question him was to cause trouble for himself, why?

Let's go and coax his wife, he thought.

So the car turned around and went to the Yinhe apartment, all the way at a fast speed.

While waiting for the traffic light, Ling Chengzhi suddenly saw that the guy named Ah Zhou was in the oncoming car.

There is also a co-pilot, An Qiao.

The car passed through the traffic lights quickly, turned around and headed west.

Ling Chengzhi didn't hesitate at all, and turned around to chase after him, holding on to the car in front, not afraid of being discovered.

After chasing for about four or five kilometers, the car in front slowly stopped on the side of the road.

An Qiao got out of the car and waited for Ling Chengzhi by the side of the road wearing sunglasses. When he saw his car stop slowly, he walked over quickly.

"Mr. Ling chased me all the way, didn't he want me to have your wedding wine earlier?"

"An Qiao, is that your bodyguard?" Ling Chengzhi pointed to A Zhou in the driver's cab, squinting at An Qiao with cold eyes.

Sudden disturbance in City A, even if it didn't target Sheng Ying, might implicate her, Ling Chengzhi was not too polite.

An Qiao smiled: "You know a lot."

"It was only after I got to know about it occasionally that I realized that he was responsible for the ten or so people in World Trade City. They are very skilled."

An Qiao didn't admit it: "You must have read it wrong, Ah Zhou just came from Myanmar today."

"Did I read it wrong, don't you know it in your heart?"

Ling Chengzhi also opened the door and got out of the car, and walked up to An Qiao with his trouser pockets slanted. He was taller than him, standing so close on purpose, which seemed to be provocative.

An Qiao took two steps back, and looked at Ling Chengzhi with a half-smile: "I really don't know, why don't you ask Mr. Ling to clarify?"

"An Qiao, Ah Ying sincerely invited you to the wedding banquet. If you want to use our wedding to make trouble, I will never let you go. No matter how powerful you are as the leader of the drug lord, I will never let you go you."

Ling Chengzhi looked at An Qiao with anger and hostility in his eyes.

An Qiao shrugged his shoulders: "Mr. Ling is too much of an underdog. I also sincerely come to drink the wedding wine. I have prepared all the gifts."

As he spoke, he walked to the side of the car and kicked the trunk, the rear cover slowly opened, and inside was a bouquet of delicate blue roses.

Ling Cheng knew what An Qiao meant, so he looked at him coldly.

An Qiao put down the rear car cover again, and smiled at Ling Chengzhi: "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first, goodbye!"

Immediately, he got into the car and drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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