I can't be an NPC

Chapter 108 New features, perfect occupation

Chapter 108 New features, perfect occupation
Li Wen stretched his waist. The long hours of studying and trying to create characteristics made him physically and mentally exhausted.

But anyway, the result is good.

The giant dragon deserves to be one of the most powerful races on the Gaia continent.

Their strength lies not only in their innate talents, but also in the knowledge they have acquired through their long lives.

With 20 points of human peak magic power, and the green dragon's own understanding and control of those knowledge, Li Wen mastered several contents mentioned in his heart at an incredible speed.

And the knowledge and insights of a giant dragon make every opinion seem feasible. From the beginning of the attempt, the progress bar shows an astonishing completion rate.

It saved a lot of soul energy for Li Wen.

A total of five brand new features actually only cost Li Wen 21 soul energy.

[In order to respond to the new features, sub-class fighters/arcane knights have actively responded, and the adaptation rate is 99.8%. 】

[Do you want to embed the new features into the warrior/arcane knight sub-class? 】

Without any hesitation, Li Wen came here to perfect this sub-job.

Trait—Sword Come: At level 3, you learn a ritual that allows you to establish a magical bond with your weapon. The ritual takes one hour and can be performed during a rest period. During the process, the weapon must be within your reach Within the range, you have to touch the weapon to complete the bond until the end of the ceremony. After establishment, as long as you are not in a disabled state, you will not be disarmed when using the bonded weapon. If the bonded weapon is on the same plane as you, then You can summon it back to your hand at any time.

You can have at most two linked weapons, but only one weapon can be summoned in one action. If you try to link with a third weapon, you must unlink with the already linked weapon.

Ability—War Magic: Starting at 7th level, whenever you cast a cantrip, you can immediately launch a weapon attack.

Trait - Arcane Strike: At level 10, you learn how to use weapon attacks to weaken the enemy's resistance to your spells. When your weapon attack hits the enemy, within 6 seconds, the creature will resist your next spell. has disadvantage on saving throws and is more vulnerable to the effects of your spells.

Trait—Arcane Charge: At 15th level, you can teleport up to a distance of 30 feet when using the action tide.The teleport destination must be an unoccupied space that you can see.

Trait—Mastered War Magic: Beginning at 18th level, whenever you cast a spell, you can immediately make a weapon attack.


In fact, every profession is like this. At a certain level, it will often usher in a huge leap in strength due to the acquisition of new characteristics.

In addition to the spell slots that are naturally improved by upgrading, add these characteristics and this class is not complete.

Now, the thoroughly perfected arcane knight has finally become a sub-class that can be compared with the other two development directions of fighters.

When facing that giant dragon again, Ah Zhi probably wouldn't be disarmed immediately.

Spells such as Mage's Hand and Lost Step can be replaced with other more useful spells.

You don't even need to bring a weapon when you go out, just throw it away and recall it when needed.

More importantly, there is a perfect linkage between spellcasting and weapon attack, so that the warrior profession and spellcasting ability can truly cooperate.

These are the advantages and characteristics that a warrior profession that can cast spells should have!

Now you can go to Ah Zhi to complete her career.

As for the others...

The only thing that might be of any use to them is the key to the so-called Myth of Icathian Thunderstorms.

But... This kind of thing that seems to be applied to spells above the fifth ring, even if you have a glimpse of it in the dragon's knowledge, without the specific application of the actual case, Li Wen can't fully understand it.

In other words, it was difficult for Li Wen to apply this knowledge to his self-created spells before he really learned and mastered the six-ring spells.

So the rewards for other people can only be owed first~
The dim light in the environment of Leomon's hut was removed, and the bright sky outside shone in.

Another day.

Li Wen knew that he had released Leo Meng's hut three times.

After waiting for a whole day, I don't know if the four players will be in a hurry.

As soon as he stepped out of the hut, Li Wen heard a voice of surprise not far away.



General Quansheng and Miss Ranger hurried up from their hiding places.

"You can figure it out, something big happened last night when you were retreating!"

After the general was completely defeated, Miss Ranger also explained the reason in one breath.

"We saw that the head of the Radiant Knights—Miss Qin, broke into the village alone and tried to save those villagers!"

Hearing this, Li Wen fell into deep thought.

It's her again?
Why does this upright lady pastor always like to act alone? Doesn't she have a well-equipped and powerful knight team?
"The results of it?"

"A group of black-clothed warriors holding heavy hammers is her worst enemy, and all the villagers are besieging her alone. It seems that she doesn't want to cause mass killings and is outnumbered. She can only leave with minor injuries."

"Azhi and the others?"

"She was also involved in the fighting."

Li Wen rubbed his fingers and walked towards the village.

"Bring them out."

I don't know what the pastor lady was thinking when she was fighting against the abnormal situation in this village.

Maybe you can use this to get more information, and you can provide more detailed information when you go back to shake people.

Li Wen met Ah Zhi and the Seine River alone.

From the Green Dragon's initial insights, it can be known that he has no hostility towards the strange forces in the village, so even if Ah Zhi and the others see themselves, they don't need to attack.

"This is your career follow-up development route."

The first time they met, Li Wen smiled and passed the completed Arcane Knight to Ah Zhi.


The bank of the Seine stared at Li Wen eagerly, with a shy face, "Actually, I can also..."

"No! Climb!"

While perfecting his path, Li Wen glanced at the battle records of the two.

Sure enough, the lady pastor was also thinking about these strange guys who occupied the village during the battle.

[Jin* Feldren (voice of heart): It's this kind of evil psychic ability again!Is this psychic power (click to view the details of the ability)? 】


[Jin * Feldren (voice): These... aren't snake people?Tracking wrong?But the evil forces surging from them seem to be exactly the same. 】


[Jin* Feldren (voice of the heart): It's always like this... always like this... Even if my blade can easily split their bodies, I can't cut off their spiritual links. 】


[Qin * Feldren (voice of heart): I can't hurt them, they are just innocent sufferers. 】


[Qin* Feldren (voice of heart): The great God of Light, the great Son of the Sun—Your Majesty Apollo, if you can hear my request, then please drive your chariot down from the sky, come down Purify the evil holy flame and wipe out the evil for this world! 】


[Qin* Feldren (voice of heart): Sure enough, you still haven't responded to my call... In this world, not only those undead creatures are your enemies! 】


[Qin * Feldren (voice): Not enough!not enough!not enough!Priests (click to view the job details) are not capable at all. I can save their bodies, but I can't save their souls! 】


[Qin * Feldren (voice of heart): Their souls are being tortured, I need the ability to redeem everyone! 】


[Jin * Feldren (voice): They can use this ability, why can't I? 】


[Jin* Feldren (voice of heart): Since the gods cannot save these sufferings in the world, then... I will do it! 】

At this moment, Li Wen seemed to see the scene last night through the voice of his heart——

The flames danced recklessly, and in the center of the chaotic crowd, the girl with brown ponytail clenched the long sword in her hand, her eyes reflecting the flames burst out with unprecedented firmness.

(End of this chapter)

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