I can't be an NPC

Chapter 107 Begin to Perfect

Chapter 107 Beginning to Improve (Sixth Update)

Who said the village was going to be saved?
Li Wen looked at the back of the other party in a daze.

Don't you know what you are capable of?
This village is probably already occupied by snake people. Apart from going back and telling Helen to let her lead someone out, what can I do...

It doesn't seem to be a snake man.

Thinking of one of the messages in his heart, Li Wen froze for a moment, then turned it out again.

The guys who took over this village... seem to be a group of tentacle monsters.

After clicking on the link in the voice of the heart, a group of upright humanoid creatures appeared in front of Li Wen's eyes.

Wearing a dark robe of unknown material, the body is tightly hidden under the robe.

The two scarlet eyes exuded a strange red light, looking at the crawling human in front of him, a circle of visible ripples of spiritual light rippled, establishing a wonderful connection between the two.

On the whole, the creatures called tentacle monsters by the green dragon are almost no different from humans.

The most noticeable thing is that where the original human chin and neck connect, it is not a beard... but dense tentacles.

Whether it is talking or doing things, those tentacles are rubbing and wriggling, making a weird "呵呵" sound.

Facing some kind of mind control of this humanoid creature, the villagers prostrate on the ground began to tremble violently, and some kind of completely idealistic power even directly showed substantial physical changes on his body.

Amidst the screams of pain, the originally thin villager's body began to grow extremely rapidly, and purple blood vessels burst out of the skin surface like a winding snake.

At the end of this memory, one of the "tentacle monsters" seemed to have noticed the gaze of the green dragon, and a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly looked over.

When the screen went dark, Li Wen came back to his senses.

No wonder a top creature in the Gaia Continent like Green Dragon keeps secrets about this small village.

Green Dragon's inner voice recalled not only the scenes at that time, but also some of his own feelings.

The sense of urgency that made his heart beat faster the moment he was discovered by the other party was also transmitted to Li Wen.

The creatures seen only from the memory of the green dragon seemed to be full of oppression.

Not those snake people.

Li Wen frowned and thought for a moment, then realized... none of his business?

What does the intruder that green dragons are unwilling to provoke easily have anything to do with a little mage of level 8 like me?
Slip away, wait for me to go back and shake people, let others deal with you!

"I'm leaving first."

Now that he got what he wanted, Li Wen couldn't wait to go back and develop new things.

I don't know what kind of results can be achieved between the newly acquired knowledge and the existing imperfect arcane knight profession.

It's best if it's not so supermodel, and it can spread on a large scale, otherwise it will have to be banned.

Hmm... and that on the banks of the Seine, I don't know what surprises he has.

"Come on, look at the panel."


[? ? ? (Voice): Why does this spell look so familiar?Will be in?Find the enemy? 】

[? ? ? (voice): Impossible!Absolutely impossible! 】

[? ? ? (Voice): But it's so weak~ It only has this level of lethality when using the fourth-ring magic bit, and my evaluation is that the kobolds don't even use it. 】

[? ? ? (Voice): It seems that you can't break through the five rings and release it?Is it restricted by Misuo (click to view the key details)?Maybe after the breakthrough, it will be worth seeing... Wait!none of my business?I can't see anything, forget it, I don't want this place anymore. 】



Or what secret key?
Another new thing.

Big bang is a big hit.

Li Wen said hello happily.

"I'm leaving too."

"Then what do we do?"

The four of them looked at Li Wen eagerly, like a big grudge.

"What happen to you guys?"

Players, where will be restricted by the game.

For them, it is estimated that it is a special event or copy.

They have their own way of playing, so why worry about it?

The four voices came out almost at the same time, which made Li Wen feel dizzy.

So he casually clicked on someone, "You talk first."

Miss Ranger quickly said: "Our mission has failed."

Do not recognize people across the river?
As expected of a green dragon, it's reasonable.

Li Wen nodded, "As expected."

If the task is lost, it is lost, and it is not a loss, and it is not a task that I sent them.

Afterwards, Ah Zhi also had a mournful face.

"We can't leave this area anymore, either it will be completely wiped out; or our contribution points will accumulate enough to gradually expand the scope of action."

The so-called contribution points are actually equivalent to a certain degree of trust.

Those tentacle monsters can't actually control the players' thinking, so they have these restrictions transformed by the law, which is quite reasonable.

It's just reasonable and reasonable, a person with such a lively nature obviously cannot accept being trapped here for a long time.

Li Wen frowned, as if trying to help them think of a solution.

Then he clapped his hands and said, "Then I have to go back and find helpers."

Whether it's shaking players or shaking aborigines, you have to go back first.

Seeing Ah Zhi pouted and looking sullen, Li Wen pondered for a while.

"Go back first, I will find a way for you."

The way... What can he do, but he is thinking of exchanging the mission rewards.

The task released by Li Wen is a task that can be completed for a long time and settled step by step.

Now that I have acquired fresh knowledge, it's better to try to give it to them on the spot, and teach what can be taught.

The rest depends on their own good fortune.

Out of awe of those tentacle monsters, Li Wen opened a Leomont hut after he was far away from the village.

Sitting in it, Li Wen eagerly absorbed the valuable properties from the giant dragon's huge knowledge base from the battle records in his mind.

Any innovation is built on the basis of familiarity.


General Quansheng and Miss Ranger who were squatting outside started pulling weeds leisurely.

Pulled out and planted, planted and pulled out again.

The things here seem to have little to do with them. If they lose the mission, they will lose it. In fact, they have nothing to lose. They can continue with their game career, leveling, fighting monsters and exploring... whatever, there is no need to wait here.

However, Ah Zhi is a good sister, and a good sister is trapped, so of course Miss You Xia can't escape by herself.

As for General Victory... Bobby is his father!If you don't guard your father, who will you guard?
Judging from his many years of experience in plot parties, there must be a big plot or dungeon happening here.

What could be more exciting in a game than being the first witness to a major event?

Until Huo Huo walked out of a circle of loving grass, and the sun also set from the horizon, Li Wen still couldn't see Li Wen coming out of his hiding place.

But in the village at the bottom of the valley, white light suddenly began to flash.

Accompanied by the flickering white light, there was a faint sound of beating coming with the night wind.

Miss Ranger squinted at the white light flickering in the village from time to time, "What happened?"

General Quansheng stood up with a whoosh, and his intuition told him that there had been a major development in this incident.

Mr. Bobby's retreat may not just wait for the passage of time, but requires some kind of change, or the submission of information based on a certain process change, in order to make the next step.

Just like those previous games, some NPCs said to come back tomorrow, but if the players didn't complete a certain prerequisite task, even if they waited for a hundred days, it would be useless to find that NPC.

It might be the same now.

"Go and see."


The two quietly approached the village, only to find that the village was lively and brightly lit.

The fierce shouts of killing and the clash of weapons spread far away in the night.

After carefully running in the shadows for a long time following the central point of the sound source, the two saw the core figure of the battle from a suitable angle.

A girl with gray-brown ponytail in silver-white armor and holding a long sword was alone in the siege of a group of tall and strong figures in black leather clothes holding heavy hammers.

At the same time, Ah Zhi and the banks of the Seine River were also in the besieging team.

Zhang Quansheng's eyes widened.

That's...Two-dimensional wife!

 The sixth update is about 17000 words, I tried my best~
  It's a long stream...

  In addition, brothers, please give me some monthly tickets so that I can draw a prize when the monthly pass reaches 1000. I haven’t drawn a prize yet.
(End of this chapter)

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